Config = {
-- Map
MapType = 5, -- 1: for DLCiplLoader, 2: Gabz Casino, 3: NoPixel Casino, 4: k4mb1 casino, 5: GTA:O Interior (rcore_casino_interior)
Gabz Casino
• make sure rcore_casino_interior is disabled, remove rcore_casino_interior from dependencies in fxmanifest.lua
• copy "\extra\gabz-casino\gabz_vw_vwdlc_int_01.ytyp" to "cfx-gabz-casino\stream\ytyp\"
NoPixel Casino
• make sure rcore_casino_interior is disabled, remove rcore_casino_interior from dependencies in fxmanifest.lua
• delete \stream\Main\ydr\vw_prop_vw_luckywheel_01a.ydr in NoPixel Casino
• copy "\extra\nopixel\gbz_vw_vwdlc_int_01.ytyp" inside stream\Main\ytyp in NoPixel Casino
• copy "\extra\nopixel\vw_vwint01_betting_desks.ydr" inside stream\Main\ydr in NoPixel Casino
-- Xmas trees
-- • configurable in xmas\xmas_cl.lua nad xmas\xmas_sv.lua
Xmas = false,
-- Money Or Casino Chips?
UseOnlyMoney = false, -- 如果要禁用使用赌场筹码并改用金钱,请设置为 true
ExchangeRate = 0.8, -- 例如,如果 1 个筹码等于 5$,则将一个赌场筹码的设置值设置为 5(最小值:0.1,四舍五入为 0.1、0.5 或 1)
ChipsInventoryItem = "casino_chips",
UseBankMoney = false, -- cash or bank?
-- Behave in casino?
RestrictControls = true, --不要跳跃,不要在赌场内攻击
-- Bar
BarShowSnacks = true, -- 禁用,如果您只想在调酒师菜单中查看饮料
-- Inside Track
IT_STARTING_SOON_TIME = 0, -- *即将开始屏幕*持续时间;def:0
IT_MAIN_EVENT_MIN_PLAYERS = 1, --主赛事开始所需的最少球员;防御: 2
IT_MAIN_EVENT_ENABLED = true, -- 如果为 false,则主事件将被禁用,大屏幕将仅显示紫色空闲屏幕;def:真
IT_MAIN_EVENT_BETTING_TIME = 60 * 5, -- 玩家为主赛事下注的时间,在屏幕上显示马匹;def: 60 * 5 (5 分钟)
IT_MAIN_EVENT_RACE_DURATION = 33, -- 主赛事的长度;防御: 33
IT_MAIN_EVENT_HORSE_ODDS = {2, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30}, -- limit max horse odds for local game (1 to 30), def: {1, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30} (2 horses of odds from 1 to 5, 2 horses of odds from 6 to 15, 2 horses of odds from 16 to 30)
IT_MAIN_EVENT_RACE_MAX_BET = 10000, -- 主赛事的最大投注额
IT_MAIN_EVENT_RACE_MIN_BET = 10, -- min. bet for the main event race
IT_LOCAL_RACE_DURATION = 30, -- length of the local race (orange screen) def: 30
IT_LOCAL_RACE_HORSE_ODDS = {2, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30}, -- limit max horse odds for local game (1 to 30), def: {1, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30} (2 horses of odds from 1 to 5, 2 horses of odds from 6 to 15, 2 horses of odds from 16 to 30)
IT_LOCAL_RACE_MAX_BET = 10000, -- max. bet for the local race
IT_LOCAL_RACE_MIN_BET = 10, -- min. bet for the local race
IT_LOCAL_RACE_COOLDOWN = 0, -- how long until they can play another local game, in seconds, (def: 60 * 10)
IT_MAIN_EVENT_COOLDOWN = 0, -- how long until they can play another main event game, in seconds, (def: 60 * 10)
-- Win chance of horses are based on their odds, however, if you want to make the game more unlucky, lower the win chance:
IT_LOCAL_RACE_WIN_CHANCE = 50, -- win chance (from 0 to 100), def: 100, 100 means that it's not *unlucky* at all
IT_MAIN_EVENT_RACE_WIN_CHANCE = 50, -- win chance (from 0 to 100), def: 100, 100 means that it's not *unlucky* at all
-- Roulette
ROULETTE_JUNIOR_ENABLED = true, -- set if you want to have Roulette Junior (blue) table for newbies (low stakes)
ROULETTE_JUNIOR_COORDS = {1004.790, 57.295, 68.432},
-- Slots
SLOTS_1ST_PERSON = false, -- switch to 1st person when spinning slots
-- Lucky Wheel
LUCKY_WHEEL_FREE_DRINKS_FOR = (60 * 60 * 24), -- when someone spins "Free Drinks" at the Lucky Wheel, how long they get free drinks for. def: 24 hours (60 * 60 * 24)
LUCKY_WHEEL_COOLDOWN = (60 * 60 * 24), -- how long players have to wait for their next spin. def: 24 hours (60 * 60 * 24)
LUCKY_WHEEL_VEHICLE_ALTERNATIVE = "Money9", -- if player spins Vehicle, but there is no avaiable podium vehicle at the moment, spin to this item. Def: "Money50K" (the second biggest price)
LUCKY_WHEEL_CAR_WINABLE = true, -- true: players can win the car, false: car is just a decoration
LUCKY_WHEEL_PAY_TO_SPIN = 0, -- set price for the spin (chips), set 0 for free spins, or set to existing inventory name, for example LUCKY_WHEEL_PAY_TO_SPIN = "wheel_ticket" to pay with an inventory item
LUCKY_WHEEL_CAR_ONE_WINNER = true, -- set to true, if only one player can win the podium vehicle. the vehicle will disapear from the podium after someone wins it.
-- Blackjack
BLACKJACK_JUNIOR_ENABLED = true, -- set if you want to have Blackjack Junior (blue) table for newbies (low stakes)
BLACKJACK_JUNIOR_COORDS = {1004.183, 53.192, 68.432},
-- Poker
POKER_JUNIOR_ENABLED = true, -- set if you want to have Poker Junior (blue) table for newbies (low stakes)
POKER_JUNIOR_COORDS = {998.439, 61.031, 68.432},
-- Cashier
CASHIER_DAILY_BONUS = 1000, -- daily visitor bonus that players can request at the Cashier, set to 0 if you don't want any daily bonuses. def: 1000
CASHIER_VIP_PRICE = 50000, -- price of the VIP casino membership, def: 50000
CASHIER_VIP_DURATION = (60 * 60 * 24) * 7, -- VIP for player resets after this time, def: 7 days
CASHIER_SHOW_SOCIETY_BALANCE = false, -- whether to show avaiable society balance in cashier UI
-- Casino Settings (don't change unless you're told to :)
CAS_DOUBLECHECK_COORDS = vector3(984.528, 52.299, 70.238),
CASINO_ENABLE_AMBIENT_PEDS = true, -- standing peds
CASINO_ENABLE_AMBIENT_PEDS_SLOTS = false, -- peds playing slots
CASINO_ENABLE_AMBIENT_PEDS_POKER = false, -- peds playing poker
CASINO_ENABLE_AMBIENT_PEDS_BLACKJACK = false, -- peds playing blackjack
CASINO_ENABLE_AMBIENT_PEDS_ROULETTE = false, -- peds playing roulette
CASINO_AMBIENT_PEDS_DENSITY = 3, -- 1: a few, 2: medium, 3: all peds
CASINO_SAVE_TIMER = 30000, -- database update interval
DISABLE_IDLE_CAM = true, -- disable idle cam animations (looking around)
CASINO_ANIM_TIMEOUT = 750, -- pause between animations (in milliseconds), decrease this number to make interaction animations faster, be careful, smaller number can cause desync in animations if players have high ping. def: 750
PRICES_CURRENCY = "$", -- $, €, £, ¥, ₽, ₩, ₹ ...
RADAR_ZOOMLEVEL = 0.0, -- 自定义雷达变焦,从 0.0(最接近)到更高
ENTER_CASINO_FADEOUT = 1, -- whether to fadeout the screen when entering (loading) casino or not (0: disabled, 1: only first enter, 2: every time)
CASHIER_MULTITASK = true, -- multiple players can use the Cashier at the same time
LOAD_SCENE = true, -- load the whole casino playing area after entering (recommended)
JOB_PODIUMCAR_DELETE_ORIGINAL_FUNCTION_CLIENT = function(vehicleId, plateNumber) -- client function that the car dealer executes after delivering the car
CASINO_BLIPS_SHORT_RANGE = true, -- true: blips are visible only to players near casino, false: blips are always visible
CASINO_BLIP_ID = 679, -- 679 is the diamond icon [https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/]
AMBIENT_SOUNDS = true, -- enable casino background interior sound
Debug = false,
-- Plate Settings
PlateLetters = 3,
PlateNumbers = 3,
PlateUseSpace = true,
-- Drinking
DrunkSystem = 1,
-- 1 = built-in, resets drunk level after leaving casino
-- 2 = esx_status
-- 3 = evidence:client:SetStatus
-- 4 = rcore_drunk -- https://store.rcore.cz/package/5161129
-- Other Resources
EnableGuidebookIntegration = false, -- https://store.rcore.cz/package/5041989
-- Society
EnableSociety = true, -- whether to enable society account
SocietyName = "society_casino",
SocietyLimitFromBalance = 10000, -- if society account has less money than this, it will start paying out reduced money, (SocietyLimitPayoutPercentage)
SocietyLimitPayoutPercentage = 35, -- example: if SocietyLimitPayoutPercentage is 35%, and SocietyLimitFromBalance is 10000 => 1000 payout at the Cashier will be limited to 350, if the society bank account balance is less than 10 000
-- when enabled, all casino payments (Cashier, Bar, Lucky Wheel) go through the society account, players don't get paid if there's not enough money in the
SocietyFramework = "okokbanking",
'default': default, using events, qb-bossmenu/qb-management for QB, esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount for ESX
'okokbanking': editing the society row using mysql, table okokbanking_societies
'addon_account_data': editing the society row using mysql, table addon_account_data
'710-Management': using 710-Management export functions
for more details open /server/main/society.lua
-- Job
BossGrade = 2, -- the max grade (boss) for the casino job
BossName = "boss",
JobName = "casino", -- id of the job (not a title, I guess, don't change it)
-- Teleport In & Out
LeaveThroughTeleport = false, -- 如果启用,人们将无法离开赌场大楼,相反,他们在靠近入口时会得到提示(如果您的地图距离洛斯桑托斯太远,则很有用)
EnterPosition = vector3(2469.584473, -280.015869, -58.267620),
EnterCheckpointPosition = vector3(923.470093, 47.249229, 79.8), --用于进入赌场的自定义标记,例如,在不同城市的自定义赌场大楼前,等等。
LeavePosition = vector3(919.127380, 51.120274, 80.898659), -- 玩家在离开后出现的地方,例如,在不同城市的自定义赌场大楼前,等等。
LeaveArea = vector3(2468.992188, -287.276459, -58.267506), -- 其中玩家被提示离开赌场,例如在主门前,
-- Ui
UIFontName = nil, -- font for the UI, set to nil, if you don't want to use a custom font, set to a font name (with ""), if you wanna register and use a font that's inside your /stream/fonts folder
ShowHowToPlayUI = 1, -- How to play/Info about the game UI (Menu that shows after pressing 'E' to play. (0: disabled, 1: only once, 2: every time after pressing 'E')
ShowChipsHud = true, -- whether to use the built-in chips hud on the top-right corner
UseNUIHUD = false, -- whether to use chips hud on NUI (you can customize it in 'html/index.html')
-- Database
MongoDB = false, -- if you decide to use MongoDB instead of MYSQL, don't forget to edit your MongoDB queries in: server/main/cache.lua, server/main/casino.lua and server/utils/plateGenerator.lua
-- Mysql Resources
Ghmattimysql = false, -- if you're using "ghmattimysql" instead of mysql-async
-- Tweaks
VoiceTweak = false, -- keep it false, if you don't have amy voice problems inside casino
VehicleRGBTweak = false -- save podium vehicle colors as RGB array (color1, color2), instead of numbers
Framework = {
-- 1 = es_extended
-- 2 = QBcore
-- 3 = Standalone (⚠️ check https://documentation.rcore.cz/p ... /standalone-version)
-- 4 = Custom (⚠️ check https://documentation.rcore.cz/p ... no/custom-framework)
Active = 1,
-- Please follow the installation tutorial: --
-- https://documentation.rcore.cz/paid-resources/rcore_casino
-- esx resource name + shared object name
ESX_SHARED_OBJECT = "esx:getSharedObject",
-- esx extra settings
BUILTIN_HUD_CHIPS_ICON = "casinochip.png",
-- qbcore resource name + shared object name
-- standalone settings
STANDALONE_INITIAL_CHIPS = 100000 -- chips that everyone gets after first enter
if Framework.Active == 2 then
Config.PlateLetters = 4
Config.PlateNumbers = 4
Config.PlateUseSpace = false
Events = {
QB_PLAYER_LOADED = "QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded",
QB_PLAYER_JOB_UPDATE = "QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate",
QB_BOSS_MENU = "qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu",
-- use "qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu" for qb-management and "qb-bossmenu:client:openMenu" for qb-bossmenu
ES_PLAYER_LOADED = "esx:playerLoaded",
ES_PLAYER_JOB_UPDATE = "esx:setJob",
ES_BOSS_MENU = "esx_society:openBossMenu"
GameplayKeys = {
TableGamesMaxBet = 44, -- Choose between: (Tab = 204, E = 46, Q = 44, D = 134, Page Down = 207)
TableGamesGrabCards = 207,
RouletteHistoryKey = 204
AdminGroup = {
["god"] = true,
["admin"] = true,
["mod"] = true,
["moderator"] = true
-- Enable / Disable individual games/activities
GameStates = {{
activity = "slots",
title = "Slot Machines",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "luckywheel",
title = "Lucky Wheel",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "insidetrack",
title = "Inside Track",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "drinkingbar",
title = "Drinking Bar",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "roulette",
title = "Roulette",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "poker",
title = "Poker",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "blackjack",
title = "Blackjack",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "cashier",
title = "Cashier",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "seating",
title = "Seating",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "cameras",
title = "Cameras",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "officeelevator",
title = "Office Elevator",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "officeelevatorout",
title = "Office Elevator (Down)",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "casinoteleporter",
title = "Casino Teleporter (In)",
enabled = true
}, {
activity = "casinoentrance",
title = "Casino Entrance",
enabled = true
-- opening hours
-- examples:
-- [1] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} -- From 0:00 til 6 AM
-- [1] = {-1} -- Open all day
Config.OpeningHours = {
[1] = {-1}, -- Sunday
[2] = {-1}, -- Monday
[3] = {-1}, -- Tuesday
[4] = {-1}, -- Wednesday
[5] = {-1}, -- Thursday
[6] = {-1}, -- Friday
[7] = {-1} -- Saturday
-- customize the blip function here
-- used blip icon ids:
-- Inside Track: 684, Lucky Wheel: 681, Cashier: 683, Table Games: 680, VIP Area / Exterior Icon: 679,
-- [https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/]
function SetCasinoBlip(coords, blipIcon, blipName, exterior)
local blip = AddBlipForCoord(coords)
SetBlipSprite(blip, blipIcon)
SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4)
SetBlipScale(blip, 1.2)
SetBlipColour(blip, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, exterior and Config.CASINO_BLIPS_SHORT_RANGE or false)
if not exterior then
table.insert(CasinoBlips, blip)
return blip
function RemoveMissionBlip(name)
if MissionBlips[name] then
MissionBlips[name] = nil