Config.Translate = {
['set_name'] = "Set name of your marketplace",
['menu_context.set_name_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['set_description'] = "Set description of your marketplace",
['menu_context.set_description_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['placing_market'] = "You're setting up the market.",
['reached_limit_of_marketplaces_on_map'] = 'The limit of marketplaces placed on the map has been reached.', -- Config.MarketplacesLimitOnMap
['reached_limit_of_yours_marketplaces'] = 'You have reached the limit of your marketplaces.', -- Config.MarketplacesLimitPerPlayer
['you_set_up_market'] = "You have set up your market, now give the name and description of your stall.",
['cannot_set_up_market_here'] = "You cannot set up your market in this place.",
['you_set_up_infos'] = "You have set up your market name and description",
['menu.your_market'] = "Your Market",
['menu.change_name'] = {icon = "fas fa-keyboard", label = "Change Name", hint = ""},
['menu.change_description'] = {icon = "fas fa-keyboard", label = "Change Description", hint = ""},
['menu.withdraw_cash'] = {icon = "fas fa-file-invoice-dollar", label = "Withdraw Cash - <span style='color:lightgreen'>%s$</span>", hint = ""},
['menu.put_items'] = {icon = "fas fa-hands", label = "Put Items", hint = ""},
['menu.pull_items'] = {icon = "fas fa-hand-rock", label = "Pull Items", hint = ""},
['menu.set_prices'] = {icon = "fas fa-tags", label = "Set Prices", hint = ""},
['menu.enable_discount'] = {icon = "fal fa-badge-percent", label = "Enable Discount", hint = ""},
['menu.client_preview'] = {icon = "fas fa-eye", label = "Client View", hint = ""},
['menu.manage_market'] = {icon = "fas fa-lock", label = "Close/Open Market", hint = ""},
['menu.remove_market'] = {icon = "fas fa-times-circle", label = "Remove Market", hint = ""},
['set_new_name'] = "Change name for %s$", -- format: PRICE
['you_set_up_new_name'] = "You're setting up new name '%s' for %s$", -- format: NEWNAME, PRICE
['name_is_too_long'] = "The maximum length of the name is %s", -- format: Config.MaxLengthName
['name_must_fill'] = "You must to fill the name.",
['menu_context.set_new_name_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['set_new_description'] = "Change description for %s$", -- format: PRICE
['you_set_up_new_description'] = "You're setting up new description '%s' for %s$", -- format: NEWDESCRIPTION, PRICE
['description_is_too_long'] = "The maximum length of the description is %s", -- format: Config.MaxLengthDescription
['description_must_fill'] = "You must to fill the description.",
['menu_context.set_new_description_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['enter_count_of_item'] = "Enter count of item",
['qb.input.enter_count_of_item_submit'] = "Submit",
['enter_price_of_item'] = "Enter new price for %s", -- format: ITEMNAME
['menu.title.put_item'] = "Select Item",
['menu.element.put_item'] = "%s - %sx", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT
['menu_context.put_item_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['menu.title.pull_item'] = "Pull Items",
['menu.element.pull_item'] = "%s - [%sx]", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT
['menu_context.pull_item_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['menu.title.set_price'] = "Set Items Price",
['menu.element.set_price'] = "%s - %s$", -- format: ITEMNAME, PRICE
['menu_context.set_price_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['qb.input.enter_price_of_item_submit'] = "Submit",
['menu.title.set_discount'] = "Set Discount",
['menu.element.disable_discount'] = "Disable Discount",
['menu.element.set_discount'] = "Set Discount - %s", -- format: DISCOUNT%
['menu.title.remove_market'] = "Are you sure about remove %s market?",
['menu.element.remove_no'] = {icon = "fal fa-times", label = "No", hint = "Removing the marketplace will also remove the items and money that are currently in the marketplace!"}, -- if you are using ESX Menus by VMS, the player will have a menu hint telling you about it
['menu.element.remove_yes'] = {icon = "fas fa-check", label = "Yes", hint = "Removing the marketplace will also remove the items and money that are currently in the marketplace!"}, -- if you are using ESX Menus by VMS, the player will have a menu hint telling you about it
['charged_for_setting_marketplace'] = "Charged %s$ for setting up a marketplace.",
['dont_have_money_for_place'] = "You don't have enough money to set up a marketplace.",
[''] = "Market - %s", -- format: MARKETNAME
[''] = "%s - [%sx] <span style='color:lightgreen'>%s$</span>", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT, PRICE
['menu.element.market_discounted'] = "%s - [%sx] <span style='color:lightgreen'>%s$</span> <span style='color:#c41d20cb; text-decoration: line-through;'>%s$</span>", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT, NEWPRICE, OLDPRICE
[''] = "%s<br><br>%s~g~%s~s~<br>%s", -- format: LOCKED, DISCOUNT, MARKETNAME, MARKETDESCRIPTION
[''] = "~y~Discount: %s~s~<br>", -- format: DISCOUNT
['3dtext.closed'] = "~r~CLOSED~s~",
['3dtext.opened'] = "~g~OPEN~s~",
['you_dont_have_items'] = "You don't have any items in inventory.",
['your_market_dont_have_items'] = "Your market don't have any items for sell.",
['this_market_dont_have_items'] = "This market don't have any items for sell",
['this_market_is_closed'] = "This market is currently CLOSED.",
['you_have_bought_item'] = "You purchased %s %sx for %s$", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT, PRICE
['you_have_pull_item'] = "You have taken out an %s %sx", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT
['you_put_item'] = "You have placed %s %sx in your marker", -- format: ITEMNAME, COUNT
['shop_dont_have_enough_items'] = "This shop don't have that many items.",
['dont_have_enough_items'] = "You don't have that many items.",
[''] = {icon = "", label = "Buy"},
['you_set_new_price_item'] = "You set a new price for the item %s - %s$", -- format: ITEMNAME, PRICE
['dont_have_enough_money'] = "You don't have enough money for this.",
['you_closed_market'] = "You closed market.",
['you_opened_market'] = "You opened market.",
['withdraw_cash'] = "Enter how much you want to withdraw.",
['menu_context.withdraw_cash_confirm'] = {icon = "", label = "Confirm"},
['qb.input.withdraw_cash_submit'] = "Submit",
['you_withdraw'] = "You withdraw %s$ from your market.",
['market_dont_have_enough_money'] = "Your market don't have enough money for withdraw.",
['withdraw_by_number'] = "Enter how much you want to withdraw as a number.",
['too_close_marketplace'] = "You can't place that close to your marketplace next to another one.",
['you_enabled_discount'] = "You enabled %s discount.",
['you_disabled_discount'] = "You disabled discount.",
['you_must_close_before_action'] = "You must close the marketplace before this action.",
['this_marketplace_has_been_closed'] = "This marketplace has been closed, you did not have time to buy the product.",
['qb.input.infos_header'] = "Fill the informations of your marketplace",
['qb.input.infos_name'] = "Set name of your marketplace",
['qb.input.infos_description'] = "Set description of your marketplace",
['qb.input.infos_submit'] = "Submit",
['qb.input.change_name'] = "Set name of your marketplace",
['qb.input.change_name_submit'] = "Submit",
['qb.input.description_name'] = "Set description of your marketplace",
['qb.input.change_description_submit'] = "Submit",
['admincmd.who_is_owner'] = "The owner of marketplace ID: %s is %s.", -- format: ID, OWNER
['target.open_management'] = {icon = "fas fa-times-circle", label = "Open Management"},
['target.open_marketplace'] = {icon = "fas fa-times-circle", label = "Open Marketplace"},
['you_cannot_put_this_item'] = "You cannot put this item for sale."