Config.NotificationsText = { -- Notifications texts
['success_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功取消订单", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['fail_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "取消订单失败", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['cant_access'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您没有权限访问该商店", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['no_license'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您没有购买该车辆的许可证", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['all_occupied'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "所有车辆入口已满", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['failed_to_load'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "无法加载车辆", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['bus_no_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "该企业没有足够的资金", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['success_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您已成功以${price}€出售 ${vehicle_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['not_in_correct_v'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您未在正确的车辆上", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['dont_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "车辆商店不购买此车辆", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_your_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您不拥有此车辆", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_in_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您需要在车辆上", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_admin'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您没有权限访问管理菜单", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['inside_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您不能在车辆内访问车辆商店", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['load_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "正在加载车辆,请稍候", time = 3000, type = "info"},
['stop_testdrive'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "结束试驾", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['not_testdriving'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您未在试驾中", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['fill_fields'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "请输入内容", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['already_accepted'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您已接受一个订单,请在接受另一个订单之前完成它", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_selected_hire'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "未选择任何人", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['ordered_success'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您成功购买了x${amount} ${vehicle_name}广告!", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['some_wrong'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功存款${amount}€"!", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功取款${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_money_s'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "以${vehiclePrice}€购买 ${vehicle_name}, time = 5000, type = "error"},
['accepted_order'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功将${shop_name}的资金更改为${money}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['someone_accepted'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Someone has already accepted this order", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['finished_order'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully finished the order and received ${reward}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['no_ads_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have any ads to cancel", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['veh_not_available'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This vehicle isn't available", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['price_not_valid'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This is not a valid price", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['employee_not_exist'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This employee does not exist", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_to_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have enough vehicles to sell", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['got_hired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You got hired by ${shop_name}", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['got_fired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You got fired by ${shop_name}", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['success_hired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully hired ${hired_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['success_fired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully fired ${fired_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['success_added_ad'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您成功购买了x${amount} ${vehicle_name}广告", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['deposited'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功存款${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['withdrawn'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = ""成功取款${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['bought_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "以${vehiclePrice}€购买 ${vehicle_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功将${shop_name}的资金更改为${money}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_info'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功更改${vehicle_name}信息", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['remove_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功移除${vehicle_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['created_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功创建${vehicle_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['cancel_ads'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "取消x${amount} ${vehicle_name}广告", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['updated_price'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "将${vehicle_name}的价格更新为${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_rank'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name}现在是${job}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['already_rank'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name}已经是${job}", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['already_employee'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name}已经是您的员工", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['max_shops'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您无法购买更多的经销店", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['got_to_truck'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "去到您小地图标记的订单地点", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['not_towing'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您需要更靠近订购的车辆", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['towed'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您成功拖走了订购的车辆", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['sold_business'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "成功以${amount}€出售 ${shop}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['leave_business'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您成功离开了${shop}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['min_max_price'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "最低价格需要低于最高价格", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['owner_changed'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${owner}现在是${shop}的所有者", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['max_employees'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "您只能雇佣${employees}名员工", time = 5000, type = "error"},