原贴地址https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-e ... a-inventory/4805469

Chezza 库存 v3 放 cl_backpack.lua在 /client/plugins/文件夹和 sv_backpack.lua在 /server/plugins/文件夹。 将以下内容添加到 config.lua来自 chezza 库存。 Config.Bags = {82} -- Set you Bag IDs here
Config.BagWeight = 60 -- Secondary Inventory
-- If Config.BagInventory = 'expand' you cant use the Commands /openbag and /stealbag !!!
-- Expand the Inventory Space of the Player // Secondary Inventory by typing /openbag Command
Config.BagInventory = 'expand' -- 'expand' or 'secondary'
Chezza 库存 v4 在中创建一个新文件夹 inventory/plugins/铁 backpack并把文件 cl_backpack.lua和 sv_backpack.lua在里面 backpack文件夹。 将以下内容添加到 config.lua来自 chezza 库存。
Config.Bags = {82} -- Set you Bag IDs here
Config.BagWeight = 60 -- Secondary Inventory
-- If Config.BagInventory = 'expand' you cant use the Commands /openbag and /stealbag !!!
-- Expand the Inventory Space of the Player // Secondary Inventory by typing /openbag Command
Config.BagInventory = 'expand' -- 'expand' or 'secondary'