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Toyota 发表于 2024-8-28 14:26:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=uvwx https://pan.baidu.com/s/6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N4O5P

-- giveItemType's = "item", "vehicle", "money"https://pan.baidu.com/s/4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M?pwd=bcd1
-- items in the case should have a chance total of 100 !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !!https://pan.baidu.com/s/5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X
AK4Y.PremiumCases = {https://pan.baidu.com/s/2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U
        uniqueId = 1, -- IDs must be different and sequential

        label = "Phantom Case",https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O
        price = 150, https://pan.baidu.com/s/3N4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U1V2W
        priceType = "GC", -- GC OR SChttps://pan.baidu.com/s/7X8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G?pwd=jkl5
        caseTheme = "red", -- red, blue, orange, purple, greenhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S?pwd=tuv7
        caseType = "premium", -- do not touch!

        isNew = true,https://pan.baidu.com/s/3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D
        items = { -- giveItemType's = "item", "vehicle", "money", "weapon"



                  -- items in the case should have a chance total of 100 !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !!https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J?pwd=stu8
            { itemName = "lockpick", label = "LOCKPICK", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/lockpick.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y?pwd=ijkl
            { itemName = "advancedlockpick", label = "LOCKPICK", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/advancedlockpick.png" },

            { itemName = "firstaid", label = "AID KIT", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/firstaid.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2J3K4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R?pwd=ghij
            { itemName = "joint", label = "JOINT", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/joint.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V
            { itemName = "pistol_ammo", label = "PISTOL AMMO", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/pistol_ammo.png" },



            { itemName = "radio", label = "RADIO", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/radio.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/7I8J9K0L1M2N3O4P5Q6R
            { itemName = "pistol_extendedclip", label = "EXTENDED CLIP", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/pistol_extendedclip.png" },

            { itemName = "security_card_02", label = "SECURITY CARD", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/security_card_02.png" },

            { itemName = "weapon_knife", label = "KNIFE", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_knife.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W
            { itemName = "weapon_crowbar", label = "CROWBAR", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_crowbar.png" },你好啊
            { itemName = "weapon_knuckle", label = "KNUCKLE", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_knuckle.png" },

            { itemName = "armor", label = "ARMOR", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/armor.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L?pwd=ijkl
            { itemName = "weapon_combatpistol", label = "COMBAT PISTOL", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "rare", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_combatpistol.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=qrst
            { itemName = "weapon_heavypistol", label = "HEAVY PISTOL", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "rare", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_heavypistol.png" },

https://pan.baidu.com/s/8G9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P?pwd=zabc https://pan.baidu.com/s/4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M?pwd=bcd1

            { itemName = "weapon_appistol", label = "AP PISTOL", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "rare", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_appistol.png" },

            { itemName = "weapon_smg", label = "SMG", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "mythical", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_smg.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9K0L1M
            { itemName = "weapon_combatpdw", label = "COMBAT PDW", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "mythical", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_combatpdw.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R1S2T3U?pwd=stuv
            { itemName = "zentorno", label = "ZENTORNO", chance = 1, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "legendary", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/zentorno.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y?pwd=ijkl

https://pan.baidu.com/s/8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y?pwd=ijkl 这是干扰码


        uniqueId = 2, -- IDs must be different and sequentialhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S?pwd=tuv7
        label = "Vehicle Case",



        price = 300,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K?pwd=efgh
        priceType = "GC", -- GC OR SC

https://pan.baidu.com/s/6P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y https://pan.baidu.com/s/6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F5G

        caseTheme = "orange", -- red, blue, orange, purple, greenhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E?pwd=efg3
        caseType = "premium",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y?pwd=klm3

  •         isNew = true, -- If you set it true, the case will be labeled "new"https://pan.baidu.com/s/1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K?pwd=tuv5
            items = {https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W
                { itemName = "issi", label = "ISSI", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/issi.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y
                { itemName = "bf400", label = "BF400", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/bf400.png" },

                { itemName = "sentinel", label = "SENTINEL", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/sentinel.png" },
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F4G

  •             { itemName = "blade", label = "BLADE", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/blade.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S?pwd=tuv7
                { itemName = "baller", label = "BALLER", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/baller.png" },

                { itemName = "asterope", label = "ASTEROPE", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "common", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/asterope.png" },

                { itemName = "dominator", label = "DOMINATOR", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/dominator.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A
                { itemName = "voodoo", label = "VOODOO", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/voodoo.png" },

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P https://pan.baidu.com/s/9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A

                { itemName = "bati", label = "BATI", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "uncommon", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/bati.png" },

                { itemName = "elegy2", label = "ELEGY 2", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "rare", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/elegy2.png" },

                { itemName = "sultan", label = "SULTAN", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "rare", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/sultan.png" },

                { itemName = "hakuchou", label = "HAKUCHOU", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "mythical", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/hakuchou.png" },

                { itemName = "schlagen", label = "SCHLAGEN", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "mythical", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/schlagen.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/9K0L1M2N3O4P5Q6R7S8T
                { itemName = "kuruma", label = "KURUMA", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "mythical", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/KURUMA.png" },
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=efg2

  •             { itemName = "t20", label = "T20", chance = 1, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "legendary", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/t20.png" },
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/7O8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X?pwd=efgh

  •             { itemName = "zentorno", label = "ZENTORNO", chance = 0.5, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "legendary", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/zentorno.png" },https://pan.baidu.com/s/9A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J?pwd=qrs4



  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J?pwd=stu8
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q
    回复 论坛版权

    使用道具 举报

    ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-28 14:26:59 | 显示全部楼层
    -- giveItemType的值可以是 "item", "vehicle", "money"
    -- 箱子中的物品总几率必须为100 !! 重要 !! 重要 !! 重要 !!
    AK4Y.PremiumCases = {
            uniqueId = 1, -- ID必须不同且连续
            label = "幻影箱",
            price = 150, 
            priceType = "GC", -- GC 或 SC
            caseTheme = "红色", -- 红色, 蓝色, 橙色, 紫色, 绿色
            caseType = "高级", -- 不要修改!
            isNew = true,
            items = { -- giveItemType的值可以是 "item", "vehicle", "money", "weapon"
                      -- 箱子中的物品总几率必须为100 !! 重要 !! 重要 !! 重要 !!
                { itemName = "lockpick", label = "开锁器", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/lockpick.png" },
                { itemName = "advancedlockpick", label = "高级开锁器", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/advancedlockpick.png" },
                { itemName = "firstaid", label = "急救包", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/firstaid.png" },
                { itemName = "joint", label = "卷烟", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/joint.png" },
                { itemName = "pistol_ammo", label = "手枪弹药", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/pistol_ammo.png" },
                { itemName = "radio", label = "无线电", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/radio.png" },
                { itemName = "pistol_extendedclip", label = "延长弹夹", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/pistol_extendedclip.png" },
                { itemName = "security_card_02", label = "安全卡", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/security_card_02.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_knife", label = "刀", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_knife.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_crowbar", label = "撬棍", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_crowbar.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_knuckle", label = "拳套", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_knuckle.png" },
                { itemName = "armor", label = "护甲", chance = 5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item", image = "./images/items/armor.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_combatpistol", label = "战斗手枪", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "稀有", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_combatpistol.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_heavypistol", label = "重型手枪", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "稀有", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_heavypistol.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_appistol", label = "AP手枪", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "稀有", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_appistol.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_smg", label = "冲锋枪", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "神秘", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_smg.png" },
                { itemName = "weapon_combatpdw", label = "战斗PDW", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "神秘", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "weapon", image = "./images/items/weapon_combatpdw.png" },
                { itemName = "zentorno", label = "ZENTORNO", chance = 1, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "传奇", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/zentorno.png" },
            uniqueId = 2, -- ID必须不同且连续
            label = "车辆箱",
            price = 300,
            priceType = "GC", -- GC 或 SC
            caseTheme = "橙色", -- 红色, 蓝色, 橙色, 紫色, 绿色
            caseType = "高级",
            isNew = true, -- 如果设置为true,箱子将标记为"新"
            items = {
                { itemName = "issi", label = "ISSI", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/issi.png" },
                { itemName = "bf400", label = "BF400", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/bf400.png" },
                { itemName = "sentinel", label = "SENTINEL", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/sentinel.png" },
                { itemName = "blade", label = "BLADE", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/blade.png" },
                { itemName = "baller", label = "BALLER", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/baller.png" },
                { itemName = "asterope", label = "ASTEROPE", chance = 10, sellCredit = 15, itemType = "普通", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/asterope.png" },
                { itemName = "dominator", label = "DOMINATOR", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/dominator.png" },
                { itemName = "voodoo", label = "VOODOO", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/voodoo.png" },
                { itemName = "bati", label = "BATI", chance = 7.5, sellCredit = 40, itemType = "不常见", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/bati.png" },
                { itemName = "elegy2", label = "ELEGY 2", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "稀有", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/elegy2.png" },
                { itemName = "sultan", label = "SULTAN", chance = 5, sellCredit = 100, itemType = "稀有", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/sultan.png" },
                { itemName = "hakuchou", label = "HAKUCHOU", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "神秘", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/hakuchou.png" },
                { itemName = "schlagen", label = "SCHLAGEN", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "神秘", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/schlagen.png" },
                { itemName = "kuruma", label = "KURUMA", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, itemType = "神秘", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/KURUMA.png" },
                { itemName = "t20", label = "T20", chance = 1, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "传奇", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/t20.png" },
                { itemName = "zentorno", label = "ZENTORNO", chance = 0.5, sellCredit = 250, itemType = "传奇", itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "vehicle", image = "./images/items/zentorno.png" },

    使用道具 举报

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