
[有效回答] 帮我翻译一下

菠萝凯 发表于 2024-4-29 01:10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

['cloakroom'] = 'locker room',
  ['citizen_wear'] = 'civilian Outfit',
  ['fire_clothes'] = 'Fireman Gear',
  ['fems_clothes_ems'] = 'Female Ambulance Gear',
  ['mems_clothes_ems'] = 'Male Ambulance Gear',
  ['open_cloackroom'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change',
  -- Armory
  ['get_weapon'] = 'get Weapon',
  ['put_weapon'] = 'put Weapon',
  ['buy_weapons'] = 'buy Weapons',
  ['armory'] = 'armory',
  ['open_armory'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the armory',
  -- Vehicles
  ['vehicle_menu'] = 'vehicle',
  ['vehicle_out'] = 'there is already a car out of the garage',
  ['vehicle_spawner'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to take out a vehicle',
  ['store_vehicle'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to store the vehicle',
  ['service_max'] = 'Max officers in service: ',
  -- Action Menu
  ['citizen_interaction'] = 'citizen Interaction',
  ['vehicle_interaction'] = 'vehicle Interaction',
  ['object_spawner'] = 'object Spawner',
  ['animations'] = 'animations',

  ['id_card'] = 'iD Card',
  ['search'] = 'search',
  ['handcuff'] = 'cuff / Uncuff',
  ['drag'] = 'drag',
  ['put_in_vehicle'] = 'put in Vehicle',
  ['out_the_vehicle'] = 'take out of vehicle',
  ['fine'] = 'fine',
  ['no_players_nearby'] = 'no players nearby',

  ['vehicle_info'] = 'vehicle Info',
  ['pick_lock'] = 'lockpick Vehicle',
  ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'vehicle ~g~Unlocked~s~',
  ['no_vehicles_nearby'] = 'no vehicles nearby',
  ['traffic_interaction'] = 'Interaction Voirie',
  ['cone'] = 'cone',
  ['barrier'] = 'barrier',
  ['spikestrips'] = 'spikestrips',
  ['box'] = 'box',
  ['cash'] = 'Box of cash',
  ['police_animations'] = 'Police Animations',
  ['dotraffic'] = 'Do a traffic stop',
  ['take_note'] = 'Take notes',
  ['stand_by'] = 'Stand by',
  ['stand_by_2'] = 'Stand by 2',
  ['stand_by_3'] = 'Stand by 3',
  ['crowd_control'] = 'Crowd control',
  ['doinvestigate'] = 'Investigate',
  ['dobinoculars'] = 'Use the binoculars',
  ['taking_notes'] = 'Im done with taking notes',
  ['dealing_with_traffic'] = 'Dealing with traffic is hard',
  ['standing_cop'] = 'I cant be here anymore',
  ['standing_cop_2'] = 'I cant be here anymore',
  ['standing_cop_3'] = 'I cant be here anymore',
  ['use_binoculars'] = 'I cant see nothing',
  ['do_crowd_control'] = 'The crowd is contained',
  ['investigate_done'] = 'My investigation is done',
  ['docrouch'] = 'Crouch',
  ['kneel'] = 'Let me get up',
  ['hang_out'] = 'Free time 1',
  ['hanging_out'] = 'Lets go work',
  ['doleaning'] = 'Free time 2',
  ['dosmoking'] = 'Free time 3',
  ['dodrinking'] = 'Free time 4',
  ['domobile'] = 'Free time 5',
  ['aacoffe'] = 'Morning coffe',
  ['push_ups'] = 'Exercise a little',
  ['exercise'] = 'Im tired',
  ['cancel_emote'] = 'Cancel animation',
  ['emotecanceled'] = 'Animation stoped',
  -- ID Card Menu
  ['name'] = 'name : ',
  ['bac'] = 'bAC : ',
  -- Body Search Menu
  ['confiscate_dirty'] = 'confiscate dirty money: $',
  ['guns_label'] = '--- Guns ---',
  ['confiscate'] = 'confiscate ',
  ['inventory_label'] = '--- Inventory ---',
  ['confiscate_inv'] = 'confiscate x',

  ['traffic_offense'] = 'traffic Offense',
  ['minor_offense'] = 'minor Offense',
  ['average_offense'] = 'average Offense',
  ['major_offense'] = 'major Offense',
  ['fine_total'] = 'fine: ',
  -- Vehicle Info Menu
  ['plate'] = 'Plate: ',
  ['owner_unknown'] = 'owner: Unknown',
  ['owner'] = 'owner: ',
  -- Weapons Menus
  ['get_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Take Weapon',
  ['put_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Put Weapon',
  ['buy_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Buy Guns',
  ['not_enough_money'] = 'you do not have enough money',
  ['evidence_out'] = 'take out of storage',
  ['evidence_in'] = 'put in storage',
  -- Boss Menu
  ['take_company_money'] = 'withdraw Company Money',
  ['deposit_money'] = 'deposit Money',
  ['amount_of_withdrawal'] = 'amount of Withdrawal',
  ['invalid_amount'] = 'amount Invalid',
  ['amount_of_deposit'] = 'amount of Deposit',
  ['open_bossmenu'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu',
  ['quantity_invalid'] = 'invalid quantity',
  ['have_withdraw'] = 'you have withdrawn x',
  ['added'] = 'you added x',
  ['quantity'] = 'quantity',
  ['inventory'] = 'inventory',
  ['fire_stock'] = 'Fire Stock',
  -- Misc
  ['remove_object'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to delete the object',
  ['map_blip'] = 'Fire Station',
  -- Notifications
  ['from'] = '~s~ from ~b~',
  ['you_have_confinv'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~x',
  ['confinv'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~x',
  ['you_have_confdm'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~$',
  ['confdm'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~$',
  ['you_have_confweapon'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~x1 ',
  ['confweapon'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~x1 ',
  ['alert_fire'] = 'alert fire',
  -- Authorized Vehicles
  ['police'] = 'patrol Vehicle 1',
  ['police2'] = 'patrol Vehicle 2',
  ['police3'] = 'patrol Vehicle 3',
  ['police4'] = 'unmarked Vehicle',
  ['policeb'] = 'motorcycle',
  ['policet'] = 'transport Van',
  -- Revive
  ['revive_inprogress'] = 'revive in progress',
  ['revive_complete'] = 'you have been revived ',
  ['isdead'] = 'is dead',
  ['unconscious'] = 'is not unconscious',
  ['fire_menu_revive'] = 'Revive Player',

回复 论坛版权

使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-29 01:11:20 | 显示全部楼层
['cloakroom'] = '更衣室',
  ['citizen_wear'] = '普通服装',
  ['fire_clothes'] = '消防员装备',
  ['fems_clothes_ems'] = '女性救护员装备',
  ['mems_clothes_ems'] = '男性救护员装备',
  ['open_cloackroom'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键更换',
  -- 军械库
  ['get_weapon'] = '获取武器',
  ['put_weapon'] = '放置武器',
  ['buy_weapons'] = '购买武器',
  ['armory'] = '军械库',
  ['open_armory'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键访问军械库',
  -- 车辆
  ['vehicle_menu'] = '车辆',
  ['vehicle_out'] = '车库外已有车辆',
  ['vehicle_spawner'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键取出车辆',
  ['store_vehicle'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键存放车辆',
  ['service_max'] = '现役警员上限: ',
  -- 操作菜单
  ['citizen_interaction'] = '市民互动',
  ['vehicle_interaction'] = '车辆互动',
  ['object_spawner'] = '物体生成器',
  ['animations'] = '动画',

  ['id_card'] = '身份证',
  ['search'] = '搜查',
  ['handcuff'] = '戴手铐/解手铐',
  ['drag'] = '拖动',
  ['put_in_vehicle'] = '放入车辆',
  ['out_the_vehicle'] = '从车辆中带出',
  ['fine'] = '罚款',
  ['no_players_nearby'] = '附近没有玩家',

  ['vehicle_info'] = '车辆信息',
  ['pick_lock'] = '撬锁车辆',
  ['vehicle_unlocked'] = '车辆已~g~解锁~s~',
  ['no_vehicles_nearby'] = '附近没有车辆',
  ['traffic_interaction'] = '道路交互',
  ['cone'] = '锥桶',
  ['barrier'] = '障碍物',
  ['spikestrips'] = '铁丝网',
  ['box'] = '箱子',
  ['cash'] = '现金盒',
  ['police_animations'] = '警方动作',
  ['dotraffic'] = '进行交通检查',
  ['take_note'] = '做记录',
  ['stand_by'] = '待命',
  ['stand_by_2'] = '待命2',
  ['stand_by_3'] = '待命3',
  ['crowd_control'] = '群众控制',
  ['doinvestigate'] = '调查',
  ['dobinoculars'] = '使用望远镜',
  ['taking_notes'] = '我完成了记录',
  ['dealing_with_traffic'] = '处理交通很难',
  ['standing_cop'] = '我不能在这里了',
  ['standing_cop_2'] = '我不能在这里了',
  ['standing_cop_3'] = '我不能在这里了',
  ['use_binoculars'] = '我什么都看不见',
  ['do_crowd_control'] = '群众得到控制',
  ['investigate_done'] = '我的调查完成了',
  ['docrouch'] = '蹲下',
  ['kneel'] = '让我站起来',
  ['hang_out'] = '闲暇时间1',
  ['hanging_out'] = '该去��作了',
  ['doleaning'] = '闲暇时间2',
  ['dosmoking'] = '闲暇时间3',
  ['dodrinking'] = '闲暇时间4',
  ['domobile'] = '闲暇时间5',
  ['aacoffe'] = '早晨咖啡',
  ['push_ups'] = '稍微锻炼一下',
  ['exercise'] = '我累了',
  ['cancel_emote'] = '取消动画',
  ['emotecanceled'] = '动画已取消',
  -- 身份证菜单
  ['name'] = '姓名: ',
  ['bac'] = '酒精测试结果: ',
  -- 搜身菜单
  ['confiscate_dirty'] = '没收的非法货币: $',
  ['guns_label'] = '--- 枪支 ---',
  ['confiscate'] = '没收',
  ['inventory_label'] = '--- 物品清单 ---',
  ['confiscate_inv'] = '没收 x',

  ['traffic_offense'] = '交通违章',
  ['minor_offense'] = '轻微违法',
  ['average_offense'] = '一般违法',
  ['major_offense'] = '严重违法',
  ['fine_total'] = '罚款: ',
  -- 车辆信息菜单
  ['plate'] = '车牌号: ',
  ['owner_unknown'] = '所有者: 未知',
  ['owner'] = '所有者: ',
  -- 武器菜单
  ['get_weapon_menu'] = '军械库 - 取枪',
  ['put_weapon_menu'] = '军械库 - 放枪',
  ['buy_weapon_menu'] = '军械库 - 购枪',
  ['not_enough_money'] = '你没有足够的钱',
  ['evidence_out'] = '取出证据',
  ['evidence_in'] = '存放证据',
  -- 老板菜单
  ['take_company_money'] = '提取公司资金',
  ['deposit_money'] = '存入资金',
  ['amount_of_withdrawal'] = '提取金额',
  ['invalid_amount'] = '无效金额',
  ['amount_of_deposit'] = '存入金额',
  ['open_bossmenu'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键打开菜单',
  ['quantity_invalid'] = '数量无效',
  ['have_withdraw'] = '你已提取 x',
  ['added'] = '你添加了 x',
  ['quantity'] = '数量',
  ['inventory'] = '库存',
  ['fire_stock'] = '火灾库存',
  -- 杂项
  ['remove_object'] = '按~INPUT_CONTEXT~键删除物体',
  ['map_blip'] = '消防局',
  -- 通知
  ['from'] = '~s~ 来自 ~b~',
  ['you_have_confinv'] = '你没收了 ~y~x',
  ['confinv'] = '~s~ 从你没收了 ~y~x',
  ['you_have_confdm'] = '你没收了 ~y~$',
  ['confdm'] = '~s~ 从你没收了 ~y~$',
  ['you_have_confweapon'] = '你没收了 ~y~x1 ',
  ['confweapon'] = '~s~ 从你没收了 ~y~x1 ',
  ['alert_fire'] = '火警',
  -- 授权车辆
  ['police'] = '巡逻车辆 1',
  ['police2'] = '巡逻车辆 2',
  ['police3'] = '巡逻车辆 3',
  ['police4'] = '未标记车辆',
  ['policeb'] = '摩托车',
  ['policet'] = '运输货车',
  -- 复活
  ['revive_inprogress'] = '复活中',
  ['revive_complete'] = '你已复活 ',
  ['isdead'] = '已死亡',
  ['unconscious'] = '未昏迷',
  ['fire_menu_revive'] = '复活玩家',


使用道具 举报

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