Translations = {
html = {
warningTitleh1 = "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED",
warningTitleReason = "Reason:",
warningTitleBy = "Warned by:",
warningTitleReadRules = "Please read the rules again.",
warningBodyPressHold = "PRESS and HOLD your SPACE BAR key for 5 seconds to dismiss.",
reportTitle = "Make a Report",
inputSubjectTranslate = "Subject",
inputInfoTranslation = "Information",
supportoptionTranslation = "Support",
reportoptionTranslate = "Player report",
SendReportTranslation = "Send report!",
DashboardTranslation = "Dashboard",
DashboardTranslation2 = "Dashboard",
adminChatTranslation = "Admin Chat",
AdministrationTranslate = "Administration",
PlayersTranslate = "Players",
ReportsTranslate = "Reports",
JobsTranslate = "Jobs",
GangsTranslate = "Gangs",
ChangedTranslation = "Changed successfully!",
ResourcesTranslate = "Resources",
databaseInteractionTranslate = "DATABASE INTERACTION",
BansTranslate = "Bans",
CharactersTranslate = "Characters",
serverInformationTranslate = "SERVER INFORMATION",
ServerMetricsTranslation = "Server Metrics",
LogViewerTranslation = "Log Viewer",
ItemsListTranslation = "Items List",
VehiclesListTranslation = "Vehicles List",
LeaderboardsTranslation = "Leaderboards",
settingsTranslate = "Settings",
closePanelTranslate = "Close Panel",
loadingTranslate = "Loading...",
totalPlayersOnlineTranslate = "Total Players Online",
totalStaffOnlineTranslate = "Total Staff Online",
ReviveTranslate = "REVIVE",
unCuffTranslate = "UNCUFF",
GoBackTranslate = "GO BACK",
GoToMarkerTranslate = "GO TO MARKER",
ClothingMenuTranslate = "CLOTHING MENU",
invisibleTranslate = "INVISIBLE",
playerBlipsTranslate = "PLAYER BLIPS",
playerNamesTranslate = "PLAYER NAMES",
fastRunTranslate = "FAST RUN",
noclipTranslate = "NO CLIP",
godTranslate = "GOD MODE",
togradarTranslate = "FORCE RADAR",
superjumpTranslate = "SUPER JUMP",
noragdollTranslate = "NO RAGDOLL",
infinitestamTranslate = "INFINITE STAMINA",
clearbloodTranslate = "CLEAR BLOOD DAMAGE",
wetclothesTranslate = "WET CLOTHES",
dryclothesTranslate = "DRY CLOTHES",
serverActionsTranslateSelf = "Server Actions",
reviveallTranslate = "REVIVE ALL",
messageallTranslate = "SEND MSG TO ALL",
setweatherTranslate = "SET WEATHER",
settimeTranslate = "SET TIME",
vehicleActionsTranslateSelf = "Vehicle Actions",
repairvTranslate = "REPAIR",
filltankTranslate = "FILL FUEL",
washTranslate = "WASH",
maxpupgradesTranslate = "MAX PERFORMANCE",
randvisualpartsTranslate = "RANDOM VISUAL PARTS",
setcolorTranslate = "SET COLOR",
setliveryTranslate = "SET LIVERY",
setmedriverTranslate = "ENTER AS DRIVER",
setmepassTranslate = "ENTER AS PASSENGER",
unlockvTranslate = "FORCE UNLOCK",
lockvTranslate = "FORCE LOCK",
developerActionsTranslateSelf = "Developer Actions",
vec3Translate = "COPY VEC3 POS",
vec4Translate = "COPY VEC4 POS",
headingTranslate = "COPY HEADING",
loadiplTranslate = "REQUEST IPL",
unloadiplTranslate = "UNLOAD IPL",
setViewDistanceTranslate = "ENTITY VIEW DISTANCE",
copyEntityInfoTranslate = "COPY FREEAIM ENTITY INFO",
freeaimModeTranslate = "FREEAIM MODE",
displayVehiclesTranslate = "DISPLAY VEHICLES",
displayPedsTranslate = "DISPLAY PEDS",
displayObjectsTranslate = "DISPLAY OBJECTS",
entityActionsTranslateSelf = "Entity Management",
spawnvehicleTranslate = "CREATE VEHICLE",
deleteclosestvehTranslate = "DELETE CLOSEST VEHICLE",
deleteclosestpedTranslate = "DELETE CLOSEST PED",
deleteclosestobjTranslate = "DELETE CLOSEST OBJECT",
massdvTranslate = "DELETE ALL VEHICLES",
massdpTranslate = "DELETE ALL PEDS",
massdoTranslate = "DELETE ALL OBJECTS",
gangListTranslation = "Gang list",
resourceListTranslation = "Resource list",
clearTranslation = "Clear",
clearTranslation2 = "Clear",
clearTranslation3 = "Clear",
clearTranslation4 = "Clear",
clearTranslation5 = "Clear",
clearTranslation6 = "Clear",
clearTranslation7 = "Clear",
clearTranslation8 = "Clear",
logsTranslation = "Logs",
logTimeTranslation = "Time",
logTypeTranslation = "Log Type",
logMessageTranslation = "Log Message",
VehiclesListTranslation2 = "Vehicles list",
vehspawnNameTranslation = "Spawn Name",
vehmakeTranslation = "Make & Model",
vehCategoryTranslation = "Category",
vehShopTranslation = "Shop",
vehPriceTranslation = "Price",
itemListTranslation2 = "Items list",
itemNameTranslation = "Item Name",
itemSpawnTranslation = "Spawn Code",
itemDescriptionTranslation = "Description",
itemWeightTranslation = "Weight",
charactersTranslation = "Characters",
NamecharactersTranslation = "Name",
CharNamecharactersTranslation = "Character Name",
CitIdcharactersTranslation = "CitizenID",
ActionscharactersTranslation = "Actions",
jobListTranslate = "Job list",
ServerMetricsTranslation2 = "Server Metrics",
MetricsOwnedVehiclesTranslation = "Owned vehicles",
MetricsBansTranslation = "Bans",
MetricsCharactersTranslation = "Characters",
MetricsUniquePlayersTranslation = "Unique Players",
MetricsCashTranslation = "Total Player Cash",
MetricsBankTranslation = "Total Player Bank",
MetricsInvTranslation = "Inventory Items",
BanListTranslation = "Ban list",
BanListIdTranslation = "ID #",
BanListSteamTranslation = "Steam Name",
BanListLicenseTranslation = "License",
BanListIPTranslation = "IP",
BanListReasonTranslation = "Reason",
BanListBannedTranslation = "Banned By",
BanListExpireTranslation = "Expire",
BanListActionsTranslation = "Actions",
adminChatTranslation2 = "Admin Chat",
sendTranslation = "Send",
ReportsTranslation = "Reports",
ReportIdTranslation = "Server ID #",
ReportReporterTranslation = "Reporter Name",
ReportTimeTranslation = "Time",
ReportClaimedTranslation = "Claimed By",
ReportTypeTranslation = "Type",
ReportSubjectTranslation = "Subject",
ReportInfoTranslation = "Info",
ReportActionsTranslation = "Actions",
PlayerIdTranslation = "Player ID #",
PlayerSteamTranslation = "Steam Name",
PlayerCharacterTranslation = "Character Name",
PlayerGameTranslation = "Game License",
PlayerInformationTranslation = "Player Information",
PlayerCharNameTranslation = "Character Name:",
PlayerCitizenTranslation = "Citizen ID:",
PlayerGenderTranslation = "Gender:",
PlayerNationalityTranslation = "Nationality:",
PlayerCashTranslation = "Cash:",
PlayerBankTranslation = "Bank:",
PlayerPhoneTranslation = "Phone Number:",
PlayerJailTranslation = "In Jail:",
PlayerJobTranslation = "Job:",
PlayerDutyTranslation = "Duty:",
PlayerBossTranslation = "Boss:",
PlayerBossTranslation2 = "Boss:",
PlayerGangTranslation = "Gang:",
PlayerVehiclesTranslation = "Amount of vehicles:",
PlayerHealthTranslation = "Health:",
PlayerArmourTranslation = "Armour:",
PlayerFoodTranslation = "Food:",
PlayerWaterTranslation = "Water:",
PlayerIdentifiersTranslation = "Identifiers:",
PlayerInteractionTranslation = "Player Interaction",
PlayerGeneralActionTranslation = "General Actions",
PlayerTeleportActionsTranslation = "Teleport Actions",
PlayerSurveillanceActionTranslation = "Surveillance Actions",
PlayerMonetaryActionTranslation = "Monetary Actions",
PlayerJobGangActionTranslation = "Job and Gang Actions",
PlayerInventoryActionTranslation = "Inventory Actions",
PlayerPunishmentActionTranslation = "Punishment Actions",
PlayerOfflineActionTranslation = "Offline Actions",
LeaderboardsTranslation2 = "LEADERBOARDS",
cashLeaderboardTranslation = "Cash leaderboard",
cashLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
cashLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
cashLeaderboard3Translation = "Cash",
bankLeaderboardTranslation = "Bank leaderboard",
BankLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
BankLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
BankLeaderboard3Translation = "Bank",
CryptoLeaderboardTranslation = "Crypto leaderboard",
CryptoLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
CryptoLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
CryptoLeaderboard3Translation = "Crypto",
CoinLeaderboardTranslation = "Coin leaderboard",
CoinLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
CoinLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
CoinLeaderboard3Translation = "Coin",
VehiclesLeaderboardTranslation = "Vehicles leaderboard",
VehiclesLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
VehiclesLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
VehiclesLeaderboard3Translation = "Vehicles name",
LSLeaderboardTranslation = "Last Online leaderboard",
LSLeaderboard1Translation = "citizenid",
LSLeaderboard2Translation = "Character Name",
LSLeaderboard3Translation = "Last seen",
AreYouSureTranslation = "Are you sure?",
ContinueTranslation = "Continue",
CancelTranslation = "Cancel",
SettingsTranslation = "Settings",
DarkModeTranslation = "Dark Mode",
SeeModeTranslation = "See-Through Mode",
NotificationsTranslation = "Notifications",
ThemeTranslation = "Theme",
CloseTranslation = "Close",
CloseTranslation2 = "Close",
CloseTranslation3 = "Close",
WarningsTranslation = "Warnings",
WarningsIDTranslation = "ID #",
WarningsReasonTranslation = "Reason",
WarningsWarnedTranslation = "Warned By",
WarningsIssueTranslation = "Issue Date",
ReportInfoTranslation2 = "Report Info",
ReportReplyTranslation = "Reply",
allCharactersTranslation = "All characters",
allVehiclesTranslation = "All Vehicles",
allItemsTranslation = "All Items",
playerListTranslation = "Player list",
PlayersOnlineTranslation = "Players online",
fireTranslation = "Fire",
FireFromTheirJobTranslation = "from their job?",
FireFromTheirGangTranslation = "from their gang?",
FirePlayerTranslation = "Fire player",
deleteTranslation = "Delete",
RemoveCharacterTranslation = "Remove Character",
setJobGradeTranslation = "Set Job grade for ",
setJobTranslation = "Set job",
setGangTranslation = "Set Gang",
JobGradeAssignedTranslation = "Job Grade to assign to",
SetGradeTranslation = "Set Grade",
setGangGradeTranslation = "Set Gang grade for ",
GangGradeAssignedTranslation = "Gang Grade to assign to",
unbanTranslation = "Unban",
confirmUnbanTranslation = "Are you sure you want to unban",
deleteReportTranslation = "Delete Report ID",
confirmDeleteReportTranslation = "Are you sure you want to delete Report ID",
deleteReportTranslationC = "Delete Report",
claimReportIdTranslation = "Claim Report ID",
confirmClaimReport = "Are you sure you want to claim Report ID",
confirmClaimReport2 = "Claim Report",
replyToTranslation = "Reply to",
replyToConfirmTranslation = "Reply to the report of",
EnterReasonLonger5Translation = "Please enter a reason longer than 5 characters!",
enterGangGradeTranslation = "Please enter a gang name and grade!",
enterJobGradeTranslation = "Please enter a job name and grade!",
enterItemAmountTranslation = "Please enter an item name and amount!",
ClearInventoryOfPlayerTranslation = "Clear inventory of: ",
clearInventoryConfirmTranslation = "Clear inventory",
reasonTranslation = "Reason:",
playerTranslation = "Player",
warnTranslation = "WARN",
hourTranslation = "Hour('s)",
dayTranslation = "Day('s)",
weekTranslation = "Week",
permanentTranslation = "Permanent",
giveCashTranslation = "GIVE CASH",
amountTranslation = "Amount:",
removeCashTranslation = "REMOVE CASH",
setPedModelForTranslation = "Set Ped Model for ",
modelName = "MODEL NAME:",
setPedModelTranslation = "Set Model",
giveBankMoneyTranslation = "Give bank",
removeBankMoneyTranslation = "Remove bank",
giveItemTranslation = "Give item",
iplNameTranslation = "IPL Name:",
ChoseOneTranslation = "Chose one",
applyTranslation = "Apply",
removeTranslation = "Remove",
messageTranslation = "Message:",
WeatherTypeTranslation = "Weather type:",
EXTRASUNNYTranslation = "Extra Sunny",
CLEARTranslation = "Clear",
NEUTRALTranslation = "Neutral",
SMOGTranslation = "Smog",
FOGGYTranslation = "Foggy",
OVERCASTTranslation = "Overcast",
CLOUDSTranslation = "Clouds",
CLEARINGTranslation = "Clearing",
RAINTranslation = "Rain",
THUNDERTranslation = "Thunder",
SNOWTranslation = "Snow",
BLIZZARDTranslation = "Blizzard",
SNOWLIGHTTranslation = "Light Snow",
XMASTranslation = "Heavy Snow (XMAS)",
HALLOWEENTranslate = "Halloween",
EnterSubjectLonger5Translation = "Please enter a subject longer than 5 characters!",
EnabledTranslation = "Enabled",
DisabledTranslation = "Disabled",
maleTranslation = "Male",
femaleTranslation = "Female",
yesTranslation = "Yes",
noTranslation = "No",
copiedTranslation = "Copied to clipboard",
successfulTranslation = "successful",
unsuccessfulTranslation = "unsuccessful",
employeesTranslation = "Employees",
membersTranslation = "Members:",
itemWhoToGiveTranslation = "Who do you want to give the item to? LEAVE BLANK IF YOURSELF",
howManyDoYouWantTranslation = "How many items do you want of: ",
resourceNameTranslation = "Resource name",
resourceRunningTranslation = "Running",
resourceActionsTranslation = "Actions",
clearReportsTranslation = "CLEAR REPORTS",
clearAdminChatTranslation = "CLEAR ADMINCHAT",
clearLogsTranslation = "CLEAR LOGS",
commands = {
adminpanel = "Open Panel",
noclip = "Noclip",
showNames = "Show/hide player names"
alerts = {
enabled = "ENABLED:",
disabled = "DISABLED:",
success = "SUCCESS:",
error = "EROR",
noWarnings = "NO WARNINGS",
noclipEnabled = "Noclip enabled.",
noclipDisabled = "Noclip disabled.",
playerListRefreshed = "Player list and info refreshed.",
uncuffed = "Uncuffed yourself.",
cuffed = "Toggles cuffs on player.",
sentToLegion = "Sent player to Legion Square",
sentToPillbox = "Sent player to Pillbox hospita",
sentToCustoms = "Sent player to LS Customs",
sentToMRPD = "Sent player to MRPD",
sentToSandy = "Sent player to Sandy Shores",
sentToGrapeseed = "Sent player to Grapeseed",
sentToPaleto = "Sent player to Paleto Bay",
sentToLSA = "Sent player to LS International Airport",
openingPlayerInv = "Opening player's inventory",
tpm = "Teleported to marker!",
noMarker = "You have no marker set!",
invis = "You are now invisible!",
vis = "You are now visible!",
radarOn = "Force radar enabled",
radarOff = "Force radar disabled",
blipsOn = "Player blips enabled!",
blipsOff = "Player blips disabled!",
NamesOn = "Player Names enabled",
NamesOff = "Player Names disabled",
RunOn = "Fast run enabled",
RunOff = "Fast run disabled",
GodOn = "God mode enabled",
GodOff = "God mode disabled",
EnterVehicle = "You were teleported into the closest vehicle",
VehicleFull = "Vehicle seat seat is occupied",
bloodCleared = "Blood is now gone",
clothesWet = "Your clothes are now wet.",
clothesDry = "Your clothes are now dry",
vehicleFar = "Vehicle is over 10 units away (get closer)!",
pedFar = "Ped is over 10 units away (get closer)!",
objectFar = "Object is over 10 units away (get closer)!",
pedIsPlayer = "Can't delete - ped is a player!",
repairedVehicle = "Repaired closest vehicle",
washedVehicle = "Washed closest vehicle.",
hotwireVehicle = "Hotwired your vehicle",
lockedVehicle = "Locked closest vehicle",
unLockedVehicle = "Unlocked closest vehicle.",
vehicleMaxPerformance = "Gave your vehicle max performance upgrades.",
vehicleRandomVisual = "Gave your vehicle random visual upgrades.",
liverySet = "Set closest vehicle livery to ",
colorSet = "Set closest vehicle color",
fuelSet = "Filled closest vehicles fuel tank.",
iplReqested = "Requested IPL.",
unloadIPL = "Unloaded UPL",
distanceChanged = "View distance changed",
copied = "Copied to clipboard",
freeaimTog = "Freemode aim toggled",
dispVeh = "Display vehicles toggled",
dispPeds = "Display peds toggled",
dispEnt = "Display entitities toggled",
jumpOn = "Super jump enabled",
jumpOff = "Super jump disabled",
ragdollOn = "No ragdoll mode enabled",
ragdollOff = "No ragdoll mode disabled",
infStamOn = "Infinite stamina enabled",
infStamOff = "Infinite stamina disabled",
msgShort = "Message must be longer than 5 characters",
noMessage = "Please enter a message",
cleared = "cleared",
reports = "reports",
adminchat = "Adminchat",
logs = "logs",
newReport = "NEW REPORT",
reportClaimed = "REPORT CLAIMED",
failedReportSend = "CANT SEND REPORT",
reportSent = "REPORT SENT",
report = "REPORT:",
reportClaimedByStaff = "Your report was claimed by Staff Member ",
sentFollowingReport = "has sent the following report:",
message = "message",
reportLimitReached = "You have reached the limit of reports, please wait for assistance!",
startedResource = "STARTED RESOURCE:",
resourceAlready = "Resource is already running, can't start.",
stoppedResource = "STOPPED RESOURCE:",
resouceStoppedAlready = "Resource is not running, can't stop.",
RestartedResource = "RESTARTED RESOURCE:",
resouceRestartedAlready = "Resource is not running, can't restart.",
gaveCash = "You gave $ %{value} cash to %{value2}",
removeCash = "You gave $ %{value} cash from %{value2}",
gaveBank = "You gave $ %{value} bank money to %{value2}",
removeBank = "You gave $ %{value} bank money from %{value2}",
noPermission = "You don't have permission to do this",
yes = "Yes",
no = "No",
joinDiscord = "Join our Discord for further information:",
YouBeenKicked = "You have been kicked from the server:",
killed = "killed",
savedToDB = "Saved %{value} to database",
kickedPlayer = "STAFF MEMBER %{value} ** kicked ** %{value2} **[ %{value3} ]** for: %{value4}",
froze = "froze",
unfroze = "unfroze",
kickedFrom = "You were kicked from %{value}. Reason: %{value2}",
bannedOffBy = "has been offline banned by",
bannedOfBy2 = "hours. reason: ",
for1 = "voor",
bannedPermanent = "You have been banned:\n %{value}\n\nnYour ban is permanent.\n |