["bait_placed"] = "Bait Placed",
["not_in_zone_bait"] = "You are not in this bait zone",
["not_in_zone"] = "You are not in zone",
["wait"] = "You have to wait place another bait",
["wait"] = "a",
["far_from_animal"] = "You are so far from animal",
["player_in_close"] = "You can't do this while have a player in your around",
["cut_animal"] = "You have to cut animal",
["cancel"] = "Cancelled",
["shredded_meat"] = "shredded_meat",
["cant_cut_this_animal"] = "You can't cut this animal",
["not_look_animal"] = "You're not looking the animal",
["you_couldnt_catch"] = "You couldn't catch",
["need_level"] = "Your level in not yet the bait this animal.",
["cath_chicken"] = "[E] Catch Chicken",
["spam"] = "Do not spam",
["cant_shoot_out_of_zone"] = "You can't shoot when out of the zone",
["refill_ammo_in_zone"] = "Your ammo will be replenished when you enter the area",