local Translations = {
error = {
["blips_deactivated"] = "Blips deactivated",
["names_deactivated"] = "Names deactivated",
["changed_perm_failed"] = "Choose a group!",
["missing_reason"] = "You must give a reason!",
["invalid_reason_length_ban"] = "You must give a Reason and set a Length for the ban!",
["no_store_vehicle_garage"] = "You cant store this vehicle in your garage..",
["no_vehicle"] = "You are not in a vehicle..",
["no_weapon"] = "You dont have a weapon in your hands..",
["no_free_seats"] = "The vehicle has no free seats!",
["failed_vehicle_owner"] = "This vehicle is already yours..",
["not_online"] = "This player is not online",
["no_receive_report"] = "You are not receiving reports",
["failed_set_speed"] = "You did not set a speed.. (`fast` for super-run, `normal` for normal)",
["failed_set_model"] = "You did not set a model..",
["player_no_vehicle"] = "Player isn\'t in a vehicle",
["give_item"] = "You need to specify everything",
["already_has_permissions"] = "%{player} already has the permission %{permission} for %{identifier}",
["has_no_permissions"] = "%{player} has no permission",
["no_permissions"] = "You don't have the permissions to do this",
success = {
["blips_activated"] = "Blips activated",
["names_activated"] = "Names activated",
["coords_copied"] = "Coordinates copied to clipboard!",
["heading_copied"] = "Heading copied to clipboard!",
["add_perm"] = "Authority group changed",
["entered_vehicle"] = "Entered vehicle",
["success_vehicle_owner"] = "The vehicle is now yours!",
["receive_reports"] = "You are receiving reports",
["removed_permission"] = "Removed permissions from %{player}",
["changed_perm"] = "Changed %{player}'s permission to %{permission}",
info = {
["ped_coords"] = "Ped Coordinates:",
["vehicle_dev_data"] = "Vehicle Developer Data:",
["ent_id"] = "Entity ID:",
["net_id"] = "Net ID:",
["model"] = "Model",
["hash"] = "Hash",
["eng_health"] = "Engine Health:",
["body_health"] = "Body Health:",
["goto"] = "Go to",
["remove"] = "Remove",
["confirm"] = "Confirm",
["reason_title"] = "Reason",
["length"] = "Length",
["options"] = "Options",
["position"] = "Position",
["your_position"] = "to your position",
["open"] = "Open",
["inventories"] = "inventories",
["reason"] = "you need to give a reason",
["give"] = "give",
["id"] = "ID:",
["player_name"] = "Player Name",
["health"] = "Health",
["networked"] = "Networked",
["speed"] = "Speed",
["networked_owner_id"] = "Owner ID",
["delete_object_info"] = "If you want to delete the object click on ~g~E",
["obj"] = "Obj",
["ammoforthe"] = "+%{value} Ammo for the %{weapon}",
["kicked_server"] = "You have been kicked from the server",
["check_discord"] = " |