["alwaysshop1"] = { -- TYPE of the vehicle shop
{display = "COMMERCIALS", id = "commercials"},
{display = "SUPERCARS", id = "supercars"},
{display = "COMPACTS", id = "compacts"},
{display = "COUPES", id = "coupes"},
{display = "MOTORCYCLES", id = "motorcycles"},
["air"] = {
{display = "BIG", id = "big"},
{display = "MEDIUM", id = "medium"},
{display = "SMALL", id = "small"},
["water"] = {
{display = "BOATS", id = "boats"},
{display = "SUBMARINE", id = "submarine"},
Config.UseColorID = true -- Will set the vehicle color based on the color ID: https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Vehicle_Colors
Config.colors = { -- The vehicle colors, this will update the UI as well (it needs to be 10 colors, do NOT remove, add or change the color names)
color1 = {255, 255, 255, id = 134}, -- The 4th number is the color id for the car if Config.UseColorID = true
color2 = {0, 0, 0, id = 0},
color3 = {150, 150, 150, id = 4},
color4 = {255, 0, 0, id = 27},
color5 = {255, 150, 0, id = 41},
color6 = {255, 230, 0, id = 89},
color7 = {0, 255, 0, id = 55},
color8 = {0, 0, 255, id = 79},
color9 = {76, 0, 255, id = 145},
color10 = {255, 0, 255, id = 137},
Config.Requests = { -- Requests texts
['be_hired'] = { text = 'Do you want to be hired by ${name}?'},
Config.TextUI = { -- Text UI texts
['open_shop'] = { text = '[E] 打开 ${shop_name}', color = 'darkblue', side = 'right'},
['buy_business'] = { text = '[E] to buy ${name} for ${price}€', color = 'darkblue', side = 'right'},
['access_business'] = { text = '[E] to access ${name}', color = 'darkblue', side = 'right'},
['tow'] = { text = '[E] To tow', color = 'darkblue', side = 'right'},
['sell_vehicle'] = { text = '[E] To sell vehicle', color = 'darkblue', side = 'right'},
Config.HelpNotification = { -- Used when Config.UseTextUI = false
['open_shop'] = { text = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 打开车辆经销处'},
['buy_business'] = { text = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to buy ${name} for ${price}€'},
['access_business'] = { text = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access ${name}'},
['tow'] = { text = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~ To tow'},
['sell_vehicle'] = { text = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~ To sell vehicle'},
Config.NotificationsText = { -- Notifications texts
['success_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Successfully canceled the order", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['fail_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Failed to cancel the order", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['cant_access'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have permission to access this shop", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['no_license'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You have no license to buy this vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['all_occupied'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "All vehicle entrances are occupied", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['failed_to_load'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Failed to load the vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['bus_no_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This business doesn't have enough money", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['success_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You sold ${vehicle_name} for ${price}€ successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['not_in_correct_v'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You are not in the correct vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['dont_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This vehicle shop don't buy this vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_your_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't own this vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_in_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You need to be on a vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_admin'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have permission to access the admin menu", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['inside_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You can't access the vehicle shop inside a vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['load_vehicle'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Loading vehicle, please wait", time = 3000, type = "info"},
['stop_testdrive'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Stopping the test drive", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['not_testdriving'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You are not on a test drive", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['fill_fields'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Please fill the input field", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['already_accepted'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You already accepted an order, complete it before accepting another", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_selected_hire'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "No one was selected", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['ordered_success'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You ordered x${amount} ${vehicle_name} successfully!", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['some_wrong'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Something went wrong!", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have enough money", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_money_s'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Your society doesn't have enough money", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['accepted_order'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You accepted an order successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['someone_accepted'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Someone has already accepted this order", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['finished_order'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully finished the order and received ${reward}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['no_ads_cancel'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have any ads to cancel", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['veh_not_available'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This vehicle isn't available", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['price_not_valid'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This is not a valid price", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['employee_not_exist'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "This employee does not exist", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['not_enough_to_sell'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You don't have enough vehicles to sell", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['got_hired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You got hired by ${shop_name}", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['got_fired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You got fired by ${shop_name}", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['success_hired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully hired ${hired_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['success_fired'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully fired ${fired_name}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['success_added_ad'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Added x${amount} ${vehicle_name} ads", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['deposited'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Deposited ${amount}€ successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['withdrawn'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Whitdrawn ${amount}€ successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['bought_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Bought ${vehicle_name} for ${vehiclePrice}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_money'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Changed the ${shop_name} money to ${money} successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_info'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Changed the ${vehicle_name} informations successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['remove_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Removed the ${vehicle_name} successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['created_veh'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Created a ${vehicle_name} successfully", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['cancel_ads'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Canceled x${amount} ${vehicle_name} ads", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['updated_price'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Updated price of ${vehicle_name} to ${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['change_rank'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name} is now a ${job}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['already_rank'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name} is already a ${job}", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['already_employee'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${name} is your employee already", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['max_shops'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You can't buy more dealerships", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['got_to_truck'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "Go get the order marked in your minimap", time = 5000, type = "info"},
['not_towing'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You need to be closer to the ordered vehicle", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['towed'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully towed the ordered vehicle", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['sold_business'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully sold ${shop} for ${amount}€", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['leave_business'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You successfully left ${shop}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['min_max_price'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "The minimum price needs to be less than the maximum price", time = 5000, type = "error"},
['owner_changed'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "${owner} is now the owner of ${shop}", time = 5000, type = "success"},
['max_employees'] = { title = "Vehicle Shop", text = "You can only hire ${employees} employees", time = 5000, type = "error"},
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to webhook.lua, line 1
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website - https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that - https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html
Config.BuyBusinessWebhook = true
Config.BuyBusinessWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.SellBusinessWebhook = true
Config.SellBusinessWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.DepositWebhook = true
Config.DepositWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.WithdrawWebhook = true
Config.WithdrawWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.StartOrderWebhook = true
Config.StartOrderWebhookColor = '16742656'
Config.EndOrderWebhook = true
Config.EndOrderWebhookColor = '16742656'
Config.HireWebhook = true
Config.HireWebhookColor = '4223487'
Config.FireWebhook = true
Config.FireWebhookColor = '4223487'
Config.BuyVehicleWebhook = true
Config.BuyVehicleWebhookColor = '65535'
Config.ADStockWebhook = true
Config.ADStockWebhookColor = '7209071'
Config.CancelStockWebhook = true
Config.CancelStockWebhookColor = '7209071'
Config.BuyStockWebhook = true
Config.BuyStockWebhookColor = '7209071'
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhook = true
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhookColor = '4223487'
Config.QuitJobWebhook = true
Config.QuitJobWebhookColor = '16711680'