

猪猪侠 发表于 2024-5-17 18:11:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Config, Locale = {}, {}

Config.locale = "en"

-- Chat command to delete vehicles
Config.Cmd = "deletevehicles"

Config.ESX = false -- Set this to true if you use ESX

-- If you use ESX you don't need to add any identifier to Config.AdminList because it checks if you have permission by your player group (superadmin, admin, mod)

-- Types of identifiers: steam: | license: | xbl: | live: | discord: | fivem: | ip:
Config.AdminList = {
    'license:2ash123ad1337a15029a21a6s4e3622f91cde1d0', -- Example, change this
    'discord:370910283901283929' -- Example, change this

-- Time (in minutes) that it will take to delete vehicles since you execute the command
Config.DeleteVehicleTimer = 0

-- If true it'll delete vehicles inside safezones
Config.DeleteVehiclesIfInSafeZone = false

-- Delete vehicles automatically at this time every day (h = hour m = minutes)
Config.DeleteVehiclesAt = {
    {['h'] = 19, ['m'] = 10},
    {['h'] = 19, ['m'] = 20},
    {['h'] = 19, ['m'] = 30},

-- Set safezones
-- For the blip color check: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blip-colors
-- If you want to remove the blip simply set 'alpha' to 0
Config.SafeZones = {
    { ['x'] = -44.155646565, ['y'] = -1100.155646565, ['z'] = 26.267009735108, ['radius'] = 50.0, ['color'] = 2, ['alpha'] = 150},
    { ['x'] = -1688.43811035156, ['y'] = -1073.62536621094, ['z'] = 13.1521873474121, ['radius'] = 200.0, ['color'] = 2, ['alpha'] = 150},
    { ['x'] = -2195.1352539063, ['y'] = 4288.7290039063, ['z'] = 49.173923492432, ['radius'] = 150.0, ['color'] = 2, ['alpha'] = 150},

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ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 18:11:57 | 显示全部楼层


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