在线时间 小时
阅读权限 200
注册时间 2021-2-25
最后登录 1970-1-1
# You probably don't want to change these!
# Only change them if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces.
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""
# endpoint_add_tcp ""
# endpoint_add_udp ""
set mysql_connection_string "server=;port=39449;database=essentialmode;userid=root;password="
set es_enableCustomData 1
exec resources/vBasic/settings.cfg
start vBasic
# ####基础####
start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
#start rconlog
#start scoreboard
#start playernames
start fivem-map-hipster
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_extended
##start SexySpeedometer
start esx_addons_gcphone
start gcphone
start vk_handsup
#start esx_admin
start esx_jobs
start esx_skin
start cron
start skinchanger
#start esx_kashacters
start esx_addonaccount
start esx_joblisting
start esx_status
start esx_basicneeds
start esx_gym
start new_banking
start esx_vehicleshop
start esx_billing
start esx_society
start esx_datastore
start esx_identity
start esx_license
start esx_addoninventory
start esx_ambulancejob
start instance
start esx_custostatus
start bob74_ipl
start esx_nightclub
start esx_nightclubaddon
start esx_optionalneeds
start esx_shops
#start esx_supermarket
start esx_scoreboard
start esx_weaponshop
start esx_inventoryhud
start esx_inventoryhud_trunk
start esx_lscustomsV3
start esx_advancedgarage
start esx_policejob
start esx_service
start esx_taxijob
start esx-kr-vehicle-push
start esx_mechanicjob
#start esx_blackmoney
start esx_mafiajob
start esx_tattooshop
start esx_clotheshop
start esx_doorlock
start esx_dmvschool
start esx_sit
start esx_mask
start esx_plasticsurgery
start esx_barbershop
start esx_taximeter
start esx_drugs
start esx_eden_jail
#start esx_radars
start esx-ecobottles
start es_carwash
start esx_Pizza
start esx_garbagecrew
#start esx_carimports
#start esx_voice
start esx_vangelico_robbery
start esx_holdupbank
#start esx_moneywash
start esx_property
#start esx_blanchisseur
start esx_GiveCarKeys
start esx_ktackle
#start esx_slots
start es_mp3
start esx_anticheat
start esx_diving
##start Kuzkay_Coke
##start Kuzkay_ytw
start Esx_Ocean-Salvage
start esx_AdvancedFishing
start esx_duty
start BlipsBuilder
###start Lobo_coords
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_list
start esx_menu_dialog
start Peds
start es_ui
start pNotify
start zone
start pv-indicators
start loffe_robbery
start cityhall
start Beach-Island Airport
start SSRA1
start MSSA
start air
start Fort
start dd
start taxi
start rigshospital
start phxlsmc
start jianyu
start police
start 001
start 002
start 003
start PillboxHospital
start PillboxHospital-doors
start lafa2k
start addonma
#start vMenu
start mellotrainer
#start wenzhuodelnpc
start Loading
start watermark
start lspd
start CHR20
#start showcoords
start simpleinteractions
start Radiant_Animations
start LegacyFuel
start InteractSoundS
start seatbelt
start ipl
#start carhud
start RealisticVehicleFailure
start breze-cola
start NoReticle
start ffpsshot_aim
#start nonpcdrop
start wk_wrs
#start VoiceGPS
start vehiclelock
start jobchat
start bzhiren
start Calm-AI
start screenshot-basic
start noservicesnpc
start Radiant_Drunk
start vengine
start seat_seater
start SmartTrafficLights
#start CarRental
start heli
start dPersonalPet
start NoWeaponReward
start clipsaverv
start InteractSound
start ELS-FiveM
start elsdengguangzengqiang
start chebao
start jituanche
start shujichebao
start chebao1
start chebao2
start chebao3
start chebao4
start chebao5
start chebao6
start chebaoshuju1
start chebaoshuju2
start chebaoshuju3
start chebaoshuju4
start chebaoshuju5
start MTA
start Explorer
start 2015POLSTANG
start nismo20
start polf430
start torofeo
start zentorno
start mclarenpd
start taxi1
start rmodpolice
start rrcullinan
start pista
start ftpld
start dubsta3
start bsjgt4
start bccla45
start aierfa
start 600sel
start subwrx
start ambulance3
start yihu6
start yihu7
start lamtmc
start urus
start r8
start scoutpol
start machito1
start bdivo
start 911rwb
start bs17
start aaq4
start wraith
start mr2sw20
start vwstance
start polgs350
start sc18
start gt63samg
start BRABUS850
start E63S
start E400
start lp700
start motogirl
start jesko2020x
start bolide
start E63B
start ems_gs1200
start zl12017
start 4runner
start wildtrak
start 18performante
start BCGT
start BMM
start BMWS
start C7
start chevelle1970
start CONTGT13
start cooperworks
start HVROD
start jeep2012
start lamtmc
start LP610
start LP700R
start P1
start R1
start rs5r
start RUBI3D
start SRT8
start urus
start wrangler86
start ym1
start 650S
start 69CHARGER
start 720s
start GHIS2
start levante
start MC12
start mcgt4
start p1lm
start PCT18
start SENNA
start startechrr1
start VIPER
start 911TBS
start A8FSI
start aaq4
start bmwe65
start BOSS429
start caravantaxi
start F812
start F82
start G65AMG
start I8
start M3
start mig
start mst
start mustang19
start PANAMERA18
start r8ppi
start rs7
start SPYKER
start SQ72016
start X6M
start 3000GT
start BMX2
start bmxP
start CAMRY18
start CAMV50
start crv
start gtr
start HCBR500RGN
start HKONA
start honody
start IPACE
start lc500
start lex570
start na6
start nissantitan17
start p7
start pmcbike
start pol718
start polmp4
start prius
start RC350S
start rs7
start SPYKER
start subsin
start supra2
start hcbr17
start r6
start c63coupe
start rc
start z1000
start 440i
start cb500f
start gsxr1000
start 540L
start 17m760i
start evo9mr
start mini
start sbus
start mers63c
start polrs
start nmax155
start 18Velar
start lwcla45
start mt03
start yZPD
start v250
start CLS53
start mvisiongt
start passat
start mk7
start golf6
start cls63s
start e63amg
start chr
start bmci
start yzfr125
start cx75
start 19gt500
start mqgts
start fxxkevo
start zn20
start polgs350
start rmodlp770
start rs6
start lamboavj
start wraith
start bmw540g30
start wishfbi
start bmf905m
start alttaxi
start ravtaxi
start huralbnormal
start lp6504
start mrbeanmini
start jingcha123
####公职车 新增####
start CONTGT13
start fwoody48
start MGT
start h2carb
start rrphantom
start dodgeEMS
start priustaxi
start r1custom
start bmpos8
start polchiron
start ghispo2
start polaventa
#### HUD ########
start fh4speed
start fh4map
start postalcodes #小地图
start ev-hud #鸿哥HUD
### 新增 ######
start HideInTrunk #隐藏后备箱
start cjjs
#####start d3x_vehicleshop #赞助车店
##start esx_perShop #药店
start aidoc #ai医生
start maps
start trew_hud_ui #轻量HUD
start esx_burgershot #汉堡店
# start Cayo_Perico
start PolyZone
start BlipsBuilder #自定义blips
start esx_giveownedcar
start xiansu
start esx_outlawalert
start esx_nuo_givecar
# start esx_zuozhijob
# start esx_hangkongjob
start teb_speed_control
start mythic_notify
start esx_shizhengfu
start esx_policedog
start tape
start k9
start esx_thelostmc
start esx_shiba
start esx_heilong
start mdtindex
start mpeds
start user_ped
##start loaf_housing #全房屋
start esx_moneywash
start rolesFX
start esx_aircraftshop
start market_place
# start el_daily_rewards #新手福利
start AIRTUG
start utk_ornateprops #新抢银行
start utk_ornateheist
start esx_farmoranges #农场
start esx_disease #疾病
start NoNPC
start progressBars
start salty_crafting #制作系统
start esx_ammunitionshop #弹药店
start carcontrol #车辆控制
start loaf_paintball #彩蛋
start exor
start CHR20
start ls-radio
start park_daily_rewards
start vinewoodpolicestation
start vineyards
#sv_master1 ""
## This allows players to use scripthook based plugins such as lambda menu.
## Set this to 0 to disallow scripthook.
sv_scriptHookAllowed 0
# Uncomment this to enable RCON. Make sure to change the password.
#rcon_password changeme
## A comma-separated list of tags for your server.
## For example:
## - sets tags "drifting, cars, racing"
## Or:
## - sets tags "roleplay, military, tanks"
sets tags "China,TW,HK,esx,RP,角色扮演/多种玩法更新2.0版本/秋名山"
sets locale "zh-CN"
## Set an optional server info and connecting banner image url.
## Size doesn't matter, any banner sized image will be fine.
sets banner_detail "http://url.to/image.png"
sets banner_connecting "http://url.to/image.png"
## Set your server's hostname
sv_hostname "^1 #1