"no_water": "There needs to be water in front of you.",
"cancel": "[E] - Cancel",
"felt_bite": "A fish has bitten the bait, prepare to catch it!",
"catch_failed": "You didn't have enough strength to catch the fish.",
"sell_fish_heading": "1x %s = %s$",
"sell_fish_heading2": "1x %s = %s - %s$",
"amount": "Amount",
"selling": "Selling...",
"sold_fish": "You've successfuly sold the fish.",
"not_enough_fish": "Invalid fish amount.",
"fish_price": "Click to sell the fish for %s$.",
"fish_price2": "Click to sell the fish for %s - %s$.",
"sell_fish": "Sell fish",
"buy_heading": "1x %s = %s$",
"buying": "Buying...",
"bought_item": "You've sucessfully bought the item.",
"not_enough_money": "Not enough money.",
"not_enough_bank": "Not enough bank balance.",
"rod_price": "Click to buy this rod for %s$.",
"buy_rods": "Buy fishing rods",
"fisherman": "SeaTrade Corp.",
"level": "Current level: %s",
"level_desc": "You need %s XP to get to the next level.",
"buy_rods_desc": "Click to view our range of fishing rods.",
"sell_fish_desc": "Click to sell your caught fish.",
"open_fisherman": "Talk",
"rent_heading": "Rent Boat",
"rent_content": "Do you really want to rent this boat for %s$?",
"rent_price": "Click to rent this boat for %s$.",
"rent_boat": "Rent Boats",
"unlocked_level": "You've unlocked a new level.",
"no_bait": "You need to have a fishing bait.",
"rod_broke": "You're fishing rod wasn't able to withstand the pressure and broke.",
"nothing_to_sell": "You have nothing to sell.",
"anchor_boat": "[%s] - Anchor boat",
"raise_anchor": "[%s] - Raise anchor",
"buy_baits": "Buy fishing baits",
"buy_baits_desc": "Click to buy new fishing baits.",
"bait_price": "Click to buy this bait for %s$.