buy = 'Buy a fake ID!',
buydescription = 'Ask the plug for an ID!',
idmenu = 'Buy an ID',
name = 'First Name',
namedesc = 'Add your name here',
lname = 'Last Name',
lnamedesc = 'Add your last name here',
dobas = 'Date of Birth',
gender = 'Gender',
male = 'Male',
female = 'Female',
category = 'Category',
height = 'Height',
notifytitle = 'Plug',
notifysucces = 'You received a Fake ID!',
notifyalready = 'You already have a license!',
notifymoney = 'You do not have enough money!',
pedname = 'Plug',
menudesc = 'No one nearby!',
titlemenu = 'Fake ID Menu',
menutitle = 'Fake ID Dealer',
categorya = 'A',
categoryb = 'B',
idtitle = 'Options:',
categoryc = 'C',
checktitle = 'Check your Fake ID',
checkdesc = 'Displays the ID to you',
showtitle = 'Show your Fake ID',
showkdesc = 'Shows your ID to the closest person',
eyepedname = 'Plug',
pricemeta = 'Price of an ID $',
nolicense = 'You do not have this license!',
checkmedic = "Check your health license",
showmedic = "Show your health license",
checkweapon = "Check your weapon license",
showweapon = "Show your weapon license",
checkdrivers = "Check your drivers",
showdrivers = "Show your drivers license",
checkid = "Check your ID",
showid = "Show your ID",
redeemid = "Redeem your ID",
redeemdid = "Redeem your Drivers License",
redeewdid = "Redeem your Weapon license",
redeehdid = "Redeem your health license.",
mediclicenseitemmeta = "Medic License",
weaponlicenseitemmeta = "Weapon License",
driverslicenseitemmeta = "Drivers License",
redeemlicensestarget = "Redeem Licenses",
redeemnpcblip = 'Redeem Licenses NPC' 翻译绿色字体