# For help, see https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/configuration #
# WARNING, if you set "use_permissions" to false, a 'default' permissions system will be used.
# this makes sure that EVERYONE on the server can do EVERYTHING, besides, banning, unbanning,
# kicking and killing using the Online Players menu.
# 更改為false將讓所有人都能使用權限 #
setr vmenu_use_permissions true
# WARNING, if you enable the option below, then only players with the "vMenu.Staff"
# permission will be able to use vMenu. Not recommended.
setr vmenu_menu_staff_only true
# Any valid control ID can be used here.
setr vmenu_menu_toggle_key 84 #INS
setr vmenu_noclip_toggle_key 83 #F11
# Keeps spawned vehicles from de-spawning if 'replace previous vehicle' is disabled.
setr vmenu_keep_spawned_vehicles_persistent false
# Enable weather sync?
setr vmenu_enable_weather_sync true
# Enable dynamic weather changes?
setr vmenu_enable_dynamic_weather true
# Dynamic weather timer sets the delay in minutes between dynamic weather changes (default: 10)
setr vmenu_dynamic_weather_timer 10
# Default weather type for when the resource starts.
setr vmenu_default_weather CLEAR
# Allow random blackout enables/disables the random 1/5 chance of a 1 minute blackout during
# thunderstorms.
setr vmenu_allow_random_blackout false
# Enable time sync?
setr vmenu_enable_time_sync true
# Freeze the time by default when the server starts?
setr vmenu_freeze_time false
# Enables smooth time transitions.
setr vmenu_smooth_time_transitions true
# Default time hour for when the resource starts. (0-23)
setr vmenu_default_time_hour 9
# Default time minute for when the resource starts. (0-59)
setr vmenu_default_time_min 0
# The option below indicates how many milliseconds in real time it takes for 1 in-game minute
# to pass. by default, GTA V minutes take 2 seconds in real life (2000ms).
setr vmenu_ingame_minute_duration 2000
# Automatically ban cheaters? This feature is not 100% reliable so that's why it's disabled
# by default.
setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters false
setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters_ban_message "You have been automatically banned. If you believe this was done by error, please contact the server owner for support."
# Log ban actions to the "vmenu.log" file?
setr vmenu_log_ban_actions true
# Log kick actions to the "vmenu.log" file?
setr vmenu_log_kick_actions true
# Notify players when vMenu is outdated?
setr vmenu_outdated_version_notify_players true
# This option will enable compatibility mode for els and other siren-control scripts by
# disabling vMenu's control over vehicle sirens completely.
setr vmenu_use_els_compatibility_mode false
# When you set this to true, it will leave the current game session if a player uses the
# rockstar editor button in the recording options menu. (false by default).
setr vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor false
# Here you can set some info about your server which will be displayed in the "About Menu".
# The first one is just a small description message where you can tell the user about your community.
# Keep it short though, because the description box's size is limited.
# The second convar is for the url/domain name of your community, which will be displayed as a label on
# the right side of the info button. examples: 
setr vmenu_server_info_message "About this server, discord: vespura.com/discord"
setr vmenu_server_info_website_url "www.vespura.com"
# Set the keybind that will be used for the 'teleport to waypoint' keybind
# Only used if enabled in the menu by the user, and if the user has permission
# to use the Teleport to Waypoint button in the Misc Settings submenu. This will
# only be active when the keyboard is being used. Controllers will not trigger this
# keybind unless the keyboard/mouse is being used at the same game frame.
setr vmenu_teleport_to_wp_keybind_key 57 # 57 / F10 by default
# If you set this to true, then players will not be able to spawn as their default
# saved multiplayer character whenever they join or respawn. This includes all staff members as well.
# This does NOT disable the "restore player appearance" option for non-mp peds.
setr vmenu_disable_spawning_as_default_character false
# When set to true, then the update checks that automatically happen every 24 hours will be disabled.
# Update checks will still occur whenever (re)starting the server/resource, regardless of this setting.
setr vmenu_disable_daily_update_checks false
# Recommended to leave this disabled, but if you REALLY want to use animals as player peds then go ahead and enable this.
# You have been warned, this WILL cause game crashes to occur regularly.
setr vmenu_enable_animals_spawn_menu true
# Sets the PVP mode, 0 = do nothing, 1 = enable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone, 2 = disable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone.
# Note this is only set ONCE when the player joins. This is not forced every tick, other resources or client mods are able to override this.
# Default: 0
setr vmenu_pvp_mode 0
# Set this to true if you don't want vMenu to use any server information convars.
setr vmenu_disable_server_info_convars false
# Distance for playerblips to showup. This is using "game units" as measurement. It's unknown
# what this is in relation to meters or something similar, but 500.0 seems fine in most cases.
setr vmenu_player_names_distance 500.0
# Disables the entity model outlines, model hashes, entity handles development tools section.
setr vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool false
# This message gets added at the end of all ban messages, use this to show users where they can contact the server staff team in case
# they want to appeal it or if they have any questions.
setr vmenu_default_ban_message_information "Please contact the staff team by going (support url) if you want to appeal this ban"
# If you put a folder location here, then the filepath must end with a '/'! Leave this field empty if you don't know what you're doing.
# For example either use "" or "resources/vMenu/". Filepath will start relative from the same folder that contains your server.cfg.
setr vmenu_bans_database_filepath ""
# Set this to true if you want to use SQLite for storing banned players instead of the bans.json, this will improve performance.
# Set this to false if you already have a bans.json with banned players in it, then type 'vmenuserver migrate' in the server console.
# Then make a backup of your bans.json file, and delete the original. After that stop the server and set this to true, then restar the server.
# You should now have a working SQLite database setup for your banned players.
setr vmenu_bans_use_database true
# For help, see https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/permissions-ref #
# Add players to any group you want, can be group_superadmin, group.moderator or any other group.<name> you want.
# Admin group players:
add_principal identifier.steam:1100001327f986e group.moderator
# Moderator group players:
add_principal identifier.steam:1100001327f986e group.superadmin
## Setup group inheritance, it's probably best you don't touch this unless you know what you're doing.
add_principal group_superadmin group.moderator
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.Everything" allow # (Don't touch this, unless you're stupid or you know what you're doing :^) !)
# Prevent admins from getting banned/kicked from the server.
add_ace group_superadmin "vMenu.DontKickMe" allow
add_ace group_superadmin "vMenu.DontBanMe" allow
# If the menu is set to menu_staff_only, then this will allow moderators and admins to use the menu.
# 僅允許管理員使用選單
add_ace group.moderator "vMenu.Staff" allow
# Allow anyone to use noclip.
# 僅允許管理員使用Noclip
add_ace group.superadmin "vMenu.NoClip" allow |