license_already = 'Player already has a license',
error_license = 'Player doesn\'t have that license',
no_camera = 'Camera doesn\'t exist',
blood_not_cleared = 'Blood NOT cleared',
bullet_casing_not_removed = 'Bullet Casings NOT Removed',
none_nearby = 'No one nearby!',
canceled = 'Canceled..',
time_higher = 'Time must be higher than 0',
amount_higher = 'Amount must be higher than 0',
vehicle_cuff = 'You can\'t cuff someone in a vehicle',
no_cuff = 'You don\'t have handcuffs on you',
no_impound = 'There are no impounded vehicles',
no_spikestripe = 'Cannot place anymore spike strips',
error_license_type = 'Invalid license type',
rank_license = 'You are not a high enough rank to grant a license',
revoked_license = 'You\'ve had a license revoked',
rank_revoke = 'You are not a high enough rank to revoke a license',
on_duty_police_only = 'For on-duty police only',
vehicle_not_flag = 'Vehicle not flagged',
not_towdriver = 'Not a tow truck driver',
not_lawyer = 'Person is not a lawyer',
no_anklet = 'This person doesn\'t have an anklet on.',
have_evidence_bag = 'You must have an empty evidence bag with you',
no_driver_license = 'No drivers license',
not_cuffed_dead = 'Civilian isn\'t cuffed or dead',
success = {
uncuffed = 'You have been uncuffed',
granted_license = 'You have been granted a license',
grant_license = 'You granted a license',
revoke_license = 'You revoked a license',
tow_paid = 'You were paid $500',
blood_clear = 'Blood Cleared',
bullet_casing_removed = 'Bullet Casings Removed...',
anklet_taken_off = 'Your ankle tracker is taken off.',
took_anklet_from = 'You took off %{firstname} %{lastname} tracker',
put_anklet = 'You put on an ankle tracker.',
put_anklet_on = 'You put on an ankle tracker on %{firstname} %{lastname}',
vehicle_flagged = 'Vehicle %{plate} has been flagged for %{reason}',
impound_vehicle_removed = 'Vehicle taken out of impound!',
info = {
mr = 'Mr.',
mrs = 'Mrs.',
impound_price = 'Price the player pays to get vehicle out of impound (can be 0)',
plate_number = 'License Plate Number',
flag_reason = 'Reason for flagging vehicle',
camera_id = 'Camera ID',
callsign_name = 'Name of your callsign',
poobject_object = 'Object type to spawn or \'delete\' to delete',
player_id = 'ID of Player',
citizen_id = 'Citizen ID of Player',
dna_sample = 'DNA Sample',
jail_time = 'Time they have to be in jail',
jail_time_no = 'Jail time needs to be higher than 0',
license_type = 'License Type (driver/weapon)',
ankle_location = 'Ankle Tracker Location',
cuff = 'You are cuffed!',
cuffed_walk = 'You are cuffed, but you can walk',
vehicle_flagged = 'Vehicle %{vehicle} is flagged for: %{reason}',
unflag_vehicle = 'Vehicle %{vehicle} is unflagged',
tow_driver_paid = 'You paid the tow truck driver',
paid_lawyer = 'You paid a lawyer',
vehicle_taken_depot = 'Vehicle taken into depot for $%{price}',
vehicle_seized = 'Vehicle seized',
stolen_money = 'You have stolen $%{stolen}',
cash_robbed = 'You have been robbed of $%{money}',
driving_license_confiscated = 'Your driving license has been confiscated',
cash_confiscated = 'Your cash was confiscated',
being_searched = 'You are being searched',
cash_found = 'Found $%{cash} on the civilian',
sent_jail_for = 'You sent the person to prison for %{time} months',
fine_received = 'You received a fine of $%{fine}',
blip_text = 'Police Alert - %{text}',
jail_time_input = 'Jail time',
submit = 'Submit',
time_months = 'Time in Months',
bill = 'Bill',
amount = 'Amount',
police_plate = 'LSPD', --Should only be 4 characters long
vehicle_info = 'Engine: %{value} % | Fuel: %{value2} %',
evidence_stash = 'Evidence Stash | %{value}',
slot = 'Slot no. (1,2,3)',
current_evidence = '%{value} | Drawer %{value2}',
on_duty = '[~g~E~s~] - Go on duty',
off_duty = '[~r~E~s~] - Go off duty',
onoff_duty = '~g~On~s~/~r~Off~s~ Duty',
stash = 'Stash %{value}',
delete_spike = '[~r~E~s~] Delete Spike Strip',
close_camera = 'Close Camera',
bullet_casing = '[~g~G~s~] Bullet Casing %{value}',
casing = 'Bullet Casing',
blood = 'Blood',
blood_text = '[~g~G~s~] Blood %{value}',
fingerprint_text = '[~g~G~s~] Fingerprint',
fingerprint = 'Fingerprint',
store_heli = '[~g~E~s~] Store Helicopter',
take_heli = '[~g~E~s~] Take Helicopter',
impound_veh = '[~g~E~s~] - Impound Vehicle',
store_veh = '[~g~E~s~] - Store Vehicle',
armory = 'Armory',
enter_armory = '[~g~E~s~] Armory',
finger_scan = 'Fingerprint Scanning',
scan_fingerprint = '[~g~E~s~] Scan Fingerprint',
trash = 'Trash',
trash_enter = '[~g~E~s~] Trash Bin',
stash_enter = '[~g~E~s~] Enter Locker',
target_location = 'The location of ${firstname} ${lastname} is marked on your map',
anklet_location = 'Anklet location',
new_call = 'New Call',
evidence = {
red_hands = 'Red hands',
wide_pupils = 'Wide Pupils',
red_eyes = 'Red Eyes',
weed_smell = 'Smells like weed',
gunpowder = 'Gunpowder in clothing',
chemicals = 'smells chemical',
heavy_breathing = 'Breathes heavily',
sweat = 'Sweats a lot',
handbleed = 'Blood on hands',
confused = 'Confused',
alcohol = 'Smells like alcohol',
heavy_alcohol = 'Smells very much like alcohol',
agitated = 'Agitated - Signs of Meth Use',
serial_not_visible = 'Serial number not visible...',
menu = {
garage_title = 'Police Vehicles',
close = '⬅ Close Menu',
impound = 'Impounded Vehicles',
pol_impound = 'Police Impound',
pol_garage = 'Police Garage',
pol_armory = 'Police Armory',
email = {
sender = 'Central Judicial Collection Agency',
subject = 'Debt collection',
message = 'Dear %{value}. %{value2}, <br /><br />The Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJCA) charged the fines you received from the police.<br />There is <strong>$%{value3}</strong> withdrawn from your account.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br />Mr. I.K. Graai',
commands = {
place_spike = 'Place Spike Strip (Police Only)',
license_grant = 'Grant a license to someone',
license_revoke = 'Revoke a license from someone',
place_object = 'Place/Delete An Object (Police Only)',
cuff_player = 'Cuff Player (Police Only)',
escort = 'Escort Player',
callsign = 'Give Yourself A Callsign',
clear_casign = 'Clear Area of Casings (Police Only)',
jail_player = 'Jail Player (Police Only)',
unjail_player = 'Unjail Player (Police Only)',
clearblood = 'Clear The Area of Blood (Police Only)',
seizecash = 'Seize Cash (Police Only)',
softcuff = 'Soft Cuff (Police Only)',
camera = 'View Security Camera (Police Only)',
flagplate = 'Flag A Plate (Police Only)',
unflagplate = 'Unflag A Plate (Police Only)',
plateinfo = 'Run A Plate (Police Only)',
depot = 'Impound With Price (Police Only)',
impound = 'Impound A Vehicle (Police Only)',
paytow = 'Pay Tow Driver (Police Only)',
paylawyer = 'Pay Lawyer (Police, Judge Only)',
anklet = 'Attach Tracking Anklet (Police Only)',
ankletlocation = 'Get the location of a persons anklet',
removeanklet = 'Remove Tracking Anklet (Police Only)',
drivinglicense = 'Seize Drivers License (Police Only)',
takedna = 'Take a DNA sample from a person (empty evidence bag needed) (Police Only)',
police_report = 'Police Report',
message_sent = 'Message to be sent',
civilian_call = 'Civilian Call',
emergency_call = 'New 911 Call',
progressbar = {
blood_clear = 'Clearing Blood...',
bullet_casing = 'Removing bullet casings..',
robbing = 'Robbing Person...',
place_object = 'Placing object..',
remove_object = 'Removing object..',