['openGarage'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to Open ~b~',
['putgarage'] = '~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to Store Vehicle in~b~ ',
['cannot_store'] = 'You can not store this Vehicle on here!',
['blips_name_car'] = 'Car Garage',
['blips_name_boat'] = 'Boat Garage',
['blips_name_aircraft'] = 'AirCraft Garage',
['job_blips_name_car'] = 'Parking Car',
['job_blips_name_boat'] = 'Parking Boat',
['job_blips_name_aircraft'] = 'Parking AirCraft',
['vehicle_in_city'] = 'This Vehicle is still in the city',
['No_Money'] = 'No Enough Money',
['no_car'] = 'You do not have car in this garage',
['Vehicle_take_out'] = 'Vehicle was successfully take out the parking',
['spawn_loction_busy'] = 'There is no space to take out the car',
['Vehicle_Loading'] = 'Loading Vehicle...',
['puted_garage'] = 'Your Parked Vehicle ',
['Car_Not_Found_Model'] = 'Some of your vehicle will be removed from the server',
['force_put_not_type_vehicle'] = 'This car is not for this parking lot',
['driver_seat'] = 'Must be in Driver Seat to Store Vehicle!',
['not_for_you'] = 'This Vehicle Not For You',
['This_car_for_job'] = 'This Car Not For You Job and you cant park this vehicle on here',
['for_another_job'] = 'this garage for another job and you dont have permission for open',