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楼主: king1204

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ChatGPT 发表于 2024-6-1 02:20:24 | 显示全部楼层
king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:20
     = 'Aucun report',
     = 'ENVOY ...

= '回应',
     = '没有举报',
     = '发送物品',
     = '发送一个物品',
     = '管理员  回复了你的举报 %s',
     = '管理员  给你发送了%s',
     = '帮助',
     = '你请求了帮助,活跃的管理员会很快回复',
     = '玩家  请求帮助:%s',
     = '请等待%s秒后再次发送请求',
     = '原因:%s',
     = '举报 | EpicLife',
     = '删除举报',
     = '你成功传送到了玩家 %s',
     = '你成功将玩家 %s 传送到了你这里',
     = '传送至玩家',
     = '将玩家传送到身边',
     = '回复给玩家 %s',
     = '你的回复',
     = '你成功回复了玩家 %s,并发送了消息:%s',
     = '向玩家发送医疗包',
     = '你成功向玩家 %s 发送了医疗包',
     = '向玩家发送工具',
     = '你成功向玩家 %s 发送了工具',
     = '向玩家发送汽车',
     = '你成功向玩家 %s 发送了汽车',
     = '向玩家发送摩托车',
     = '你成功向玩家 %s 发送了摩托车',
     = '复苏一个人',
     = '你成功复苏了 %s',
     = '治疗一个人',
     = '你成功治疗了 %s',
     = "你没有权限",

使用道具 举报

升级进度: 70%

 楼主| king1204 发表于 2024-6-1 02:20:24 | 显示全部楼层
['sendingitems'] = 'Envoi d\'objets',
['hassendedlog'] = 'Admin : %s a envoyé l\'objet %s au joueur %s',
['answered'] = 'Répondu',
['answeredplayerlog'] = 'Admin : %s a répondu au joueur %s avec le message : **%s**',
['report'] = 'Logs de report',
['reportlog'] = 'Joueur : %s a demandé de l\'aide à l\'administrateur pour la raison suivante : %s',
['teleport'] = 'Téléportation',
['teleportlog'] = 'Admin : %s a téléporté le joueur %s vers lui',
['heal'] = 'Soigner',
['heallog'] = 'Admin : %s a soigné le joueur %s',
['revivetitle'] = 'Réanimer',
['revivelog'] = 'Admin : %s a réanimé le joueur %s',
['sendcar'] = 'Envoyer une voiture',
['sendcarlog'] = 'Admin : %s a envoyé la voiture %s au joueur %s',
['teleportlog2'] = 'Admin : %s s\'est téléporté à %s',
['delete'] = 'Supprimer le report',
['deletelog'] = 'Admin : %s a supprimé le report avec la raison %s du joueur %s',

使用道具 举报

升级进度: 70%

 楼主| king1204 发表于 2024-6-1 02:21:14 | 显示全部楼层
    "open_garage": "Open garage",
    "enter_interior": "Enter interior",
    "vehicle_info": "Vehicle: %s \n Plate: %s",
    "status": "Status",
    "in_garage": "Inside garage",
    "out_garage": "Outside of garage",
    "out_garage_message": "The vehicle has been marked on your GPS.",
    "in_impound": "Impounded",
    "in_impound_message": "This vehicle has been impounded.",
    "fuel": "Fuel",
    "no_fueltank": "No fuel tank",
    "player_vehicles": "Personal vehicles",
    "player_vehicles_desc": "Only vehicles that you own.",
    "society_vehicles": "Society vehicles",
    "society_vehicles_desc": "Vehicles owned by your society.",
    "no_owned_vehicles": "You don't own any vehicles.",
    "no_society_vehicles": "Your society doesn't own any vehicles.",
    "no_impounded_vehicles": "There are no impounded vehicles.",
    "not_enough_money": "Not enough money.",
    "save_vehicle": "Save vehicle",
    "not_driver": "You need to be a driver to save the vehicle.",
    "not_your_vehicle": "You don't own this vehicle.",
    "open_impound": "Open impound",
    "vehicle_saved": "Your vehicle has been saved.",
    "not_in_garage": "This vehicle isn't in the garage.",
    "too_many_vehicles": "There wasn't enough space for all of your stored vehicles.",
    "exit_garage": "[%s] - Exit garage",
    "choose_vehicle": "[%s] - Choose vehicle",

    "contract": "Vehicle contract",
    "transfer_player": "Sell to player",
    "transfer_society": "Transfer to your society",
    "withdraw_society": "Withdraw from your society",
    "pick_player": "Player Selection",
    "player_id": "Target ID",
    "sell_price": "Sell price",
    "invalid_data": "Invalid player ID/price.",
    "vehicle_not_yours": "This vehicle doesn't belong to you.",
    "player_too_far": "This player is too far.",
    "cant_in_vehicle": "You can't do this in a vehicle.",
    "no_vehicle_near_you": "There is no vehicle near you.",
    "offer": "Vehicle Offer",
    "offer_content": "%s is wants to sell you %s for %s$",
    "offer_confirm": "Accept",
    "offer_cancel": "Turn down",
    "progress_selling": "Selling Vehicle",
    "progress_buying": "Buying Vehicle",
    "progress_transfering": "Transfering Vehicle",
    "progress_withdrawing": "Withdrawing Vehicle",
    "vehicle_sold": "You have sold the vehicle.",
    "vehicle_bought": "You have bought the vehicle.",
    "vehicle_transfered": "You have transfered the vehicle.",
    "vehicle_withdrawn": "You have withdrawn the vehicle.",
    "society_prompt": "Society",
    "society_transfer": "Are you sure that you want to transfer this vehicle to your society?",
    "society_withdraw": "Are you sure that you want to withdraw this vehicle from your society?",
    "society_confirm": "Confirm",
    "society_cancel": "Cancel",
    "garage_menu": "Garage",
    "impound_menu": "Impound",
    "offer_declined": "The offer has been declined.",
    "spawn_occupied": "The spawnpoint is currently occupied."

使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-6-1 02:21:43 | 显示全部楼层
king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:20
= 'Envoi d\'objets',
= 'Admin : %s a envoyé l\'o ...

= '发送物品',
= '管理员:%s 给玩家 %s 发送了%s',
= '回复',
= '管理员:%s 以消息:“%s”回复了玩家%s',
= '举报记录',
= '玩家:%s 请求管理员帮助,原因:%s',
= '传送',
= '管理员:%s 传送了玩家%s',
= '治疗',
= '管理员:%s 治疗了玩家%s',
= '复苏',
= '管理员:%s 复苏了玩家%s',
= '发送一辆车',
= '管理员:%s 给玩家%s发送了%s',
= '管理员:%s 传送到了%s',
= '删除举报',
= '管理员:%s 删除了来自玩家%s关于%s的举报',

使用道具 举报

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