Locales["en"] = {
-- // MISC \\--
["radiosuggestion"] = "Open Radio",
["radioscannersuggestion"] = "Open Radio Scanner",
["frequency"] = "Frequency: %s",
["noLatestMessage"] = "No message history",
["unknownName"] = "Unknown name",
["unknownChannel"] = "%s MHz",
-- // COMMAND \\--
["command_help"] = "Change radio channel",
["channel_name"] = "Radio channel (number)",
["channel_help"] = "The frequency / radio channel you want to change to",
["muted"] = "You muted: %s",
["unmuted"] = "You unmuted: %s",
["left"] = "You left the radio",
["invalid_params"] = "The parameters you inputted are invalid",
["change_radio"] = "You joined radio channel: %s",
["locked_channel"] = "You dont have access to radio channel: %s",
["player_dead"] = "You cant use the radio while being dead",
["in_water"] = "You cant use the radio whilst being in water",
-- // PANIC ALERT \\ --
["panic_alert_description"] = "Someone has turned on their panic alert",
["panic_alert_header"] = "Panic Alert",
-- // STATUSES \\ --
["inVehicle"] = "In vehicle",
["onFoot"] = "On foot",
["unknown"] = "Unknown",
-- // UI / HTML \\--
ui = {
notifications = {
leftRadioText = "You left the radio channel",
lockedChannelText = "You dont have access to join this channel!",
joinedRadioText = "You joined {0}",
usedPanicButton = "You pressed the panic button",
panicButtonCooldown = "You cant use the panic button that often",
general = {
goback = "Go back",
volumeUp = "Volume up",
volumeDown = "Volume down",
turnOff = "Turn off",
turnOn = "Turn on",
connect = "Connect",
settings = "Settings",
channels = "Channels",
viewMessages = "View Messages",
cancel = "Cancel",
ok = "Ok",
continue = "Continue",
panicButton = "Panic Button",
scanner = {
header = "Radio Scanner x2000",
scan = "Scan",
nothingFound = "There does not seem to be any visible radio channels in your area",
channel = "{0} MHz - ~{1} meters",
months = {
messages = {
header = "Messages",
removeContact = "Remove contact",
sent = "Sent",
input = "Type something...",
empty = "Seems like you do not have any contacts.<br/>You can add contacts via the radio members page.",
removedContact = "Successfully removed the contact",
addedContact = "Successfully added the contact",
alreadyContact = "This person is already on your contact list",
settings = {
darkMode = "Dark mode",
anonymous = "Anonymous",
useMouse = "Use mouse",
allowDrag = "Allow drag",
size = "Size",
callsign = "Callsign",
device = "Device",
display = "Display",
memberList = "Member List",
connections = "Connections",
account = "Account",
on = "On",
off = "Off",
channels = {
header = "Channels",
favorites = "Favorites",
recents = "Recents",
search = "Search",
current = "Current Channel",
newPromptHeader = "New Favorite",
removeFavorite = "Remove Favorite",
new = "New favorite",
frequency = "Frequency",
radioMembers = {
title = "Radio Members",
notInChannel = "You are not in any radio channel",
emptyMembersList = "This radio channel seems to be empty",
addContact = "Add Contact",
joinRadio = {
title = "Join Radio",
frequency = "Frequency",
join = "Join Frequency",
leave = "Leave Frequency",
info = {
statusTitle = "Your Status",
status = "My Status",
frequency = "Frequency: {0}",
radioStatus = "Radio Status",
openRadioMembers = "Open radio members",
openSettings = "Open settings",
openChannels = "Open channels",
locationTitle = "Your Location",
settings = "Settings",
joinRadio = "Join Radio",
notInRadio = "Not in any radio",
inRadio = "In radio",