Config = {}
Translation = {}
Translation = {
['de'] = {
['DJ_interact'] = 'Drücke ~g~E~s~, um auf das DJ Pult zuzugreifen',
['title_does_not_exist'] = '~r~Dieser Titel existiert nicht!',
['en'] = {
['DJ_interact'] = 'Press ~g~E~s~, to mix',
['title_does_not_exist'] = '~r~This song doesnt exist!',
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.useESX = true -- can not be disabled without changing the callbacks
Config.enableCommand = false
Config.enableMarker = true -- purple marker at the DJ stations
Config.DJPositions = {
name = 'bahama',
pos = vector3(116.81999969482422, -1281.7900390625, 29.26000022888183),
requiredJob = nil,
range = 25.0,
volume = 1.0 --[[ do not touch the volume! --]]
--{name = 'bahama', pos = vector3(-1381.01, -616.17, 31.5), requiredJob = 'DJ', range = 25.0}