JobMenuTitle = 'EMS 菜单',
dispatch = 'Dispatch',
dispatch_desc = 'Check for players in need of assistance',
DispatchMenuTitle = 'Dispatch',
GoBack = 'Go Back',
key_map_text = 'Ambulance Job Menu',
assistance_title = 'Assistance Requested',
assistance_desc = 'A person has requested medical assistance!',
respawn_available_in = 'Respawn available in ~b~%s minutes %s seconds~s~\n',
respawn_bleedout_in = 'You will bleed out in ~b~%s minutes %s seconds~s~\n',
respawn_bleedout_prompt = 'Hold [~b~E~s~] to respawn',
distress_send = 'Press [~b~G~s~] to send distress signal to EMS',
distress_sent_title = 'Assistance Requested',
distress_sent_desc = 'Distress signal has been sent to available units!',
route_set_title = 'Route Set',
route_set_desc = 'A waypoint has been set to the distressed person!',
diagnose_patient = 'Diagnose',
diagnose_patient_desc = 'Diagnose the closest injured person',
no_requests = 'No active requests',
revive_patient = 'Revive',
revive_patient_desc = 'Attempt to revive nearby person',
heal_patient = 'Heal',
heal_patient_desc = 'Attempt to heal nearby person',
sedate_patient = 'Sedate',
sedate_patient_desc = 'Temporarily sedate nearby person',
drag_patient = 'Drag',
drag_patient_desc = 'Drag nearby injured person',
place_stretcher_target = 'Add or Remove Patient',
place_patient = 'Place In/Out Vehicle',
place_patient_desc = 'Place nearby person in/out of vehicle',
no_nearby = 'Not Found',
no_nearby_desc = 'There appears to be nobody around',
no_injury = 'No Injury',
no_injury_desc = 'Person doesn\'t appear to need any additional treatment',
player_injury = 'Person Injured',
player_injury_desc = 'This person has appeared to have been %s',
player_not_unconcious = 'Player Concious',
player_not_unconcious_desc = 'It appears the player is concious',
player_unconcious = 'Player Unconcious',
player_unconcious_desc = 'Patient is required to be concious for this treatment!',
player_reviving = 'Reviving',
player_reviving_desc = 'Reviving patient in progress',
player_noitem = 'Missing Item',
player_noitem_desc = 'You lack the required item for this!',
player_successful_revive = 'Revived',
player_successful_revive_reward_desc = 'You have successfully revived the patient and earned $%s!',
player_successful_revive_desc = 'You have successfully revived the patient!',
player_healing = 'Healing',
player_healing_desc = 'Healing patient in progress',
player_successful_heal = 'Healed',
player_successful_heal_desc = 'Patient successfully healed!',
player_healed_desc = 'You have been successfully healed by the medic!',
not_medic = 'Unauthorized',
not_medic_desc = 'You are not trained to use this!',
target_sedated = 'Sedated',
target_sedated_desc = 'You have been sedated by a medical professional',
player_successful_sedate_desc = 'You have successfully sedated the patient',
drop_bag_ui = '[E] - Drop Bag',
drop_stretch_ui = '[E] - Place Stretcher',
pickup_bag_target = 'Pick Up',
move_target = 'Move',
interact_bag_target = 'Open',
successful = 'Successful',
medbag_pickup = 'You picked up the medbag',
medbag_pickup_civ = 'You searched the bag and have taken what would be of use',
stretcher_pickup = 'You picked up the foldable stretcher',
medbag = 'Medical Bag',
medbag_tweezers = 'Tweezers',
medbag_tweezers_desc = 'Used to remove bullets',
medbag_suture = 'Suture Kit',
medbag_suture_desc = 'Used to stitch wounds',
medbag_icepack = 'Ice Pack',
medbag_icepack_desc = 'Used to reduce swelling',
medbag_burncream = 'Burn Cream',
medbag_burncream_desc = 'Used to treat burns',
medbag_defib = 'Defibrillator',
medbag_defib_desc = 'For reviving patients',
medbag_medikit = 'Medkit',
medbag_medikit_desc = 'Used for healing patients',
medbag_sedative = 'Sedative',
medbag_sedative_desc = 'Used to sedate patients',
medbag_stretcher = 'Foldable Stretcher',
medbag_stretcher_desc = 'Used for moving patients',
item_grab = 'You have pulled a tool from your medical bag',
wrong_equipment = 'Wrong Equipment!',
wrong_equipment_desc = 'Have you even been trained?',
player_not_injured = 'Not Injured',
player_not_injured_desc = 'This person does not appear to need any additional treatment!',
player_treated = 'Treated',
player_treated_desc = 'You have successfully treated the patient',
revive_command_help = 'An admin command to revive players',
alive_again = 'Alive',
alive_again_desc = 'You were dropped off by a local at the hospital!',
request_supplies_target = 'Medical Supplies',
currency = '$',
not_enough_funds = 'Insufficient Funds',
not_enough_funds_desc = 'You don\'t have enough funds!',
hospital_garage = 'Hospital Garage',
used_meditkit = 'Medkit Used',
used_medikit_desc = 'You\'ve managed to patch yourself up',
action_cancelled = 'Action Cancelled',
action_cancelled_desc = 'You cancelled your last action!',
healing_self_prog = 'Treating Wounds',
checkin_hospital = 'Success',
checkin_hospital_desc = 'You have been successful treated by the hospital staff',
max_ems = 'Medics Avaliable',
max_ems_desc = 'There are plenty of medics in the city! Distress for help!',
player_busy = 'Busy',
player_busy_desc = 'You are currently too busy to do this action!',
cloakroom = 'Changing Room',
civilian_wear = 'Civilian Wear',
bill_patient = 'Bill Patient',
bill_patient_desc = 'Send a nearby patient an invoice',
invalid_entry = 'Invalid',
invalid_entry_desc = 'Your entry was invalid!',
medical_services = 'Medical Services',
hospital = 'Hospital'