"clothing_interact_label": "Change Outfit",
"garage_interact_label": "Access Garage",
"deposit_vehicle": "Park Vehicle",
"not_enough_icepack": "Low on Ice Packs",
"not_enough_suturekit": "Running Out of Suture Kits",
"not_enough_tweezers": "Short on Tweezers",
"not_enough_burncream": "Out of Burn Cream",
"not_enough_defibrillator": "Out of Defibrillators",
"not_enough_money": "You dont have enough money",
"not_enough_bandage": "You dont have bandages to heal",
"injury_value": "Injury Severity",
"injury_cause": "Cause of Injury",
"injury_treat": "Treatment for Injury",
"treating_injury": "Treating an Injury",
"injury_treated": "Injury Successfully Treated",
"operation_canceled": "Operation Canceled",
"injury_menu_title": "Injury Menu",
"patient_not_conscious": "Patient Unconscious",
"patient_conscious": "Patient Conscious",
"checking_patient": "Checking Patient",
"status_patient": "Patient Status",
"check_injuries": "Check for Injuries",
"revive_patient": "Revive a Patient",
"check_patient_menu_title": "Check Patient Menu",
"check_patient": "Check the Patient",
"reviving_patient": "Reviving a Patient",
"open_medical_bag": "Open Medical Bag",
"pickup_medical_bag": "Pick Up Medical Bag",
"revive_player": "Revive Patient",
"revived_player": "You revived Id %s",
"revive_area": "Revive players in area",
"revived_area": "You revived all players in radius %s",
"heal_player": "Heal a player",
"healed_player": "You healed Id %s",
"heal_area": "Heal players in area",
"healed_area": "You healed players in radius %s",
"open_stash_label": "Open Stash",
"control_to_open_stash": "[E] to open stash",
"control_to_open_shop": "[E] to open shop",
"paramedic_interact_label": "Talk with paramedic",
"paramedic_menu_title": "Paramedic",
"get_treated_paramedic": "Get Treated",
"getting_treated": "Your getting checked by a paramedic",
"treated_by_paramedic": "Felling better",
"take_stretcher": "Take stretcher",
"put_stretcher": "Put stretcher",
"no_stretcher_found": "There are no stretchers in the vehicle",
"stretcher_limit_reached": "No space to put another stretcher in the vehicle",
"put_on_stretcher": "Put on stretcher",
"remove_from_stretcher": "Remove from stretcher",
"take_patient_from_vehicle": "Take patient from vehicle",
"put_patient_in_vehicle": "Put patient in vehicle",
"medics_online": "there are medics online",
"wait_time": "You need to wait %s seconds before doing this command",
"medic_coming": "Call sent",
"logged_dead": "You logged off dead",
"revive_all": "Revive all the players",
"revived_all": "You revived everyone",
"bossmenu_label": "Boss Menu",
"bossmenu_denied": "No access",
"clothesmenu_label": "Clothing Menu",
"clothesmenu_civilian_label": "Civilian clothes",
"clothesmenu_civilian_use": "Putting on civilian clothes",
"clothesmenu_civilian_description": "Putting on civilian clothes",
"clothesmenu_job_label": "Working clothes",
"clothesmenu_job_use": "Putting on working clothes",
"clothesmenu_job_description": "Example button description",
"vehiclemenu_label": "Vehicle menu",
"check_injuries_desc": "check if the patient has any fractures",
"revive_patient_desc": "revive the patient",
"patient_not_found": "Not found",
"distress_call_in_cooldown": "Wait before sending another call",
"distress_call_form_title": "Arius Ambulance",
"distress_call_form_label": "Message",
"distress_call_form_desc": "a message to send to medics online",
"tablet_call_desc": "message sent from the patient",
"tablet_call_location": "Location of the patient",
"tablet_call_waypoint_title": "Set Waypoint",
"tablet_call_waypoint_desc": "Set the waypoint to the patient direction",
"tablet_call_waypoint_notification": "Waypoint set",
"tablet_call_resolved_title": "Resolved",
"tablet_call_resolved_desc": "Complete the call if you resolved it",
"tablet_call_resolved_notification": "Call closed",
"action_revive_notification": "Reviving player",
"action_revived_notification": "Getting revived",
"notification_new_call_title": "New Distress Call",
"notification_new_call_desc": "%s sent a distress call",
"been_beaten": "Player has been beaten to death",
"been_stabbed": "Player has been stabbed",
"been_hit": "Player has been hit with %s",
"been_struck": "Player has been struck by %s",
"been_whacked": "Player has been whacked with %s",
"been_shot": "Player has been shot by %s",
"been_blown_up": "Player has been blown up by %s",
"been_set_on_fire": "Player has been set on fire by %s",
"been_fallen_to_death": "Player has been fallen to death",
"nightstick": "a nightstick",
"hammer": "a hammer",
"bat": "a bat",
"golfclub": "a golf club",
"crowbar": "a crowbar",
"pistol": "a pistol",
"combatpistol": "a combat pistol",
"appistol": "an AP pistol",
"pistol50": "a .50 pistol",
"microsmg": "a micro SMG",
"smg": "a SMG",
"assaultsmg": "an assault SMG",
"assaultrifle": "an assault rifle",
"carbinerifle": "a carbine rifle",
"advancedrifle": "an advanced rifle",
"mg": "a machine gun",
"combatmg": "a combat machine gun",
"pumpshotgun": "a pump shotgun",
"sawnoffshotgun": "a sawed-off shotgun",
"assaultshotgun": "an assault shotgun",
"bullpupshotgun": "a bullpup shotgun",
"sniperrifle": "a sniper rifle",
"heavysniper": "a heavy sniper",
"remotesniper": "a remote sniper",
"grenadelaucher": "a grenade launcher",
"grenade": "a grenade",
"stickybomb": "a sticky bomb",
"molotov": "a Molotov cocktail",
"rpg": "an RPG",
"minigun": "a minigun",
"grenadelauncher_smoke": "a smoke grenade launcher",
"raypistol": "a ray pistol",
"raycarbine": "a ray carbine",
"rayminigun": "a ray minigun",
"rayshotgun": "a ray shotgun",
"rayassaultrifle": "a ray assault rifle",
"death_screen_call_medic": "Press ~r~E~s~ to call medics",
"death_screen_respawn": "Press ~r~G~s~ to respawn",
"death_screen_confirm_respawn_header": "Top G",
"death_screen_confirm_respawn_content": "Are you sure you want to respawn!",
"death_screen_respawn_timer": "Respawn available in ~b~ %s seconds~s~",
"no_injuries": "No injuries",
"shot": "Shot",
"beaten": "Beaten",
"stabbed": "Stabbed",
"burn": "Burnt",
"control_drop_stretcher": "[G] - Place stretcher on the ground"