Config.ShowVehicle = { -- Display vehicle
["vehicles1"] = { -- ID of the vehicle shop
position = {x = -36.92697, y= -1093.308, z= 27.30229, h= 164.1641}, -- Where to spawn the display vehicles
playerOffsetVehiclePreview = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -1.0}, -- Coordinations offset of where the player will be set when opening the shop
noVehicleCam = {x = -36.90494, y= -1100.402, z= 29.3023, h= 167.8871}, -- Camera position when there is no vehicle to be displayed
testDrive = {x = -1733.25, y = -2901.43, z = 13.94, h = 330.0}, -- Where to start the test drive
vehicleSpawn = { -- Where the vehicle spawns when bought
{x = -27.65, y = -1082.03, z = 26.64, h = 70.0},
{x = -13.61, y = -1092.4, z = 26.67, h = 340.0},
{x = -12.16, y = -1082.49, z = 26.68, h = 84.0},
["alwaysshop1"] = {
position = {x = -44.21, y = -1097.06, z = 26.42, h = 160.0},
playerOffsetVehiclePreview = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -1.0},
noVehicleCam = {x = -44.21-1.49, y = -1097.06-7.65, z = 26.42+1.15},
testDrive = {x = -1733.25, y = -2901.43, z = 13.94, h = 330.0},
vehicleSpawn = {
{x = -27.65, y = -1082.03, z = 26.64, h = 70.0},
{x = -13.61, y = -1092.4, z = 26.67, h = 340.0},
{x = -12.16, y = -1082.49, z = 26.68, h = 84.0},
["air1"] = {
position = {x = -1652.0, y = -3142.69, z = 13.99, h = 70.0},
playerOffsetVehiclePreview = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},
noVehicleCam = {x = -1652.0-12.49, y = -3142.69-0.65, z = 13.99+2.15},
testDrive = {x = -1733.25, y = -2901.43, z = 13.94, h = 330.0},
vehicleSpawn = {
{x = -1023.91, y = -3060.6, z = 13.94, h = 70.0},
["water1"] = {
position = {x = -828.54, y = -1448.08, z = -0.5, h = 70.0},
playerOffsetVehiclePreview = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},
noVehicleCam = {x = -828.54-12.49, y = -1448.08-0.65, z = -0.5+3.15},
testDrive = {x = -878.02, y = -1360.32, z = 2.0, h = 330.0},
vehicleSpawn = {
{x = -706.78, y = -1333.57, z = 2.0, h = 70.0},
Config.TransitionCamerasOffset = { -- Cameras positions, you can add as many as you wish
["vehicles1"] = { -- ID of the vehicle shop
{x = 1.49, y = 7.65, z = 1.15},
{x = 14.0, y = 5.0, z = 0.6},
{x = 7.0, y = -5.0, z = 1.5},
{x = -15.0, y = -3.0, z = 1.6},
["alwaysshop1"] = { -- ID of the vehicle shop
{x = 1.49, y = 7.65, z = 1.15},
{x = 14.0, y = 5.0, z = 0.6},
{x = 7.0, y = -5.0, z = 1.5},
{x = -15.0, y = -3.0, z = 1.6},
["air1"] = {
{x = 12.49, y = 0.65, z = 2.15},
{x = 9.0, y = 20.0, z = 1.6},
{x = -13.5, y = 8.0, z = 2.5},
{x = -4.0, y = -13.0, z = 2.6},
["water1"] = {
{x = 12.49, y = 0.65, z = 3.15},
{x = 9.0, y = 20.0, z = 2.6},
{x = -13.5, y = 8.0, z = 3.5},
{x = -4.0, y = -13.0, z = 3.6},
Config.VehicleshopsCategories = { -- Categories shown on the vehicle shops, this is used to set the vehicles category
["vehicles"] = { -- TYPE of the vehicle shop
{display = "BMW", id = "bmw"},
{display = "SUPERCARS", id = "supercars"},
{display = "COMPACTS", id = "compacts"},
{display = "COUPES", id = "coupes"},
{display = "MOTORCYCLES", id = "motorcycles"},
{display = "MUSCLE", id = "muscle"},
{display = "OFF-ROAD", id = "offroad"},
{display = "SEDANS", id = "sedans"},
{display = "SPORTS", id = "sports"},
{display = "SUVS", id = "suvs"},
{display = "VANS", id = "vans"},
["alwaysshop1"] = { -- TYPE of the vehicle shop
{display = "COMMERCIALS", id = "commercials"},
{display = "SUPERCARS", id = "supercars"},
{display = "COMPACTS", id = "compacts"},
{display = "COUPES", id = "coupes"},
{display = "MOTORCYCLES", id = "motorcycles"},
["air"] = {
{display = "BIG", id = "big"},
{display = "MEDIUM", id = "medium"},
{display = "SMALL", id = "small"},
["water"] = {
{display = "BOATS", id = "boats"},
{display = "SUBMARINE", id = "submarine"},
Config.UseColorID = false -- Will set the vehicle color based on the color ID: