-- Client
["no_permission"] = "Only the party owner can do that!",
["keybind"] = 'Oil Rig Job Marker Interaction',
["too_far"] = "Your party has started work, but you are too far from headquarters",
["kicked"] = "You kicked %s out of the party",
["alreadyWorking"] = "First, complete the previous order",
["quit"] = "You have left the Team",
["nobodyNearby"] = "There is no one around",
["cantInvite"] = "To be able to invite more people, you must first finish the job",
["inviteSent"] = "Invite Sent!",
["spawnpointOccupied"] = "The car or ship spawn site is occupied",
["notADriver"] = "You need to be a driver of the vehicle to end the job",
["partyIsFull"] = "Failed to send an invite, your group is full",
["wrongReward1"] = "The payout percentage should be between 0 and 100",
["wrongReward2"] = "The total percentage of all payouts exceeded 100%",
["cantLeaveLobby"] = "You can't leave the lobby while you're working. First, end the job.",
["lobby_joined"] = "You have joined the lobby.",
["attach_prop"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to attach container",
["detach_prop"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to detach container",
["crane_usage"] = "Use ~INPUT_MOVE_UP_ONLY~ ~INPUT_MOVE_DOWN_ONLY~ to move crane.~n~Use ~INPUT_MOVE_LEFT_ONLY~ ~INPUT_MOVE_RIGHT_ONLY~ to move cabin.~n~Use ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_UP~ ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_DOWN~ to move spreader.~n~Use ~INPUT_NEXT_CAMERA~ to change view.~n~Press ~INPUT_FRONTEND_PAUSE_ALTERNATE~ to exit.",
["crane_attach"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to pick up containers.",
["crane_detach"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to release containers.",
["press_to_pickup"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to pick up.",
["open_container"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open container.",
["put_down"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to put down.",
["load_container_on_boat"] = "Load container on boat",
["startingTutorial"] = "Welcome to your gig on the oil rig platform. Your mission is to extract as much gas as possible, along with completing several side tasks. Start by loading containers onto your ship. Using the loading vehicle, lift a container, and place it on the ship. Further instructions will be displayed during your shift. Let's get drilling!",
["loaded_tutorial"] = "It looks like all the containers have been loaded. We've marked your drilling platform on the map. Have the whole crew board the ship and head to the rig. Once you arrive, dock your ship at the designated spot",
["rig_tutorial"] = "Head to the top of the platform using the stairs. Once you're up, you can start tackling the tasks, but don't forget about unloading the containers. Use the designated crane for this. Hop into the crane, and further instructions will pop up. Let's get to work and make this rig run like clockwork",
["craneTutorial"] = "Take the lift down to the level where the boat is parked. Lift a container and place it in the designated spot. Repeat this process with all the containers",
["afterLoadTutorial"] = "Looks like all the containers have been loaded. Your task now is to unload them. Approach the doors to open them, and distribute all the items to the designated spot",
["drill_tutorial"] = "You've approached the gas extraction machine. Let's quickly explain your task. You need to keep drilling pipes deeper and deeper until you reach 100% extraction. Be aware: You can push it up to 150% gas extraction, but each additional drilling increases the risk of an explosion. If the gas explodes, you'll lose all the collected gas, and it won't be possible to continue the job. Handle with care and make strategic choices!",
["props_tutorial"] = "Now, you need to distribute the entire contents of the container to the designated spots. Pick up an item and its destination location will highlight",
["rig_exploded"] = "Machine has exploded, resulting in the loss of all progress. You cannot continue drilling",
["not_in_boat"] = "You are not in the boat!",
["drill_busy"] = "Drill is busy at this moment. Try again later",
["endJobHint"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~y~end ~s~working.",
["noBoatLocation"] = "There's no free boat locations",
["noHandlerLocation"] = "There's no free handler locations",
["noContainerLocation"] = "There's no free container locations",
["noRig"] = "There's no avalible work to do",
["endJob"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~y~end ~s~working.",
["unableToPerform"] = "To perform this action everyone from your party need to be at rig platform",
-- Server
["isAlreadyHost"] = "This player leads his team.",
["isBusy"] = "This player already belongs to another team.",
["hasActiveInvite"] = "This Player already has an active invitation from someone.",
["HaveActiveInvite"] = "You already have an active invitation to join the team.",
["InviteDeclined"] = "Your invitation has been declined.",
["InviteAccepted"] = "Your invitation has been accepted!",
["error"] = "There was a Problem joining a team. Please try again later.",
["kickedOut"] = "You've been kicked out of the team!",
["reward"] = "You have received a payout of $",
["RequireOneFriend"] = "This job requires at least one team member",
["penalty"] = "You paid a fine in the amount of ",
["clientsPenalty"] = "The team's host accepted the punishment. You have not received the payment",
["dontHaveReqItem"] = "You or someone from your team does not have the required item to start work",
["notEverybodyHasRequiredJob"] = "Not all of your friends have the required job",
["someoneIsOnCooldown"] = "%s can't start the job now (cooldown: %s)",
["hours"] = "h",
["minutes"] = "m",
["seconds"] = "s",
["newBoss"] = "The previous lobby boss has left the server. You are now the team leader",
["wait"] = "Please wait few seconds and try again later",
["craneBusy"] = "Crane is busy. Please try again later",
["finishTask"] = "Before you can start this task you need to finish current.",
-- NUI
["NUI_weldingJobTitle"] = "Welding",
["NUI_weldingJobTitlePlaceholder"] = "MINIGAMES",
["NUI_instructionWeldingContent"] = "Your task is to perform a welding job on the indicated line. Execute this with the utmost precision, as the success of the weld depends entirely on your accuracy. Remember, there is a time limit to complete this task. To begin, press the spacebar or the button located at the bottom of the interface.",
["NUI_pipesJobTitle"] = "Drilling",
["NUI_pipesJobPlaceholder"] = "MINIGAMES",
["NUI_instructionPipesContent"] = "Your task is to connect the previous pipe with the next one. To attempt to attach the pipe, press the spacebar. If the pipes are positioned too far apart from each other, the mini-game will not be counted as successful. You need to do it until you reach 100% extraction. Be aware: You can push it up to 150% gas extraction, but each additional drilling increases the risk of an explosion. If the gas explodes, you'll lose all the collected gas, and it won't be possible to continue the job. To begin, press the spacebar or the button located at the bottom of the interface.",
["NUI_instructionTitle"] = "Instruction",
["NUI_timeTitle"] = "Time",
["NUI_timeContentPrimary"] = "Time to end...",
["NUI_tasksTitle2"] = "Number of tasks",
["NUI_tasksContentPrimary2"] = "Tasks to end...",
["NUI_tasksContentSecondary2"] = "%s/%s tasks",
["NUI_tasksTitle"] = "Current Gas Progress",
["NUI_tasksContentPrimary"] = "Collected Gas...",
["NUI_tasksContentSecondary"] = "%s%",
["NUI_progress"] = "Progress: %s%",
["NUI_gasProgress"] = "Collected Gas: %s%",
["NUI_startTitle"] = "Start",
["NUI_buttonStart"] = "Start",
["NUI_buttonFinish"] = "Finish",
["NUI_buttonAgain"] = "Try again",
["NUI_buttonExit"] = "Exit",
["NUI_notifySuccess"] = "Task complete",
["NUI_notifyFailed"] = "Task failed",
["NUI_signatureTitle"] = "OIL RIG JOB",
["NUI_signatureTitlePlaceholder"] = "OIL RIG JOB",
["NUI_signatureSubtitle"] = "Signature Document",
["NUI_signatureText"] = "In order to put object down, first signature this document ",
["NUI_signatureError"] = "You need to sign!",
["NUI_signatureAccept"] = "Sign",
["NUI_signatureRetry"] = "Clear",
["NUI_tutorial"] = "Tutorial",
["NUI_notification"] = "Notification",
["NUI_invitation"] = "Invitation",
["NUI_warning"] = "Warning",
["NUI_bossName"] = "Boss Name",
["NUI_memberName"] = "Member Name",
["NUI_kickPlayerNotify"] = "The owner of the team can not leave it!",
["NUI_startJobNotify"] = "Only owner of the party can start job!",
["NUI_oilRigLobby"] = "OIL RIG LOBBY",