['no_permission'] = 'Player %s trying to use command / functions without permission',
['active_duty'] = 'You on report duty! You will see them all.',
['off_duty'] = 'You just turn off all report notification!',
['cooldown'] = 'Player %s spamming report tool!',
['cooldown_player'] = 'Stop spamming report tool!',
['new_report'] = 'New report from %s\n\n**Title:** %s\n**Description:** %s',
--Discord logs
['info_title'] = 'rcore_report - INFO log',
['critical_title'] = 'rcore_report - CRITICAL log',
['permission_title'] = 'rcore_report - PERMISSION log',
['other_title'] = 'rcore_report - OTHER log',
--Send help
['send_usage'] = '/%s [playerId]',
['send_usage_navigate'] = '/%s [pointKey]',
['player_cannot_be_found_usage'] = 'Player %s cannot be found',
['page_not_found'] = 'Page %s cannot be found!',
['point_not_found'] = 'Point %s cannot be found!',
['navigate_set'] = 'Navigation point prepared!',
['point_not_allowed'] = 'You cannot start navigation to this point!',
['help_text'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open help',
['registered_key_label'] = 'Opens guidebook',