yes = "Yes",
no = "No",
garage = "Garage",
jobGarage = "Job Garage",
gangGarage = "Gang Garage",
player = "Player",
impound = "Impound",
inGarage = "In garage",
notInGarage = "Not in garage",
car = "Car",
air = "Air",
sea = "Sea",
fuel = "Fuel",
engine = "Engine",
body = "Body",
day = "day",
days = "days",
hour = "hour",
hours = "hours",
-- User Interface
noVehicles = "There are no vehicles in this garage",
vehicles = "vehicle(s)",
vehiclePlate = "Vehicle Plate",
vehicleNotInGarage = "Vehicle has been left out",
vehicleTakeOut = "Drive",
vehicleReturnAndTakeOut = "Return & Drive",
vehicleReturnToOwnersGarage = "Return to Owner's Garage",
transferToGarageOrPlayer = "Transfer to a Garage or Player",
transferToGarage = "Transfer to a Garage",
transferToPlayer = "Transfer to a Player",
vehicleTransfer = "Transfer",
noAvailableGarages = "No available garages",
currentGarage = "Current garage",
noPlayersOnline = "No players online",
createPrivateGarage = "Create Private Garage",
pgAlertHeadsUp = "Heads up!",
pgAlertText = "The garage will be created and vehicles will spawn in the exact location and direction are you are currently standing.",
garageName = "Garage Name",
impoundInformation = "Impound Information",
impoundedBy = "Impounded by",
impoundedReason = "Reason",
impoundPlayerCanCollect = "You can collect your vehicle from the impound.",
impoundCollectionContact = "Please contact %{value} in order to collect your vehicle.",
impoundNoVehicles = "There are no vehicles in the impound",
impoundAvailable = "Available",
impoundRetrievableByOwner = "Retrievable by owner",
impoundNoReason = "No reason provided",
impoundVehicle = "Impound Vehicle",
impoundReasonField = "Reason (optional)",
impoundTime = "Impound Time",
impoundAvailableImmediately = "Available immediately",
impoundCost = "Cost",
changeVehiclePlate = "Change Vehicle Plate",
newPlate = "New Plate",
search = "Search by name or plate",
noPrivateGarages = "No private garages",
editPrivateGarage = "Edit Private Garage",
owners = "Owner(s)",
location = "Location",
next = "Next",
previous = "Previous",
page = "Page",
of = "of",
show = "Show",
save = "Save",
edit = "Edit",
delete = "Delete",
garageDeleteConfirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this garage?",
privGarageSearch = "Search by name",
garageUpdatedSuccess = "Garage successfully updated!",
getCurrentCoords = "Get current coordinates",
identifier = "Identifier",
name = "Name",
noPlayers = "There are no players added",
addPlayer = "Add player",
loadingVehicle = "Loading vehicle...",
vehicleSetup = "Vehicle Setup",
extras = "Extras",
extra = "Extra",
liveries = "Liveries",
livery = "Livery",
noLiveries = "No liveries available",
noExtras = "No extras available",
none = "None",
vehicleNeedsService = "Needs Service",
type = "Type",
-- Notifications
insertVehicleTypeError = "You can only store %{value} vehicle types in this garage",
insertVehiclePublicError = "You can't store job or gang vehicles in public garages",
vehicleParkedSuccess = "Vehicle parked in garage",
vehicleNotOwnedError = "You don't own this vehicle",
vehicleNotOwnedByPlayerError = "Vehicle is not owned by a player",
notEnoughMoneyError = "You don't have enough money in your bank",
vehicleNotYoursError = "Vehicle does not belong to you",
notJobOrGangVehicle = "This is not a %{value} vehicle",
invalidGangError = "You have not provided a valid gang",
invalidJobError = "You have not provided a valid job",
notInsideVehicleError = "You are not sat in a vehicle",
vehicleAddedToGangGarageSuccess = "Vehicle added to the %{value} gang garage!",
vehicleAddedToJobGarageSuccess = "Vehicle added to the %{value} job garage!",
moveCloserToVehicleError = "You need to move closer to the vehicle",
noVehiclesNearbyError = "There are no vehicles nearby",
commandPermissionsError = "You are not allowed to use this command",
actionNotAllowedError = "You are not allowed to do this",
garageNameExistsError = "Garage name already exists",
vehiclePlateExistsError = "Vehicle plate is already in use",
playerNotOnlineError = "Player is not online",
vehicleTransferSuccess = "Vehicle transferred to %{value}",
vehicleTransferSuccessGeneral = "Vehicle successfully transferred",
vehicleReceived = "You recieved a vehicle with the plate %{value}",
vehicleImpoundSuccess = "Vehicle successfully impounded",
vehicleImpoundRemoveSuccess = "Vehicle removed from impound",
vehicleImpoundReturnedToOwnerSuccess = "Vehicle returned to owner's garage",
garageCreatedSuccess = "Garage successfully created!",
vehiclePlateUpdateSuccess = "Vehicle plate set to %{value}",
vehicleDeletedSuccess = "Vehicle deleted from database %{value}",
playerIsDead = "You cannot do this while you are dead",
-- Commands
cmdSetGangVehicle = "Add current vehicle to a gang garage",
cmdRemoveGangVehicle = "Set gang vehicle back to player owned",
cmdSetJobVehicle = "Add current vehicle to a job garage",
cmdRemoveJobVehicle = "Set job vehicle back to player owned",
cmdArgGangName = "Gang name",
cmdArgJobName = "Job name",
cmgArgMinGangRank = "Minimum gang rank",
cmgArgMinJobRank = "Minimum job rank",
cmdArgPlayerId = "Player ID of new owner",
cmdImpoundVehicle = "Impound a vehicle",
cmdChangePlate = "Change vehicle plate (Admin only)",
cmdDeleteVeh = "Delete vehicle from database (Admin only)",
cmdCreatePrivGarage = "Create a private garage for a player",