Config.SetVisibility = false -- true = player will be invisible when chosing a vehicle
Config.SetInvincibility = true -- true = player will not die while test driving
Config.CheckForOfflineOrdersEvery = 0.5 -- In minutes | it'll check every x minutes for offline players with orders accepted, if someone is offline it'll cancel the order
Config.ShowVehicleShopBlip = true -- Activate/Deactivate Vehicle shop blips
Config.ShowOwnerBlip = true -- Activate/Deactivate owner blips
Config.ShowBuyVehicleShopBlip = true -- Activate/Deactivate buy shop blip
Config.ShowHasOwnerShopBlip = true -- Activate/Deactivate blip of shops with "hasOwner = false"
Config.TestDrive = true -- Activate/Deactivate test drive
Config.DevMode = true -- Allows you to restart the script (IMPORTANT: only set this to true if you are configuring the script)
Config.EventPrefix = "okokVehicleShop" -- this will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"
Config.ESXPrefix = "esx" -- this will change the prefix of esx events such as esx:onPlayerDeath
Config.onPlayerDeath = "onPlayerDeath"
Config.playerLoaded = "playerLoaded"
Config.getSharedObject = "getSharedObject"
Config.TestDrivePlate = "TEST"
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you using this since it is way more optimized than the default ShowHelpNotification) | false = ShowHelpNotification
Config.Key = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.UseokokRequests = true -- true = use okokRequests for hiring people | false = don't use okokRequests -
Config.UseSameImageForVehicles = true -- true = use the same image for all vehicles (vehicle.png) | false = use different images for each vehicle (vehicle_id.png)
Config.HideMinimap = true -- If true it'll hide the minimap when the vehicle shop menu is opened
Config.TimeBetweenTransition = 7000 -- how much time it stays in a camera before changing, in miliseconds
Config.TransitionTime = 4000 -- how much time it takes to go from one camera to another (camera movement), in miliseconds
Config.ShakeAmplitude = 0.2 -- camera shake
Config.UseKMh = true -- true = use KM/h | false = use miles/h
Config.MaxVehiclesSpeed = 450 -- Max speed a vehicle can go at (it is only used for UI purposes, it does NOT change the speed of a vehicle)
Config.TestDriveTime = 40 -- In seconds
Config.StopTestDriveCmd = "cancel" -- command to stop the test drive
Config.PlateLetters = 3 -- How many letters the plate has
Config.PlateNumbers = 3 -- How many numbers the plate has
Config.PlateUseSpace = true -- If the plate uses spaces between letters and numbers
Config.OrderCompletedPercentage = 10 -- When a employee completes the misson he will get this percentage as a reward, 10 = 10%
Config.HireRange = 3 -- How close a player needs to be to be in the hiring range
Config.AdminCommand = "vsadmin" -- command to open the admin menu
Config.OwnerBuyVehiclePercentage = 10 -- How much of a discount the owner has to order a vehicle (bases on the min. price)
Config.SellBusinessReceivePercentage = 50 -- How much a player will receive for selling his business (in percentage, 50 = 50%)
Config.ClearMoneyWhenBusinessIsSold = false -- true = remove the money from the society when sold | false = do not remove the money