
[有效回答] 汉化 保留源代码

CharlesCui 发表于 2024-12-20 01:38:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Config = {}

-- [EXPERIMENTAL] Do not change unless you know what you are doing!
--   This changes the default routing bucket where the script will detect and spawn vehicles.
Config.routingBucket = 0

-- set this to false if you do not want entities render as scorched when they are completely broken
Config.renderScorched = true

-- this controls when a vehicle will be removed from the database table when calling the cleanup
-- function (in hours; so 24 * 7 = one week)
Config.cleanUpThresholdTime = 24 * 7

-- set this to true if you also want the cleanup running at a certain time of day
Config.useCleanUpTask = false
-- only used when useCleanUpTask is set to true (you can define more by copy pasting one entry)
Config.cleanUpTimes = {
    { hour = 3, minute = 0 },

-- Delete exploded vehicles upon cleanup
Config.cleanUpExplodedVehicles = false

-- If set to true, it will delete outside vehicles with the same plate on update
--   This is just a compatibility feature. You should still properly edit your scripts to prevent
--   duplicate vehicles in the first place.
Config.preventDuplicateVehicles = false

-- another anti dupe setting. This will aggressively delete any vehicles that have been saved by AP
-- and another vehicle with the same plate is detected anywhere
--   Do not use this setting unless there is no other way around. I will not give any support about
--   missing vehicles, vehicles being randomly deleted etc when this is set to true.
Config.aggressiveAntiDupe = false

-- only save vehicles that are owned (only works with ESX or QB by default)
Config.saveOnlyOwnedVehicles = false

-- set this to true to automatically store vehicles in the garage upon cleanup (only works with ESX
-- or QB by default)
Config.storeOwnedVehiclesInGarage = false

-- comma separated list of vehicle classes that you do not want to save
-- ids can be found here: https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0x29439776AAA00A62
Config.classesBlacklist = {
    21 --[[Trains]],

-- other vehicles that you do not want to save can be inserted here (use `MODELNAME` when you put
-- them in there)
Config.vehiclesBlacklist = {

-- any plates from vehicles you do not want to save, go here (not case sensitive and can use
-- partial strings)
Config.platesBlacklist = {
    --"XYZ 404 ",
    --"xyz 404",

-- ignore these state bags from being saved altogether (can include partial strings)
Config.ignoreStateBags = {}

-- prevent auto updates of these state bags and only save them on full update to database (can
-- include partial strings)
Config.preventStateBagAutoUpdate = {}

-- Control if vehicles should be deleted automatically every X minutes (this can be useful for
-- large servers with a lot of players and especially with a lot of (unoptimized) modded vehicles)
Config.autoDelete = {
    -- in minutes; 0 if you do not want to use it
    timer = 0,

    -- only vehicles that are more than X meters away from a player
    distance = 25.0,

    -- when the notifications should be shown before the despawning
    -- needs to be in descending order in minutes and lower than Config.deleteTimer
    notificationTimes = { 5, 3, 2, 1 },

    -- notification to show players before deleting vehicles
    -- (use %s as placeholder for time left in minutes)
    timeLeftNotification = "Vehicles will be deleted in %s minutes.",

    -- notification to show players when deleting vehicles
    deleteNotification = "Deleting vehicles..."

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-12-20 01:39:14 | 显示全部楼层
Config = {}

--  除非你知道自己在做什么,否则请不要更改!
--   这将改变脚本检测和生成车辆的默认路由桶。
Config.routingBucket = 0

-- 如果不希望实体在完全损坏时渲染为烧焦状态,请将此设置为false
Config.renderScorched = true

-- 这控制在调用清理函数时,车辆将从数据库表中删除的时间(以小时为单位;例如:24 * 7 = 一周)
Config.cleanUpThresholdTime = 24 * 7

-- 如果还希望在某个特定时间执行清理,请将此设置为true
Config.useCleanUpTask = false
-- 当 useCleanUpTask 设置为 true 时使用(可以通过复制粘贴条目定义更多时间)
Config.cleanUpTimes = {
    { hour = 3, minute = 0 },

-- 在清理时删除爆炸的车辆
Config.cleanUpExplodedVehicles = false

-- 如果设置为 true,将在更新时删除外部车辆中具有相同车牌的车辆
--   这只是一个兼容性功能。您仍然应该适当编辑您的脚本以防止
--   首先出现重复车辆。
Config.preventDuplicateVehicles = false

-- 另一个反重复设置。这将积极删除任何已被 AP 保存的车辆,
-- 并且任何地方检测到另一辆具有相同车牌的车辆
--   除非没有其他解决办法,否则请不要使用此设置。我将不会对
--   丢失车辆、车辆随机删除等问题提供任何支持,当该设置为 true 时。
Config.aggressiveAntiDupe = false

-- 仅保存拥有的车辆(仅适用于 ESX 或 QB 默认)
Config.saveOnlyOwnedVehicles = false

-- 将此设置为 true 以在清理时自动将车辆存储在车库中(仅适用于 ESX
-- 或 QB 默认)
Config.storeOwnedVehiclesInGarage = false

-- 不想保存的车辆类别的逗号分隔列表
-- 车辆 ID 可以在这里找到: https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0x29439776AAA00A62
Config.classesBlacklist = {
    21 --],

-- 其他不想保存的车辆可以在这里插入(放入时使用 `MODELNAME`)
Config.vehiclesBlacklist = {

-- 不想保存的车辆牌照可以放在这里(不区分大小写,可以使用部分字符串)
Config.platesBlacklist = {
    --"XYZ 404 ",
    --"xyz 404",

-- 忽略这些状态包的保存(可以包括部分字符串)
Config.ignoreStateBags = {}

-- 防止这些状态包的自动更新,仅在完全更新到数据库时保存它们(可以包括部分字符串)
Config.preventStateBagAutoUpdate = {}

-- 控制车辆每 X 分钟是否应自动删除(这对于
-- 拥有大量玩家的大型服务器尤其有用,特别是在拥有大量(未优化的)模组车辆时)
Config.autoDelete = {
    -- 以分钟为单位;如果不希望使用,则为 0
    timer = 0,

    -- 仅限与玩家距离超过 X 米的车辆
    distance = 25.0,

    -- 在消失前应显示通知的时间
    -- 需要以降序排列并小于 Config.deleteTimer
    notificationTimes = { 5, 3, 2, 1 },

    -- 在删除车辆前向玩家发送的通知
    -- (使用 %s 作为剩余时间的占位符,以分钟为单位)
    timeLeftNotification = "车辆将在 %s 分钟内被删除。",

    -- 在删除车辆时向玩家发送的通知
    deleteNotification = "正在删除车辆..."


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