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sss99 发表于 2024-4-20 05:59:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

yes = "Yes",
  no = "No",
  garage = "Garage",
  jobGarage = "Job Garage",
  gangGarage = "Gang Garage",
  player = "Player",
  impound = "Impound",
  inGarage = "In garage",
  notInGarage = "Not in garage",
  car = "Car",
  air = "Air",
  sea = "Sea",
  fuel = "Fuel",
  engine = "Engine",
  body = "Body",
  day = "day",
  days = "days",
  hour = "hour",
  hours = "hours",

  -- User Interface
  noVehicles = "There are no vehicles in this garage",
  vehicles = "vehicle(s)",
  vehiclePlate = "Vehicle Plate",
  vehicleNotInGarage = "Vehicle has been left out",
  vehicleTakeOut = "Drive",
  vehicleReturnAndTakeOut = "Return & Drive",
  vehicleReturnToOwnersGarage = "Return to Owner's Garage",
  transferToGarageOrPlayer = "Transfer to a Garage or Player",
  transferToGarage = "Transfer to a Garage",
  transferToPlayer = "Transfer to a Player",
  vehicleTransfer = "Transfer",
  noAvailableGarages = "No available garages",
  currentGarage = "Current garage",
  noPlayersOnline = "No players online",
  createPrivateGarage = "Create Private Garage",
  pgAlertHeadsUp = "Heads up!",
  pgAlertText = "The garage will be created and vehicles will spawn in the exact location and direction are you are currently standing.",
  garageName = "Garage Name",
  impoundInformation = "Impound Information",
  impoundedBy = "Impounded by",
  impoundedReason = "Reason",
  impoundPlayerCanCollect = "You can collect your vehicle from the impound.",
  impoundCollectionContact = "Please contact %{value} in order to collect your vehicle.",
  impoundNoVehicles = "There are no vehicles in the impound",
  impoundAvailable = "Available",
  impoundRetrievableByOwner = "Retrievable by owner",
  impoundNoReason = "No reason provided",
  impoundVehicle = "Impound Vehicle",
  impoundReasonField = "Reason (optional)",
  impoundTime = "Impound Time",
  impoundAvailableImmediately = "Available immediately",
  impoundCost = "Cost",
  changeVehiclePlate = "Change Vehicle Plate",
  newPlate = "New Plate",
  search = "Search by name or plate",
  noPrivateGarages = "No private garages",
  editPrivateGarage = "Edit Private Garage",
  owners = "Owner(s)",
  location = "Location",
  next = "Next",
  previous = "Previous",
  page = "Page",
  of = "of",
  show = "Show",
  save = "Save",
  edit = "Edit",
  delete = "Delete",
  garageDeleteConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this garage?",
  privGarageSearch = "Search by name",
  garageUpdatedSuccess = "Garage successfully updated!",
  getCurrentCoords = "Get current coordinates",
  identifier = "Identifier",
  name = "Name",
  noPlayers = "There are no players added",
  addPlayer = "Add player",
  loadingVehicle = "Loading vehicle...",
  vehicleSetup = "Vehicle Setup",
  extras = "Extras",
  extra = "Extra",
  liveries = "Liveries",
  livery = "Livery",
  noLiveries = "No liveries available",
  noExtras = "No extras available",
  none = "None",
  vehicleNeedsService = "Needs Service",
  type = "Type",

  -- Notifications
  insertVehicleTypeError = "You can only store %{value} vehicle types in this garage",
  insertVehiclePublicError = "You can't store job or gang vehicles in public garages",
  vehicleParkedSuccess = "Vehicle parked in garage",
  vehicleNotOwnedError = "You don't own this vehicle",
  vehicleNotOwnedByPlayerError = "Vehicle is not owned by a player",
  notEnoughMoneyError = "You don't have enough money in your bank",
  vehicleNotYoursError = "Vehicle does not belong to you",
  notJobOrGangVehicle = "This is not a %{value} vehicle",
  invalidGangError = "You have not provided a valid gang",
  invalidJobError = "You have not provided a valid job",
  notInsideVehicleError = "You are not sat in a vehicle",
  vehicleAddedToGangGarageSuccess = "Vehicle added to the %{value} gang garage!",
  vehicleAddedToJobGarageSuccess = "Vehicle added to the %{value} job garage!",
  moveCloserToVehicleError = "You need to move closer to the vehicle",
  noVehiclesNearbyError = "There are no vehicles nearby",
  commandPermissionsError = "You are not allowed to use this command",
  actionNotAllowedError = "You are not allowed to do this",
  garageNameExistsError = "Garage name already exists",
  vehiclePlateExistsError = "Vehicle plate is already in use",
  playerNotOnlineError = "Player is not online",
  vehicleTransferSuccess = "Vehicle transferred to %{value}",
  vehicleTransferSuccessGeneral = "Vehicle successfully transferred",
  vehicleReceived = "You recieved a vehicle with the plate %{value}",
  vehicleImpoundSuccess = "Vehicle successfully impounded",
  vehicleImpoundRemoveSuccess = "Vehicle removed from impound",
  vehicleImpoundReturnedToOwnerSuccess = "Vehicle returned to owner's garage",
  garageCreatedSuccess = "Garage successfully created!",
  vehiclePlateUpdateSuccess = "Vehicle plate set to %{value}",
  vehicleDeletedSuccess = "Vehicle deleted from database %{value}",
  playerIsDead = "You cannot do this while you are dead",

  -- Commands
  cmdSetGangVehicle = "Add current vehicle to a gang garage",
  cmdRemoveGangVehicle = "Set gang vehicle back to player owned",
  cmdSetJobVehicle = "Add current vehicle to a job garage",
  cmdRemoveJobVehicle = "Set job vehicle back to player owned",
  cmdArgGangName = "Gang name",
  cmdArgJobName = "Job name",
  cmgArgMinGangRank = "Minimum gang rank",
  cmgArgMinJobRank = "Minimum job rank",
  cmdArgPlayerId = "Player ID of new owner",
  cmdImpoundVehicle = "Impound a vehicle",
  cmdChangePlate = "Change vehicle plate (Admin only)",
  cmdDeleteVeh = "Delete vehicle from database (Admin only)",
  cmdCreatePrivGarage = "Create a private garage for a player",

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-20 05:59:43 | 显示全部楼层
是 = "是",
  否 = "否",
  车库 = "车库",
  工作车库 = "工作车库",
  帮派车库 = "帮派车库",
  玩家 = "玩家",
  没收 = "没收",
  在车库中 = "在车库中",
  不在车库中 = "不在车库中",
  汽车 = "汽车",
  空气 = "空气",
  海洋 = "海洋",
  燃料 = "燃料",
  引擎 = "引擎",
  车身 = "车身",
  天 = "天",
  天数 = "天数",
  小时 = "小时",
  小时数 = "小时数",

  -- 用户界面
  没有车辆 = "这个车库没有车辆",
  辆车 = "辆车",
  车牌号码 = "车牌号码",
  车辆不在车库中 = "车辆已经离开",
  驾驶车辆 = "驾驶",
  返回并驾驶汽车 = "返回并驾驶",
  返回到所有者的车库 = "返回到所有者的车库",
  转移到车库或玩家 = "转移到车库或玩家",
  转移到车库 = "转移到车库",
  转移到玩家 = "转移到玩家",
  车辆转移 = "转移",
  没有可用的车库 = "没有可用的车库",
  当前车库 = "当前车库",
  没有在线玩家 = "没有在线玩家",
  创建私人车库 = "创建私人车库",
  pg警告注意 = "注意!",
  pg警报文本 = "将创建车库,并且车辆将会在您当前所处的位置和方向生成。",
  车库名称 = "车库名称",
  没收信息 = "没收信息",
  没收人 = "没收人",
  没收原因 = "原因",
  可以从没收处取回 = "您可以从扣留处取回您的车辆。",
  没收联系方式 = "请联系 %{value} 以取回您的车辆。",
  没有车辆被没收 = "没有车辆被没收",
  可用 = "可用",
  所有者可以取回 = "车辆所有者可以取回",
  没有提供原因 = "没有提供原因",
  没收车辆 = "没收车辆",
  没收原因字段 = "原因(可选)",
  没收时间 = "没收时间",
  可立即获取 = "可以立即获取",
  没收费用 = "费用",
  改变车牌 = "改变车牌",
  新车牌 = "新车牌",
  搜索 = "按名称或车牌搜索",
  没有私人车库 = "没有私人车库",
  编辑私人车库 = "编辑私人车库",
  所有者 = "所有者",
  位置 = "位置",
  下一个 = "下一个",
  上一个 = "上一个",
  页面 = "页面",
  的 = "的",
  显示 = "显示",
  保存 = "保存",
  编辑 = "编辑",
  删除 = "删除",
  车库删除确认 = "您确定要删除此车库吗?",
  私人车库搜索 = "按名称搜索",
  车库更新成功 = "车库更新成功!",
  获取当前坐标 = "获取当前坐标",
  标识符 = "标识符",
  名称 = "名称",
  没有玩家 = "没有添加玩家",
  添加玩家 = "添加玩家",
  载入车辆 = "正在载入车辆...",
  车辆设置 = "车辆设置",
  额外设备 = "其他设备",
  额外 = "额外",
  着装 = "着装",
  无着装 = "无着装",
  车辆需要维修 = "需要维修",
  类型 = "类型",

  -- 通知
  插入车辆类型错误 = "您只能将 %{value} 类型的车辆存储在此车库中",
  插入公共车辆错误 = "您不能在公共车库中存储工作或帮派车辆",
  车辆停放成功 = "车辆停放在车库中",
  车辆不属于您错误 = "您不拥有此车辆",
  车辆不属于玩家错误 = "车辆不属于玩家",
  资金不足错误 = "您的银行账户中没有足够的资金",
  车辆不属于您错误 = "车辆不属于您",
  非工作或帮派车辆 = "这不是一辆 %{value} 车辆",
  无效的帮派错误 = "您没有提供有效的帮派",
  无效的职位错误 = "您没有提供有效的职位",
  不在车辆内错误 = "您没有坐在车辆中",
  车辆成功添加到帮派车库 = "车辆已添加到 %{value} 帮派车库!",
  车辆成功添加到工作车库 = "车辆已添加到 %{value} 工作车库!",
  靠近车辆错误 = "您需要靠近车辆",
  附近没有车辆错误 = "附近没有车辆",
  命令权限错误 = "您没有权限使用该命令",
  操作不允许错误 = "您不允许进行此操作",
  车库名称已存在错误 = "车库名称已存在",
  车牌号码已存在错误 = "车牌号码已在使用中",
  玩家不在线错误 = "玩家不在线",
  车辆转移成功 = "车辆已转移到 %{value}",
  车辆转移成功通用 = "车辆成功转移",
  车辆接收到 = "您收到了一辆车,车牌号为 %{value}",
  车辆没收成功 = "车辆成功被沒收",
  车辆从没收处移除成功 = "车辆从没收处移除成功",
  车辆由所有者归还成功 = "车辆归还给所有者的车库成功",
  车库创建成功 = "车库创建成功!",
  车牌更新成功 = "车牌已设置为 %{value}",
  车辆删除成功 = "车辆已从数据库中删除 %{value}",
  玩家已死亡 = "您在死亡时无法执行此操作",

  -- 命令
  cmd设置帮派车辆 = "将当前车辆添加到帮派车库",
  cmd移除帮派车辆 = "将帮派车辆设置为玩家所有",
  cmd设置工作车辆 = "将当前车辆添加到工作车库",
  cmd移除工作车辆 = "将工作车辆设置为玩家所有",
  cmdArg帮派名 = "帮派名称",
  cmdArg工作名 = "工作名称",
  cmgArg最低帮派排名 = "最低帮派排名",
  cmgArg最低工作排名 = "最低工作排名",
  cmdArg玩家ID = "新所有者的玩家ID",
  cmd没收车辆 = "没收车辆",
  cmd更改车牌 = "更改车牌(仅限管理员)",
  cmd删除车 = "从数据库中删除车辆(仅限管理员)",
  cmd创建私人车库 = "为玩家创建私人车库",

使用道具 举报

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