"abandon_job": "Abandon Job",
"abandon_job_confirmation": "Abandon Job Confirmation",
"about": "About",
"account": "Account",
"account_information": "Account Information",
"account_overview": "Account Overview",
"actions": "Actions",
"add_channel_to_favorites": "Add Channel to Favorites",
"add_to_album": "Add to Album",
"added": "Added",
"address_changed": "Address Changed",
"address_taken": "Address taken",
"age": "Age",
"airplane_mode": "Airplane Mode",
"alarm": "Alarm",
"alarms": "Alarms",
"album": "Album",
"album_created": "Album Created",
"albums": "Albums",
"all": "All",
"amount": "Amount",
"answer": "Answer",
"app_store": "App Store",
"application_sent": "Application Sent",
"apply": "Apply",
"approve": "Approve",
"approve_job_application_confirmation": "Approve Job Application Confirmation",
"approve_message": "Approve Message",
"apps": "Apps",
"april": "April",
"audio": "Audio",
"august": "August",
"authentication_failed": "Authentication failed",
"author": "Author",
"available_jobs": "Available Jobs",
"background_changed": "Background Changed",
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
"blured": "Blured",
"bring": "Bring",
"bring_vehicle_error_message": "We can't bring you your vehicle",
"bring_vehicle_finish": "Your vehicle has arrived.",
"bring_vehicle_success_message": "Your vehicle is on its way.",
"browser": "Browser",
"business_chat": "Business Chat",
"busy": "Busy",
"buy_sell_cryptocurrencies": "Buy/Sell Cryptocurrencies",
"calculator": "Calculator",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"call": "Call",
"call_ended": "Call Ended",
"calling_to_phone": "Calling to: phone",
"calls": "Calls",
"camera": "Camera",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"car_located": "Car Located",
"card_holder": "Card Holder",
"center": "Center",
"change": "Change",
"change_address": "Change Address",
"change_password": "Change Password",
"channel_name": "Channel Name",
"chat": "Chat",
"chats": "Chats",
"clock": "Clock",
"close": "Close",
"cloud": "Cloud",
"comment": "Comment",
"company": "Company",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"confirm_backup_phone_will_erase_last_backup": "This will erase your last backup. Are you sure?",
"confirm_delete_media": "Confirm Delete Media",
"confirm_delete_this_image": "Delete This Image?",
"confirm_new_password": "Confirm New Password",
"confirm_restore_phone": "Are you sure you want to restore?",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"content": "Content",
"create": "Create",
"create_listing": "Create Listing",
"create_new_listing": "Create New Listing",
"created": "Created",
"creators": "Creators",
"cryptocurrency": "Cryptocurrency",
"currency_sign": "€",
"current": "Current",
"current_channel": "Current Channel",
"current_location": "Current Location",
"dark_mode": "Dark Mode",
"dark_net": "Dark Net",
"date": "Date",
"december": "December",
"delete": "Delete",
"demote_to": "Demote to",
"deposit": "Deposit",
"description": "Description",
"description_is_too_short_or_too_long": "Description is too short or too long",
"details": "Details",
"device_could_not_be_located": "Device could not be located",
"device_found": "Device Found",
"device_locator": "Find",
"device_not_found": "Device Not Found",
"direct_messages": "Direct Messages",
"duty": "Duty",
"edit": "Edit",
"email": "Email",
"email_type": "Email Type",
"emails": "Emails",
"ended": "Ended",
"enter_address": "Enter Address",
"enter_amount": "Enter Amount",
"enter_invoice_reference": "Enter invoice reference",
"enter_new_crypto_address": "Enter new crypto address",
"enter_the_amount_you_want_to_deposit": "Enter the amount you want to deposit",
"enter_the_amount_you_want_to_withdraw": "Enter the amount you want to withdraw",
"entry": "Entry",
"error": "Error",
"everyone": "Everyone",
"exchange_balance": "Exchange Balance",
"exit_channel": "Exit Channel",
"failed": "Failed",
"failed_to_pay_invoice": "Failed to pay invoice",
"failed_to_send_mail": "Failed to send mail",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"february": "February",
"finances": "Finances",
"find": "Find",
"find_devices": "Find Devices",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"finished": "Finished",
"fire": "Fire",
"fire_member_confirmation": "Fire Member Confirmation",
"fired": "Fired",
"flashlight_color": "Flashlight Color",
"folder_name": "Folder Name",
"folders": "Folders",
"follow": "Follow",
"followed_by": "Followed By",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Following",
"follows_you": "Follows You",
"free": "Free",
"friday": "Friday",
"from": "From",
"futures": "Futures",
"gallery": "Gallery",
"garage": "Garage",
"go_back": "Go Back",
"group": "Group",
"hangup": "Hangup",
"home": "Home",
"human_resources": "Human Resources",
"iban": "IBAN",
"images": "Images",
"impounded": "Impounded",
"in_call": "In Call",
"incoming": "Incoming",
"install": "Install",
"invalid_credentials": "Invalid credentials",
"invalid_price": "Invalid Price",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"invoice": "Invoice",
"invoice_paid": "Invoice Paid",
"invoices": "Invoices",
"item": "Item",
"january": "January",
"job": "Job",
"job_application": "Job Application",
"job_applications": "Job Applications",
"job_grade": "Job Grade",
"job_information": "Job Information",
"job_name": "Job Name",
"join": "Join",
"join_channel": "Join Channel",
"join_race": "Join Race",
"july": "July",
"june": "June",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"lap": "Lap",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_location": "Last Location",
"latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"latest_transactions": "Latest Transactions",
"left": "Left",
"library": "Library",
"listing_created_successfully": "Listing created successfully",
"loading": "Loading",
"loading_notes": "Loading Notes",
"locate": "Locate",
"location": "Location",
"lockscreen": "Lockscreen",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"mail_sent": "Mail Sent",
"maps": "Maps",
"march": "March",
"marker": "Marker",
"market": "Market",
"market_overview": "Market Overview",
"marketplace": "Marketplace",
"max": "Max",
"may": "May",
"media_to_album": "Media to Album",
"message": "Message",
"messages": "Messages",
"min_minutes": "min",
"min_seconds": "s",
"monday": "Monday",
"money_sent": "Money Sent",
"month": "Month",
"mute": "Mute",
"my_note": "My Note",
"name": "Name",
"new": "New",
"new_album_name": "New Album Name",
"new_chat": "New Chat",
"new_folder": "New Folder",
"new_lockscreen_link_title": "New Lockscreen Link",
"new_lockscreen_title": "Choose a New Lockscreen",
"new_map_waypoint_set": "New map waypoint set!",
"new_message": "New Message",
"new_password": "New Password",
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_private_race": "New Private Race",
"new_short": "New Short",
"new_wallpaper_link_title": "New Wallpaper Link",
"new_wallpaper_title": "Choose a New Wallpaper",
"new_waypoint": "New Waypoint",
"news": "News",
"no_events_found": "No Events Found",
"no_racing_history_found": "No Racing History Found",
"no_recent_transactions": "No recent transactions",
"no_shorts_yet": "No shorts yet",
"no_unpaid_invoices_found": "No unpaid invoices found",
"not_allowed_to_use_this_channel": "You are not allowed to use this channel",
"not_available": "Not Available",
"not_enough_money": "Not Enough Money",
"not_found": "Not Found",
"note": "Note",
"note_saved": "Note Saved Successfully",
"notes": "Notes",
"notification_volume": "Notification Volume",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"november": "November",
"number_is_busy": "Number is busy",
"number_is_not_available": "Number is not available",
"number_is_not_registered": "Number is not registered",
"october": "October",
"ok": "OK",
"old_password": "Old Password",
"older": "Older",
"open_chat": "Open Chat",
"out": "Out",
"outgoing": "Outgoing",
"paid": "Paid",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"participants": "Participants",
"password": "Password",
"password_changed": "Password Changed",
"password_must_be_at_least_8_characters_long": "Password must be at least 6 characters long",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match",
"pay": "Pay",
"pay_invoice": "Pay invoice",
"perform_phone_backup": "Perform Phone Backup",
"personal": "Personal",
"phone_built_by": "Phone Built By",
"phone_details": "Phone Details",
"phone_is_up_to_date": "Phone is up to date",
"phone_number": "Phone Number",
"phone_size": "Phone Size",
"phone_version": "Phone Version",
"pick_media": "Pick Media",
"pick_receiver": "Pick Receiver",
"pick_thumbnail": "Pick Thumbnail",
"please_pick_a_thumbnail": "Please pick a thumbnail",
"portfolio_value": "Portfolio Value",
"position": "Position",
"post": "Post",
"posts": "Posts",
"price": "Price",
"private_mode": "Private Mode",
"prize": "Prize",
"promote": "Promote",
"promote_to": "Promote to",
"promoted": "Promoted",
"provider": "Provider",
"publish": "Publish",
"purchase_some_crypto_on_the_market": "Purchase some crypto on the market",
"race_creator": "Race Creator",
"radio": "Radio",
"receive_calls": "Receive Calls",
"receiver": "Receiver",
"recent": "Recent",
"reference_id": "Reference ID",
"register": "Register",
"reject": "Reject",
"reject_job_application_confirmation": "Reject Job Application Confirmation",
"reject_message": "Reject Message",
"remove": "Remove",
"reply": "Reply",
"request_success": "Request Success",
"reset": "Reset",
"restore_phone_from_backup": "Restore Phone from Backup",
"right": "Right",
"ringtone": "Ringtone",
"ringtone_volume": "Ringtone Volume",
"ringtones": "Ringtones",
"route_creator": "Route Creator",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"saved": "Saved",
"search": "Search",
"select": "Select",
"select_media": "Select Media",
"select_the_identifier": "Select the identifier",
"selected": "Selected",
"send": "Send",
"september": "September",
"services": "Services",
"settings": "Settings",
"share_contact": "Share Contact",
"show": "Show",
"show_delete": "Show Delete",
"snooze": "Snooze",
"something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong",
"sound": "Sound",
"start": "Start",
"start_working": "Start Working",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_working": "Stop Working",
"stopwatch": "Stopwatch",
"stored": "Stored",
"subject": "Subject",
"submit": "Submit",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"success": "Success",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"swap_now": "Swap Now",
"team": "Team",
"team_on_duty": "Team on Duty",
"tell_server_owner_to_update_the_phone": "Tell server owner to update the phone",
"this_address_is_not_available": "This address is not available",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"timer": "Timer",
"timers": "Timers",
"title": "Title",
"title_must_be_between_3_and_100_characters": "Title must be between 3 and 100 characters",
"title_or_descriptions_are_too_short": "Title or descriptions are too short",
"to": "To",
"today": "Today",
"tomorrows_weather_forecast": "Tomorrow's Weather Forecast",
"total": "Total",
"total_balance": "Total Balance",
"track": "Track",
"track_vehicle_error_message": "This vehicle cannot be located",
"track_vehicle_success_message": "Your vehicle has been marked",
"track_your_lost_stolen_devices": "Track your lost/stolen devices",
"transactions": "Transactions",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transfer_could_not_be_completed": "Transfer could not be completed",
"transfer_funds_to_any_of_these_ids": "Transfer funds to any of these IDs",
"transfer_money": "Transfer Money",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"type": "Type",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"unknown_vehicle_location": "Unknown Vehicle Location",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"upcoming_public_race": "Upcoming Public Race",
"update": "Update",
"update_photo": "Update Photo",
"update_profile_picture": "Update Profile Picture",
"use": "Use",
"username": "Username",
"username_already_exists": "Username already exists",
"vat": "VAT",
"vehicle_is_coming": "Your vehicle is on its way.",
"version": "Version",
"video_call": "Video Call",
"view": "View",
"View": "View",
"view_holdings": "View Holdings",
"voice_message": "Voice Message",
"voice_message_preview": "Voice Message Preview",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"wallpaper": "Wallpaper",
"waypoint_defined": "Waypoint Defined",
"waypoint_set_on_map": "Waypoint set on map",
"waypoint_set_on_map_to_last_known_location": "Waypoint set on map to last known location",
"weather": "Weather",
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"widgets": "Widgets",
"withdraw": "Withdraw",
"work": "Work",
"year": "Year",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"you_already_have_an_application_pending": "You already have an application pending!",
"you_bought": "You bought",
"you_dont_have_enough": "You don't have enough",
"you_dont_have_enough_to_deposit": "You don't have enough to deposit",
"you_dont_have_enough_to_withdraw": "You don't have enough to withdraw",
"you_got_fired": "You got fired",
"you_got_promoted": "You got promoted",
"you_have_no_transactions": "You have no transactions",
"you_sent": "You sent",
"you_sold": "You sold",
"your_address": "Your Address",
"your_address_was_changed_to": "Your address was changed to",
"your_deposit_has_been_processed": "Your deposit has been processed",
"your_job_application_has_been_approved": "Your job application has been approved",
"your_wallet_is_empty": "Your wallet is empty",
"your_withdrawal_has_been_processed": "Your withdrawal has been processed",
"zoom_position": "Zoom & Position"