Config = {}
Config.EventPrefix = "okokVehicleshop" -- this will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"
Config.QBCorePrefix = "QBCore"
Config.qbPrefix = "qb"
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you using this since it is way more optimized than the default ShowHelpNotification) | false = ShowHelpNotification
Config.Key = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.UseokokRequests = true -- true = use okokRequests for hiring people | false = don't use okokRequests -
Config.UseSameImageForVehicles = true -- true = use the same image for all vehicles (vehicle.png) | false = use different images for each vehicle (vehicle_id.png)
Config.HideMinimap = true -- If true it'll hide the minimap when the vehicle shop menu is opened
Config.TimeBetweenTransition = 7000 -- how much time it stays in a camera before changing, in miliseconds
Config.TransitionTime = 4000 -- how much time it takes to go from one camera to another (camera movement), in miliseconds
Config.ShakeAmplitude = 0.2 -- camera shake
Config.UseKMh = true -- true = use KM/h | false = use miles/h
Config.MaxVehiclesSpeed = 450 -- Max speed a vehicle can go at (it is only used for UI purposes, it does NOT change the speed of a vehicle)
Config.TestDriveTime = 40 -- In seconds
Config.StopTestDriveCmd = "cancel" -- command to stop the test drive
Config.PlateLetters = 3 -- How many letters the plate has
Config.PlateNumbers = 3 -- How many numbers the plate has
Config.PlateUseSpace = true -- If the plate uses spaces between letters and numbers
Config.OrderCompletedPercentage = 10 -- When a employee completes the misson he will get this percentage as a reward, 10 = 10%
Config.HireRange = 3 -- How close a player needs to be to be in the hiring range
Config.AdminCommand = "vsadmin" -- command to open the admin menu
Config.OwnerBuyVehiclePercentage = 10 -- How much of a discount the owner has to order a vehicle (bases on the min. price)
Config.SellBusinessReceivePercentage = 50 -- How much a player will receive for selling his business (in percentage, 50 = 50%)
Config.ClearMoneyWhenBusinessIsSold = false -- true = remove the money from the society when sold | false = do not remove the money
Config.MaxDealershipsPerPlayer = 1 -- How many vehicle shops a player can own
Config.MaxEmployeesPerDealership = 10 -- How many employees a vehicle shop can hire
Config.AdminGroups = { -- Admin groups that can access the admin menu
Config.JobRanks = { -- These are the ranks available on the vehicle shops, you can add or remove as many as you want but leave at least 1
"Newbie", -- ID: 1
"Experienced", -- ID: 2
"Expert", -- ID: 3
"Sub-Owner" -- ID: 4
Config.SubOwnerRank = 4 -- ID of the rank that will work as a secondary owner
Config.TruckBlip = {blipId = 67, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Truck"} -- Blip of the truck when someone accepts an order
Config.TrailerBlip = {blipId = 515, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Trailer"} -- Blip of the trailer when someone accepts an order (for vehicle shops with big vehicles)
Config.OrderBlip = {blipId = 478, blipColor = 5, blipText = "Order"} -- Blip of the ordered vehicle when someone accepts an order
Config.TowMarker = {id = 21, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, color = {r = 94, g = 255, b = 155}} -- The marker to tow a vehicle when someone accepts an order
Config.Stands = { -- Vehicle shops informations
name = "Vehicle Shop", -- name of the vehicle shop
hasOwner = true, -- true = this vehicle shop can have a owner and will need maintenance to have stock | false = no owner and with vehicles all the time, price = max_price set on the database
coords = {x = -57.50, y = -1096.73, z = 26.42}, -- Marker/Shop position
ownerCoords = {x = -31.66, y = -1114.00, z = 26.42}, -- Marker/Shop position for owner/employees
spawnFlatbedPos = {x = -16.95, y = -1105.34, z = 26.67, h = 160.0}, -- Where the flatbed/truck is spawned for the orders
missionsVehicleSpawn = { -- Locations where someone who accepted an order will have to go (it is random)
{x = -465.99, y = -618.22, z = 31.17, h = 100.0},
--{x = 218.46, y = -850.71, z = 30.16, h = 100.0},
radius = 1, -- Interaction radius for the markers
price = 10000, -- Price of the vehicle shop
blip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop"}, -- Blip informations for vehicleshop blip
ownerBlip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop Panel"}, -- Blip informations for shops you own/work for
buyBlip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 1, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop to buy"}, -- Blip informations for shop on sale
marker = {id = 20, color = {r = 94, g = 255, b = 155}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}}, -- Marker informations for the vehicle shop
ownerMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 94, g = 255, b = 155}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}}, -- Marker informations for the owning menu
towHeight = 1.0, -- How high the vehicle is in the tow truck when gotten from an order
bigVehicles = false, -- Set to true if it's airplanes/helicopters/etc... it'll use a truck instead of a flatbed to get the ordered vehicles
type = "vehicles", -- Type of shop (will change displayed vehicles) | CAN be repeated on other shops
id = "vehicles1", -- ID of the shop, it's used to get what shop is opened | needs to be DIFFERENT for each shop