"ui_players_dialogs_warn_title": "Warn player",
"ui_players_dialogs_warn_message": "Message",
"ui_players_dialogs_warn_send": "Warn",
"ui_players_dialogs_warn_has_been_warned": "The player has been warned for the following reason: %s",
"ui_players_dialogs_message_title": "Message player",
"ui_players_dialogs_message_message": "Message",
"ui_players_dialogs_message_send": "Send message",
"ui_players_dialogs_kick_title": "Kick player",
"ui_players_dialogs_kick_reason": "Reason",
"ui_players_dialogs_kick_kick": "Kick",
"ui_players_dialogs_kick_has_been_kicked": "The player has been kicked for the following reason: %s",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_title": "Ban player",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_time": "Time",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_unit": "Unit",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_permanent": "Permanent",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_reason": "Reason",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_never_expire": "The ban will never expire",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_expires": "The ban will expire in %s",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_ban": "Ban",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_minutes": "Minutes",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_hours": "Hour(s)",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_days": "Day(s)",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_weeks": "Week(s)",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_months": "Month(s)",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_has_been_banned": "The player has been banned %d %s for the following reason: %s",
"ui_players_dialogs_ban_has_been_permanently_banned": "The player has been permanently banned for the following reason: %s",
"ui_bans_title": "Bans",
"ui_bans_description": "You can see and unban players.",
"ui_bans_active_bans": "Active bans",
"ui_bans_banned_permanently": "Permanent",
"ui_bans_no_active_bans": "No active bans",
"ui_bans_header_player": "Player",
"ui_bans_header_banned_by": "Banned by",
"ui_bans_header_ban_date": "Ban date",
"ui_bans_header_banned_until": "Banned until",
"ui_bans_header_reason": "Reason",
"ui_bans_header_actions": "Actions",
"ui_bans_unban_notification": "The player has been unbanned",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_title": "User bans",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_legend_label": "Bans",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_repartition_title": "Active bans repartition",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_repartition_permanent_label": "Permanent",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_repartition_temporary_label": "Temporary",
"ui_bans_statistics_bans_top_title": "Top 5 banned players",
"ui_reports_title": "Reports",
"ui_reports_description": "You can view all the current reports.",
"ui_reports_search_report": "List",
"ui_reports_table_search": "Search",
"ui_reports_open": "Open",
"ui_reports_closed": "Closed",
"ui_reports_no_reports": "No reports",
"ui_reports_cards_total": "Total reports",
"ui_reports_cards_open": "Open reports",
"ui_reports_cards_closed": "Closed reports",
"ui_reports_average_time": "Average solve time",
"ui_reports_assign_report_notification": "You got assigned to the report",
"ui_reports_solve_report_notification": "You solved the report",
"ui_reports_dialogs_title": "Report #%d from %s",
"ui_reports_dialogs_assign_to_me": "Assign to me",
"ui_reports_dialogs_close_report": "Close report",
"ui_reports_dialogs_placeholder_enter_message": "Enter message...",
"ui_reports_dialogs_placeholder_cant_write_closed": "You can't write in a closed report",
"ui_reports_dialogs_placeholder_cant_write_unassigned": "You can't write in an unassigned report",
"ui_reports_dialogs_placeholder_cant_write_assigned_someone_else": "You can't write in a report assigned to someone else",
"ui_reports_header_caller": "Caller",
"ui_reports_header_message": "Message",
"ui_reports_header_date": "Date",
"ui_reports_header_status": "Status",
"ui_reports_header_assigned_to": "Assigned to",
"ui_reports_header_actions": "Actions",
"ui_reports_client_title": "My reports",
"ui_reports_client_description": "You can open or see a report.",
"ui_reports_client_new_report": "New report",
"ui_reports_client_new_reason": "Reason of the report",
"ui_reports_client_new_report_notification": "Your report has been created",
"ui_reports_client_report_solved_notification": "Your report has been closed",
"ui_reports_client_dialogs_title": "Create a new report",
"ui_reports_client_dialogs_subtitle": "This will open a new report to the administrators.",
"ui_reports_client_dialogs_create": "Create",
"ui_reports_statistics_reports_title": "Reports repartition",
"ui_reports_statistics_topreports_title": "Reports assignment repartition",
"ui_reports_statistics_topreports_legend": "Reports assigned",
"ui_settings_title": "Settings",
"ui_settings_description": "You can customise your experience.",
"ui_settings_ui_data": "UI & Data",
"ui_settings_window": "Window",
"ui_settings_toggle_sidebar": "Sidebar",
"ui_settings_colors": "Colors",
"ui_settings_cache": "Cache",
"ui_settings_reload_data": "Reload data",
"ui_settings_toggle_chat_notifications": "Chat notifications",
"ui_adminchat_title": "Admin Chat",
"ui_adminchat_description": "You can chat with your staff.",
"adminchat_new_message": "New admin chat message from %s",
"logs_admin_invincible" : "%s has been set invincible",
"logs_admin_no_invincible" : "%s is no more invincible",
"logs_admin_invisible" : "%s has been set invisible",
"logs_admin_no_invisible" : "%s is now visible",
"logs_admin_noclip": "%s is now in noclip",
"logs_admin_no_noclip": "%s is no longer in noclip",
"logs_admin_tpm" : "%s has been teleported to the marker",
"logs_admin_tocoords" : "%s has been teleported to the coords (X: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f)",
"logs_admin_spawncar" : "%s has spawned a car (%s)",
"logs_admin_setped" : "%s has set a ped (%s)",
"logs_admin_resetped" : "%s has reset his/her ped",
"logs_admin_announce" : "%s has made an announce with the following content : %s",
"logs_player_banned_temp": "Player %s has been banned from the server by %s until %s for the following reason: %s",
"logs_player_banned_perm": "Player %s has been permanently banned from the server by %s for the following reason: %s",
"logs_player_kicked": "Player %s has been kicked from the server by %s for the following reason: %s",
"logs_player_freeze": "Player %s has been freezed by %s",
"logs_player_unfreeze": "Player %s has been unfreezed by %s",
"logs_player_heal": "Player %s has been healed by %s",
"logs_player_revive": "Player %s has been revived by %s",
"logs_player_kill": "Player %s has been killed by %s",
"logs_player_goto": "%s has been teleported to player %s",
"logs_player_bring": "Player %s has been brought to %s",
"logs_player_goto_back": "%s went back to his/her last location",
"logs_player_bring_back": "Player %s has been brought back to its last location",
"logs_player_warn": "Player %s has been warned by %s for the following reason: %s",
"logs_player_message": "Player %s has received a message from %s with the following content: %s",
"logs_player_jobset": "%s has set %s's job\n\nFrom : **%s** - **%s**\nTo : **%s** - **%s**",
"logs_player_gangset": "%s has set %s's gang\n\nFrom : **%s** - **%s**\nTo : **%s** - **%s**",
"logs_player_moneyset": "%s has set %s's money",
"logs_player_inventoryset": "%s has set %s's inventory",
"logs_notes_add": "%s added a note to %s: %s",
"logs_player_spectate": "%s is now spectating player %s",
"logs_player_unspectate": "%s is no longer spectating player %s",
"logs_settings_onduty": "%s is now on duty",
"logs_settings_offduty": "%s is now off duty",
"logs_reports_assigned": "%s assigned himself report #%d made by %s",
"logs_reports_solved": "%s solved report #%d made by %s"