['max_motoristas_ativos'] = 20, -- Maximum number of drivers that can be active, this means that when generating a driver that exceeds this number, the oldest driver will be deleted
['max_motoristas_por_player'] = 5 -- Maximum number of drivers the player can hire
-- Here is the definition of the contracts that are generated for drivers to carry out
Config.trabalhos = {
['cooldown'] = 30, -- Cooldown time (in minutes) for drivers to make contracts and generate money for the company
-- It is recommended to keep the initial profit and the percentage higher than the values configured for drivers in the above config
-- ['valor_inicial_min'] = 7000, -- Minimum initial contract profit
-- ['valor_inicial_max'] = 12000, -- Maximum initial contract profit
['valor_inicial_min'] = 6000, -- Minimum initial contract profit
['valor_inicial_max'] = 13000, -- Maximum initial contract profit
['porcentagem_bonus_habilidades'] = 7, -- Percentage that will be generated from profit for each skill that the driver has
['gera_dinheiro_offline'] = false -- true: drivers will generate money all the time / false: drivers will generate money only if the owner is online
Config.multiplicador_venda = 0.7 -- Value you receive when selling the used truck
Config.concessionaria = { -- Truck dealership vehicles
-- Here you can configure the vehicles of the dealership
['Phantom'] = { -- This must be the vehicle's spawn name
['name'] = 'Phantom', -- Truck name
['price'] = 700000, -- Value
['engine'] = "12.0 L MB OM 457 LA I6", -- Engine configuration
['transmission'] = "12-Speed", -- Transmission configuration
['hp'] = '450', -- Horsepower
['img'] = 'img/actros.jpg' -- Vehicle image
-- The other vehicles follow the same pattern as the vehicle above
['Packer'] = {
['name'] = 'Packer',
['price'] = 500000,
['engine'] = "16.2 L D2868 V8",
['transmission'] = "12-Speed",
['hp'] = '401',
['img'] = 'img/man.jpg'
['phantom2'] = {
['name'] = 'phantom2',
['price'] = 800000,
['engine'] = "12.9 PACCAR MX-13 I6",
['transmission'] = "12-Speed",
['hp'] = '480',
['img'] = 'img/daf.jpg'
['Hauler'] = {
['name'] = 'Hauler',
['price'] = 1400000,
['engine'] = "12.9 PACCAR MX-13 I6",
['transmission'] = "10-Speed",
['hp'] = '550',
['img'] = 'img/t680.jpg'
['Phantom3'] = {
['name'] = 'Phantom3',
['price'] = 1500000,
['engine'] = "15.0 Cummins ISX I6",
['transmission'] = "18-Speed",
['hp'] = '590',
['img'] = 'img/w900.jpg'
['Hauler2'] = {
['name'] = 'Hauler2',
['price'] = 1200000,
['engine'] = "13.0 D13TC I6",
['transmission'] = "12-Speed",
['hp'] = '535',
['img'] = 'img/vnl780.jpg'
Config.valor_reparo = { -- Value to repair 1% of each part (Example: if 40% of the part is damaged, the value to repair will be multiplied by 40)
['engine'] = 250,
['body'] = 150,
['transmission'] = 200,
['wheels'] = 100
Amount of exp you need to reach each level
[1] = 100,
[2] = 200,
This means that to reach level 1 you need 100 EXP, to reach level 2 you need 200 EXP
When leveling up, the player receives 1 skill point
Level 30 is the maximum
Config.exp_por_level = {
[1] = 1000,
[2] = 2000,
[3] = 3000,
[4] = 4000,
[5] = 5000,
[6] = 6000,
[7] = 7000,
[8] = 8000,
[9] = 9000,
[10] = 10000,
[11] = 11000,
[12] = 12000,
[13] = 13000,
[14] = 14000,
[15] = 16000,
[16] = 18000,
[17] = 20000,
[18] = 22000,
[19] = 24000,
[20] = 26000,
[21] = 28000,
[22] = 30000,
[23] = 35000,
[24] = 40000,
[25] = 45000,
[26] = 50000,
[27] = 55000,
[28] = 60000,
[29] = 65000,
[30] = 100000 -- Max
Maximum loan amount a person can take per level (the higher the level, the bigger the loan)
[0] = 20000,
[10] = 50000,
[20] = 200000
This means that at level 0 to level 10, you can get a loan of 20 thousand. From level 10 to 20, you can take a maximum of 50 thousand ....
Config.max_emprestimo_por_level = {
[0] = 40000,
[10] = 100000,
[20] = 250000,
[30] = 600000
-- Loan amounts and amount that is charged per day
Config.emprestimos = {
['cooldown'] = 86400, -- Time (in seconds) that the loan will be charged to the player (86400 = 24 hours)
['valores'] = {
It is possible to configure 4 loan values and each loan has its own settings
[1] = {
20000, [Loan amount]: 20,000
240, [Amount that the player pays each day]: This amount must be greater than the amount below, so in this case, when finalizing the payment of all installments, the player will pay 24 thousand (4 thousand of interest)
200 [Base amount to calculate interest]: The above value subtracted from this (240 - 200) will be the amount of interest: 40 interest per day
[1] = { 20000, 400, 200 },
[2] = { 50000, 950, 500 },
[3] = { 100000, 1800, 1000 },
[4] = { 400000, 7000, 4000 }
Skill level and kms you can travel at each level
[0] = 4,
[1] = 5,
This means that at level 0 the player can initiate contracts of a maximum of 4 km, at level 1, he can take contracts of 5 km
Level 6 is the maximum
Config.habilidade_distancia = {
[0] = 6,
[1] = 6.5,
[2] = 7,
[3] = 7.5,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 8.5,
[6] = 99 -- Max
EXP gain in %
XP is calculated based on the value of the delivery, so if he receive 1000 in one delivery, he will earn 50 XP
This XP will be increased based on the bonuses configured below
Config.exp = 1
-- EXP bonuses and money each skill gives
Config.bonus = {
-- This bonus will be applied according to the level and requirements of the load. Then, when transporting a fragile cargo, he will receive the fragile cargo bonus (these values are in%)
['distance'] = {
['dinheiro'] = {
[1] = 2,
[2] = 4,
[3] = 6,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 12
['exp'] = {
[1] = 5,
[2] = 5,
[3] = 5,
[4] = 5,
[5] = 5,
[6] = 5
['valuable'] = {
['dinheiro'] = {
[1] = 2,
[2] = 4,
[3] = 6,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 12
['exp'] = {
[1] = 10,
[2] = 10,
[3] = 10,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 10
['fragile'] = {
['dinheiro'] = {
[1] = 2,
[2] = 4,
[3] = 6,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 12
['exp'] = {
[1] = 10,
[2] = 10,
[3] = 10,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 10
['fast'] = {
['dinheiro'] = {
[1] = 2,
[2] = 4,
[3] = 6,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 12
['exp'] = {
[1] = 10,
[2] = 10,
[3] = 10,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 10