["sell_chips_menu"] = "Sell chips",
["sell_confirm"] = "Are you sure you want sell %s chips for %s?",
["sell_chips_menu_desc"] = "Sell some chips won at casino!",
["buy_title"] = "How many chips you want?",
["sell_title"] = "How many chips you sell?",
["not_enough_chips"] = "You don\'t have enough chips for the bet.",
["not_enough_money"] = "You don\'t have enough money to do that.",
["sit"] = "Sit",
["chair_occupied"] = "The chair is already occupied.",
["spin_luckywheel"] = "Spin lucky wheel",
["spin_cooldown"] = "Please wait %s minute before spinning again!",
["already_spin"] = "You have already spinned wheel today!",
["win_vehicle"] = "You won the special vehicle!!",
["no_bet_value"] = "You have not set a bet value.",
["exit_table"] = 'Get Up',
["spin_slots"] = 'Spin',
["increase_bet"] = 'Increase Bet',
["decrease_bet"] = 'Decrease Bet',
["reset_bet"] = 'Reset Bet',
["place_bet"] = 'Bet',
["custom_bet"] = 'Custom Bet',
["min_bet"] = 'Bet must be atleast 1',
["min_amount"] = 'Amount must be atleast 1',
["max_amount"] = 'The amount exceed your balance',
["custom_bet_desc"] = 'Write a custom bet here',
["amount"] = "Amount",
["select_number"] = 'Select Number',
["play"] = 'Play',
["max_bet"] = 'Max Bet',
["fold"] = 'Fold',
["double_down"] = 'Double Down',
["stand"] = 'Stand',
["hit"] = 'Hit',
["bet_too_high_or_low"] = "Your bet is too low or too high for this table.",
["bet_not_valid"] = "Bet not valid.",
["slots_play"] = "Play %s",
["number"] = "Number",
["win"] = "You won",
["lose"] = "You lose.",
["bet"] = "Bet placed:",
["curr_bet"] = "Bet",
["split"] = "Split",
["cant_split"] = "You can't split those cards.",
["hand"] = "HAND",
["time"] = "Time",
["confirm"] = "Confirm",
["cancel"] = "Cancel",
["already_bet"] = "You have already betted.",
["no_money"] = "You have not enough money.",
["no_chips"] = "You have not enough chips.",
["sold_chips"] = "You have received",
["bought"] = "You have bought",
["multiplier"] = "Multiplier",
["game_started"] = "The game is started, you cannot bet right now.",
["will_start_in"] = "Game will start in",
["game_in_progress"] = "Game in progress!",
["seconds"] = "seconds",
["society_menu"] = "~w~[~g~E~w~] ~w~Manage Society",
["society_money"] = "Balance: %s",
["balance"] = "Balance",
["boss_title"] = "Casino Management",
["deposit"] = "Deposit Money",
["deposit_desc"] = "How many money you want deposit?",
["deposited"] = "You have deposited %s%s",
["withdraw"] = "Withdraw Money",
["withdraw_desc"] = "How many money you want withdraw?",
["withdrawn"] = "You have withdrawn %s%s",
["no_money_society"] = "Society have not enough money.",
["society_negative"] = "The casino doesn't have enough money, you can sell %s$ worth of chips at the moment",
["currency"] = "$",
["chips"] = "Chips",
["casino_boss"] = "Casino Management",
["no_space"] = "You don't have enough space in your inventory",
["daily_bonus"] = "Daily Bonus",
["daily_bonus_desc"] = "You can claim "..DS_Casino_System_Main_Config.DailyBonus.amount..' chips per day.',
["daily_bonus_claimed"] = "You have already claimed the daily bonus! Come back tomorrow.",
["vip_title"] = "Vip Membership",
["vip_desc"] = "With the vip membership you can enjoy free snacks & drinks at casino bartender and get an additional chips bonus per day.",
["vip_buy"] = "Are you sure you want to buy the 1 month vip membership for %s%s?",
["vip_purchased"] = "You have purchased the vip membership for 1 %s!",
["vip_already"] = "You already have an active vip membership! It will expire on %s",
["vip_expired"] = "Your casino vip membership is expired!",
["month"] = "month",
["week"] = "week",
["bartender_press"] = "Buy snacks/drinks",
["bartender_title"] = "Casino Bartender",
["bartender_buy"] = "You have bought x%s %s for %s%s",
["snacks"] = "Snacks",
["drinks"] = "Drinks",
["occupied_luckywheel"] = "The lucky wheel is being used by another player, please wait.",
["not_vip"] = "This item requires a vip subscription to be bought.",
["poker_afk"] = "You didn't respond to the dealer's request in time, you folded your hand.",