-----------------------------------| 粗暴警察任务 :) |-----------------------------------
如需帮助,请加入我们的Discord服务器: https://discord.gg/85u2u5c8q9
有关脚本更多信息: https://docs.brutalscripts.com
Config = {
Core = 'ESX', -- 'ESX' / 'QBCORE' | 其他核心设置在 'core' 文件夹中。
Billing = 'brutal_billing', -- 'brutal_billing' / 'esx_billing' / 'okokBilling' / 'jaksam_billing' / 'codem_billing' / 'quasar_billing' | false = 立即从玩家的银行账户扣除
TextUI = 'brutal_textui', -- false / 'brutal_textui' / 'ox_lib' / 'okokTextUI' / 'ESXTextUI' / 'QBDrawText' // 自定义可以在 cl_utils.lua 中添加!!!
Target = 'oxtarget', -- 'oxtarget' / 'qb-target' // 如果 TextUI 设置为 false,则目标将占据其位置
ProgressBar = '', -- 'progressBars' / 'pogressBar' / 'mythic_progbar' // 自定义可以在 cl_utils.lua 中添加!!!
Inventory = 'ox_inventory', -- 'ox_inventory' / 'qb_inventory' / 'quasar_inventory' / 'chezza_inventory' / 'codem_inventory' / 'core_inventory' // 自定义可以在 cl_utils.lua 中添加!!!
Metric = 'kmh', -- 'kmh' / 'mph'
BrutalNotify = true, -- 购买链接: (4€+VAT) https://store.brutalscripts.com | 或设置自己的通知 >> cl_utils.lua
SteamName = false, -- true = Steam 名称 | false = 角色名称
DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y', -- 日期格式
CustomOutfitMenu = false, -- 如果为 true,则将打开自定义装备菜单,您可以在 cl_utils.lua 第 103 行中编辑。
ClosestDistanceIssue = false, -- 不要编辑它。
PoliceStations = {
['Police Department'] = {
Job = 'police', -- 职业名称
MenuColors = {'rgb(15, 100, 210)', 'rgb(9, 43, 88)'}, -- 职业面板颜色
Blip = {use = true, color = 38, sprite = 60, size = 1.0}, -- 职业标记
Marker = {use = true, marker = 20, rgb = {15, 100, 210}, bobUpAndDown = true, rotate = false},
Duty = vector3(441.0716, -981.8419, 30.6896), -- 值班 ON / OFF 坐标
DutyBlips = true, -- 使用此选项,警察可以在地图上看到其他警察。
NoteDeleteRank = 2, -- 删除笔记所需的最小等级
GiveLicenseRank = 2, -- 添加许可证给玩家所需的最小等级
CitizenCallDeleteRank = 2, -- 从 mdt 删除市民呼叫所需的最小等级
Licenses = {
{'weapon','武器许可证','water'}, -- 可以由警察颁发的许可证名称 / 标签 / 是否应提供物品(如果为 false,则不会提供物品,在此处放入您想要添加的物品名称)
{'drive','驾驶许可证', 'diamond'},
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(461.5562, -999.0427, 30.6896),
-- 可以添加更多...
Armories = {
vector3(482.4561, -995.7322, 30.6898),
-- 可以添加更多...
BossMenu = {
grades = {4},
coords = {
vector3(460.0505, -985.0408, 30.6899),
-- 可以添加更多...
Garages = {
Label = '车库 I.', -- 车库标签
menu = vector3(457.7184, -1023.5260, 28.4095), -- 车库菜单打开坐标
spawn = vector4(450.4629, -1020.8453, 28.4015, 92.8738), -- 车辆生成坐标
deposit = vector3(452.9732, -1022.0786, 28.4158), -- 车辆存放位置
vehicles = {
--['MODEL'] = {
-- Label = 'VEHICLE-LABEL',
-- minRank = MINIMUM-GRADE
['police'] = {
Label = '警察车辆',
minRank = 1
['police2'] = {
Label = '警察2车辆',
minRank = 2
Label = '直升机车库',
menu = vector3(455.3739, -984.1644, 43.6913),
spawn = vector4(450.4059, -981.5190, 43.6914, 87.9343),
deposit = vector3(450.4059, -981.5190, 43.6914),
vehicles = {
['polmav'] = {
Label = '警察直升机',
minRank = 3
-- 可以添加更多...
Shop = {
-- minGrade = 访问购买物品所需的最小等级。
{item = 'radio', label = '无线电', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'police_bulletproof', label = '防弹衣', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_flashlight', label = '手电筒', price = 10, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_nightstick', label = '警棍', price = 10, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_stungun', label = '电击枪', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_pistol', label = '手枪', price = 500, minGrade = 1},
{item = 'weapon_smg', label = '冲锋枪', price = 500, minGrade = 2},
{item = 'weapon_carbinerifle', label = '卡宾枪', price = 500, minGrade = 2},
{item = 'weapon_pumpshotgun', label = '泵式霰弹枪', price = 500, minGrade = 3},
-- ESX 基本物品 --
{item = 'ammo-9', label = '9mm 弹药', price = 10, minGrade = 1},
{item = 'ammo-shotgun', label = '霰弹枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 3},
{item = 'ammo-rifle', label = '步枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 2},
-- QB 基本物品 --
--{item = 'pistol_ammo', label = '手枪弹药', price = 10, minGrade = 1},
--{item = 'smg_ammo', label = '冲锋枪弹药', price = 15, minGrade = 2},
--{item = 'rifle_ammo', label = '步枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 2},
--{item = 'shotgun_ammo', label = '霰弹枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 3},
-------------------| 警察局部门 |------------------
['Sheriff Department'] = {
Job = 'sheriff', -- 职位名称
MenuColors = {'rgb(235, 164, 52)', 'rgb(181, 116, 13)'}, -- 职位面板颜色
Blip = {use = true, color = 22, sprite = 60, size = 1.0}, -- 职位标记
Marker = {use = true, marker = 20, rgb = {15, 100, 210}, bobUpAndDown = true, rotate = false},
Duty = vector3(-446.5832, 6012.8979, 32.2887), -- 值班 ON / OFF 坐标
DutyBlips = true, -- 使用此选项时,警察可以在地图上看到其他警察。
NoteDeleteRank = 2, -- 删除笔记所需的最小等级
GiveLicenseRank = 2, -- 向玩家添加许可证所需的最小等级
CitizenCallDeleteRank = 2, -- 从MDT删除市民呼救所需的最小等级
Licenses = {
{'weapon','武器许可证','water'}, -- 可由警察颁发的许可证名称 / 标签 / 是否应提供物品(如果为false则不提供物品,在此处放置您想要添加的物品名称)
{'drive','驾驶许可证', false},
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(-440.2871, 6010.4814, 36.9957),
-- 可以添加更多...
Armorys = {
vector3(-449.4388, 6015.1021, 36.9956),
-- 可以添加更多...
BossMenu = {
grades = {3},
coords = {
vector3(-432.8335, 6005.9185, 36.9957),
-- 可以添加更多...
Garages = {
Label = '车库 I.', -- 车库标签
menu = vector3(-464.5174, 6025.8784, 31.3404), -- 车库菜单打开坐标
spawn = vector4(-472.4534, 6035.4565, 31.3404, 228.1378), -- 车辆生成坐标
deposit = vector3(-472.4534, 6035.4565, 31.3404), -- 车辆存放地点
vehicles = {
--['MODEL'] = {
-- Label = 'VEHICLE-LABEL',
-- minRank = MINIMUM-GRADE
['sheriff'] = {
Label = '警察车辆',
minRank = 1
['sheriff2'] = {
Label = '警察2车辆',
minRank = 2
Label = '直升机车库',
menu = vector3(-467.3760, 5997.3281, 31.2556),
spawn = vector4(-475.5866, 5988.2788, 31.3365, 315.5201),
deposit = vector3(-475.5866, 5988.2788, 31.3365),
vehicles = {
['polmav'] = {
Label = '警察直升机',
minRank = 3
-- 可以添加更多...
Shop = {
-- minGrade = 进入购买物品所需的最小等级。
{item = 'radio', label = '无线电', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'sheriff_bulletproof', label = '防弹衣', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_flashlight', label = '手电筒', price = 10, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_nightstick', label = '警棍', price = 10, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_stungun', label = '电击枪', price = 500, minGrade = 0},
{item = 'weapon_pistol', label = '手枪', price = 500, minGrade = 1},
{item = 'weapon_smg', label = '冲锋枪', price = -- item = 'weapon_smg', label = '冲锋枪', price = 500, minGrade = 2},
{item = 'weapon_carbinerifle', label = '卡宾枪', price = 500, minGrade = 2},
{item = 'weapon_pumpshotgun', label = '泵式霰弹枪', price = 500, minGrade = 3},
-- ESX基础物品 --
{item = 'ammo-9', label = '9毫米弹药', price = 10, minGrade = 1},
{item = 'ammo-shotgun', label = '霰弹枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 3},
{item = 'ammo-rifle', label = '步枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 2},
-- QB基础物品 --
--{item = 'pistol_ammo', label = '手枪弹药', price = 10, minGrade = 1},
--{item = 'smg_ammo', label = '冲锋枪弹药', price = 15, minGrade = 2},
--{item = 'rifle_ammo', label = '步枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 2},
--{item = 'shotgun_ammo', label = '霰弹枪弹药', price = 20, minGrade = 3},
Commands = {
-- For cops
Duty = {
Use = true,
Command = 'pduty',
Suggestion = '进入/退出值班'
JobMenu = {
Command = 'jobmenu',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '打开工作菜单'
MDT = {
Use = true, -- 如果为false,则可以在此处添加自定义MDT >> cl_utils
Command = 'mdt',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '打开MDT菜单'
VehiclePanel = {
Command = 'vehiclepanel',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '车辆面板位置编辑'
PlateReader = {
WhitelistedVehicles = {'police', 'police2', 'police3', 'police4', 'fbi', 'fbi2', 'sheriff', 'sheriff2'}, -- false = 不在用
Command = 'platereader',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '车牌阅读器菜单'
AreaLock = {
DeleteNPC = false,
Command = 'arealock',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '区域锁定菜单'
CameraRepair = {
Command = 'camera_repair',
Suggestion = '修复摄像头'
Drag = {
Command = 'drag',
Suggestion = '拖拽动画'
RemoveObjects = {
Command = 'removeobjects',
Suggestion = '移除物体'
RobPlayer = {
Command = 'rob',
Suggestion = '抢劫玩家'
-- For Civils
CitizenCall = {
Command = 'citizencall',
Control = '', -- 控制列表:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
Suggestion = '市民呼叫菜单',
Cooldown = 0, -- 分钟内玩家无法再次发送市民呼叫
HandCuff = {
Freeze = false, -- 是否在玩家被手铐时冻结玩家? true / false
CuffObject = true, -- 是否在玩家手上使用手铐对象? true / false
FastCuff = {Command = 'cuff', Control = '', Suggestion = '快速手铐'},
-- 更多控制:https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
DisableControls = {24,257,25,263,32,34,31,30,45,22,44,37,23,288,289,170,167,73,199,59,71,72,36,47,264,257,140,141,142,143,75}, -- 玩家被手铐时禁用的控制键。
HandcuffItem = 'handcuff', -- 可用物品,任何人都可以用来手铐别人。
RemoveHandcuffItem = false, -- 脚本是否应该在玩家使用一次后移除手铐物品
HandcuffKeyItem = 'handcuff_key', -- 可用物品,任何人都可以用来打开手铐。
RemoveHandcuffKeyItem = false, -- 脚本是否应该在玩家使用一次后移除钥匙物品
DragBlacklistedVehicles = {'bf400', 'sanchez'},
VehicleEnterType = 'walk', -- walk / teleport | 当使用工作菜单将玩家放入车辆时,人们进入车辆的方式
BulletProofs = {
Use = true, -- true = false
Items = {
-- Job = 可以使用的人,onlyjob = 只有工作组成员可以使用? true / fase, item = 项目
{job = 'police', onlyjob = true, item = 'police_bulletproof'},
{job = 'sheriff', onlyjob = true, item = 'sheriff_bulletproof'},
SpeedCameras = {
Use = true, -- true / false
Blips = {sprite = 184, color = 82, size = 0.5}, -- 速度摄像头标记
OtherWhitelistedJobs = {'ambulance', 'sheriff', ''}, -- 其他白名单工作
Positions = {
-- 坐标,job = 哪个工作组将从速度摄像头获得金钱,limit = 速度限制,price = 价格(相应罚款的价值),radius = 半径,blip = true / false
{coords = vector3(2076.3738, 2718.7109, 47.6280), job = 'police', limit = 50, price = 1000, radius = 5.0, blip = true},
{coords = vector3(1320.0201, 610.4359, 80.1452), job = 'police', limit = 130, price = 3000, radius = 15.0, blip = true},
{coords = vector3(-2686.5913, 2442.6104, 16.6781), job = 'police', limit = 130, price = 3000, radius = 15.0, blip = true},
{coords = vector3(-1057.4922, -607.0911, 17.9110), job = 'police', limit = 110, price = 2000, radius = 25.0, blip = true},
{coords = vector3(229.3872, -662.6493, 38.2247), job = 'police', limit = 50, price = 1000, radius = 15.0, blip = true},
{coords = vector3(120.5341, -1378.1332, 28.8197), job = 'police', limit = 50, price = 1000, radius = 25.0, blip = true},
CityAlarms = { -- 当发生射击或汽车盗窃时,脚本可以在一段时间内放置一个标记或向MDT发送市民呼叫
Shooting = {
Use = true,
SendCitizenCall = false,
Blips = {sprite = 110, sprite2 = 229, size = 0.70, color = 1, label = 'Shooting'},
RemoveTime = 15, -- 秒 | 在这个时间后移除标记
JobWhitelist = {"fbi"}, -- 如果这些工作组成员射击,则不会触发
ZoneWhitelists = { -- 在这个区域不会触发
{size = 30.0, coords = vector3(133.8319, -481.2803, 43.1305)},
WeaponWhitelist = { -- 这些武器不会触发脚本
CarJack = {
Use = true,
Blips = {sprite = 326, size = 0.70, color = 43, label = 'Car Jacking'},
RemoveTime = 15, -- 秒 | 在这个时间后移除标记
SendCitizenCall = true,
ZoneWhitelists = {
{size = 30.0, coords = vector3(133.8319, -481.2803, 43.1305)},
Prison = {
ClearInventory = true, -- true / false
SaveFrequency = 5,
Blip = {use = true, label = 'Prison', color = 3, sprite = 188, size = 1.25},
Marker = {use = true, marker = 20, rgb = {15, 100, 210}, bobUpAndDown = true, rotate = false},
Coords = vector3(1765.2253, 2560.2373, 45.5651),
SendPlayerToJail = vector3(1840.3468, 2579.6252, 46.0143),
FinishCoords = vector4(1847.0192, 2585.8787, 45.6726, 267.4373),
Hospital = {
Blip = {label = 'Prison Hospital', coords = vector3(1767.7861, 2570.3118, 45.7299), color = 2, sprite = 61, size = 0.8},
ReviveTime = 15, -- 秒
ClearInventory = true, -- true / false
Beds = {
{coords = vector3(1772.00, 2597.9272, 45.6585), heading = 90.0, prop = 'v_med_bed2'},
{coords = vector3(1772.00, 2594.9656, 45.6586), heading = 90.0, prop = 'v_med_bed2'},
{coords = vector3(1772.00, 2591.8428, 45.6586), heading = 90.0, prop = 'v_med_bed2'},
Escape = {
CanEscape = true, -- 是否允许玩家从监狱逃脱? true / false
EscapeDistance = 500.0, -- 逃脱距离
EscapeByTunnel = {
Use = true, -- 如果为true,您必须拥有此所需的mlo:https://ed-johnsonscripts.tebex.io/package/5303552
Price = 5000, -- 逃脱价格
TimeToEscape = 30000, -- 逃脱时间
Model = 's_m_y_prismuscl_01',
Coords = vector4(1628.2682, 2584.9957, 44.5652, 1.0618),
DoorCoords = vector4(1628.185, 2584.76, 45.5583, 1.0618),
WalkCoords = vector4(1626.5833, 2585.4402, 45.5648, 2.9932),
DoorObject = -904036698,
Shop = {
Blip = {label = 'Prison Shop', color = 69, sprite = 59, size = 0.8},
Coords = vector3(1770.1625, 2551.2397, 45.5650),
Items = {
-- 在ESX中
{item = 'burger', label = '汉堡', price = 1},
{item = 'water', label = '水', price = 1},
-- 在QB中
--{item = 'sandwich', label = '三明治', price = 1},
--{item = 'water_bottle', label = '水', price = 1},
Jobs = {
Use = true,
Blip = {label = 'Prison Job', color = 17, sprite = 66, size = 0.7},
StartJob = vector3(1616.6893, 2576.9800, 45.8556),
Works = {
-- 焊接
Time = 10, -- 秒
Money = {min = 100, max = 200}, -- 最小,最大随机金钱数量
Blip = {label = '工作位置', color = 26, sprite = 354, size = 0.8},
RemoveProp = 'prop_weld_torch',
Positions = {
{Coords = vector3(1624.7623, 2575.7261, 45.5649), Heading = 270.0},
{Coords = vector3(1610.1010, 2568.1750, 45.5649), Heading = 45.0},
-- 捶打
Time = 10,
Money = {min = 100, max = 200},
Blip = {label = '工作位置', color = 26, sprite = 402, size = 1.0},
RemoveProp = 'prop_tool_hammer',
Positions = {
{Coords = vector3(1630.2081, 2527.3784, 45.5649), Heading = 235.0},
{Coords = vector3(1624.8821, 2513.2861, 45.5648), Heading = 100.0},
-- 种植
Time = 10,
Money = {min = 100, max = 200},
Blip = {label = '工作位置', color = 2, sprite = 1, size = 0.75},
RemoveProp = 'prop_cs_trowel',
Positions = {
{Coords = vector3(1771.3270, 2546.0410, 45.5871), Heading = 275.0},
{Coords = vector3(1757.6355, 2550.0220, 45.5651), Heading = 130.0},
{Coords = vector3(1700.1659, 2536.5183, 45.5595), Heading = 150.0},
-- 清洁
Time = 10,
Money = {min = 100, max = 200},
Blip = {label = '工作位置', color = 5, sprite = 1, size = 0.75},
RemoveProp = 'prop_rag_01',
Positions = {
{Coords = vector3(1781.9982, 2558.9646, 45.6732), Heading = 0.0},
{Coords = vector3(1784.3669, 2563.7920, 45.6731), Heading = 0.0},
{Coords = vector3(1784.2422, 2552.7314, 45.6731), Heading = 0.0},
-- 你还可以继续添加...
PrisonGuards = {
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1759.9581, 2413.7534, 45.3684, 28.3456), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1820.5490, 2477.2603, 45.3775, 58.4353), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1659.2534, 2398.5969, 45.4038, 1.3208), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1544.2542, 2470.9983, 45.3487, 291.0606), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1538.5869, 2585.3689, 45.3398, 276.2064), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1572.9132, 2678.1006, 45.3943, 241.9367), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1650.8765, 2754.4700, 45.4991, 204.2366), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1772.0437, 2758.9846, 45.5022, 158.1188), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1844.9613, 2699.1370, 45.5318, 91.8540), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1819.9763, 2621.6011, 45.5227, 84.6645), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1796.1647, 2620.0349, 45.5651, 357.4224), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1797.2832, 2590.6509, 45.6206, 190.7684), Distance = 10.0},
{Model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', Coords = vector4(1822.2632, 2608.7876, 45.5931, 92.6341), Distance = 20.0},
SecurityCameras = {
hack = {
enable = true, -- Camera Hacking | true = false
time = 30, -- Hacking time
removeItem = false, -- Remove the item? | true = false
item = 'cam_hacking', -- Camera Hacking item
distance = 15.0 -- The player should be at this distance from camera object
cameras = {
[1] = {label = "Prison CAM#1", coords = vector3(1768.84, 2530.96, 50.06), r = {x = -15.0, y = 0.0, z = 42.78}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/L1V2ypj/image.png'},
[2] = {label = "Prison CAM#2", coords = vector3(1616.35, 2522.01, 50.12), r = {x = -15.0, y = 0.0, z = 300.78}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/ggPmDzF/image.png'},
[3] = {label = "Prison CAM#3", coords = vector3(1694.99, 2529.18, 59.00), r = {x = -15.0, y = 0.0, z = 300.78}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/ZfQ8Rbk/image.png'},
[4] = {label = "Pacific Bank CAM#1", coords = vector3(235.35, 227.76, 113.83), r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 220.05}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/RzW3BG6/image.png'},
[5] = {label = "Pacific Bank CAM#2", coords = vector3(232.64, 221.82, 108.47), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = -140.91}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/YZZ5BXG/image.png'},
[6] = {label = "Pacific Bank CAM#3", coords = vector3(251.83, 225.38, 104.50), r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = -74.87}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/bW8qhqx/image.png'},
[7] = {label = "Jewelery CAM#1", coords = vector3(-620.28, -224.15, 40.32), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 165.78}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/WgSKLwZ/image.png'},
[8] = {label = "Jewelery CAM#2", coords = vector3(-627.47, -239.98, 40.30), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = -10.78}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/dtZzrWp/image.png'},
[9] = {label = "Paleto Bank #1", coords = vector3(-115.40, 6472.91, 33.00), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 200.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/8ryd2wF/image.png'},
[10] = {label = "Paleto Bank #2", coords = vector3(-108.02, 6462.61, 33.40), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 360.00}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/SRtZtBx/image.png'},
[11] = {label = "Paleto Bank #3", coords = vector3(-104.62, 6479.42, 33.38), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 182.00}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/J2XSjT4/image.png'},
[12] = {label = "Paleto Bank #4", coords = vector3(-107.89, 6468.54, 33.90), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 216.00}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/1QvW9GD/image.png'},
[13] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #1", coords = vector3(146.52, -1038.20, 30.72), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 250.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[14] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #1", coords = vector3(150.01, -1051.31, 31.10), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 25.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
[15] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #2", coords = vector3(1179.08, 2705.60, 39.40), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[16] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #2", coords = vector3(1171.28, 2716.70, 39.82), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 225.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
[17] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #3", coords = vector3(-1216.80, -331.46, 39.0), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 290.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[18] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #3", coords = vector3(-1204.83, -337.83, 39.51), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 80.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
[19] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #4", coords = vector3(-2963.95, 478.96, 17.06), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 350.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[20] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #4", coords = vector3(-2952.67, 486.13, 17.47), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 140.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
[21] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #5", coords = vector3(310.85, -276.56, 55.47), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 250.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[22] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #5", coords = vector3(314.34, -289.67, 56.23), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 25.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
[23] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #6", coords = vector3(-354.35, -47.43, 50.69), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 250.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/Z2M2x5N/image.png'},
[24] = {label = "Fleeca Bank #6", coords = vector3(-350.62, -60.48, 50.76), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 25.1595}, img = 'https://i.ibb.co/0nDx3P5/image.png'},
-----------------------| TRANSLATE |-----------------------
MoneyForm = '$', -- Money form
-- All Licences Label
Licences = {
['weapon'] = 'Weapon Licence',
['dmv'] = 'DMV Licence',
['drive'] = 'Drive Licence',
['driver'] = 'Drive Licence',
['bike'] = 'Bike Licence',
['hunting'] = 'Hunting Licence',
['business'] = 'Business Licence',
Locales = {
ObjectLabel = 'Rotate Object ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_LEFT~ & ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_RIGHT~\n~b~Place Object~w~ ~INPUT_FRONTEND_RDOWN~',
Male = 'Male',
Female = 'Female',
SpeedCameraFine = 'Speed Camera - Speed:',
SpeedCameraBlipLabel = 'Speed Camera',
None = 'None',
Jail = 'Jail',
Reason = 'Reason',
Time = 'Time',
VehicleJacking = 'Vehicle Jacking',
Shooting = 'Shooting',
-- Job Menu Locales
CitizenInteractions = 'Citizen Interactions',
Search = 'Search',
Cuff = 'Cuff',
Uncuff = 'Uncuff',
Drag = 'Drag',
InOutOfVehicle = 'In/out of vehicle',
VehicleInteractions = 'Vehicle Interactions',
Lockpick = 'Lockpick',
WheelClamp = 'Wheel clamp',
Impound = 'Impound',
VehicleSearch = 'Search',
Objects = 'Objects',
Cone = 'Cone',
Barrier = 'Barrier',
Spikestrips = 'Spikestrips',
Tent = 'Tent',
Light = 'Light',
MDT = 'MDT',
Colleague = 'Colleague',
Texts = {
[1] = {'[E] - To open the dress menu', 38, 'Open the dress menu', 'fa-solid fa-person-half-dress'},
[2] = {'[E] - To open the armory menu', 38, 'Open the armory menu', 'fa-solid fa-shield-halved'},
[3] = {'[E] - To open the garage menu', 38, 'Open the garage menu', 'fa-solid fa-warehouse'},
[4] = {'[E] - To deposit the vehicle', 38, 'Deposit the vehicle', 'fa-solid fa-car'},
[5] = {'[E] - To Duty ON', '[E] - To Duty OFF', 38, 'To Duty', 'fa-solid fa-newspaper'},
[6] = {'[E] - Search Vehicle Trunk', 38},
[7] = {'[E] - Search Vehicle Glovebox', 38},
[8] = {'[E] - To remove Object', 38, 'Remove Object', 'fa-solid fa-trash'},
[9] = {'[E] - To start job', 38, 'Start job', 'fa-solid fa-play'},
[10] = {'[E] - To finish job', 38, 'Finish job', 'fa-solid fa-stop'},
[11] = {'[E] - To start working', 38, 'Start working', 'fa-solid fa-hammer'},
[12] = {'[E] - To escape By Tunnel', 38, 'Escape By Tunnel', 'fa-solid fa-archway'},
[13] = {'[E] - To open shop', 38, 'Open shop', 'fa-solid fa-shop'},
[14] = {'[E] - To send Player To Jail', 38, 'Send Player To Jail', 'fa-solid fa-handcuffs'},
[15] = {'[E] - To open the boss menu', 38, 'Open the boss menu', 'fa-solid fa-users-gear'},
-- Notify function EDITABLE >> cl_utils.lua
Notify = {
[1] = {"POLICE JOB", "No vehicle available for your rank.", 5000, "error"},
[2] = {"POLICE JOB", "You can't deposit this Vehicle.", 5000, "error"},
[3] = {"POLICE JOB", "Duty status: <b>ON", 5000, "info"},
[4] = {"POLICE JOB", "Duty status: <b>OFF", 5000, "info"},
[5] = {"POLICE JOB", "Something is in the way!", 5000, "error"},
[6] = {"POLICE JOB", "There isn't free seat in the Vehicle!", 5000, "error"},
[7] = {"POLICE JOB", "You got:", 5000, "info"},
[8] = {"POLICE JOB", "<br>You spent:<b>", 5000, "info"},
[9] = {"POLICE JOB", "You can't use it.", 5000, "error"},
[10] = {"POLICE JOB", "You don't have enough money!", 5000, "error"},
[11] = {"POLICE JOB", "<b>You have started Work!</b> Go to the Point, marked on the map! You will receive Money when you finish the Job.", 10000, "info"},
[12] = {"POLICE JOB", "Go to the Next Point, marked on the map!", 5000, "info"},
[13] = {"POLICE JOB", "The Prison Guard bringed you back!", 5000, "info"},
[14] = {"POLICE JOB", "You do not have enough cash:", 5000, "error"},
[15] = {"POLICE JOB", "The door is opening, escape!", 5000, "success"},
[16] = {"POLICE JOB", "Please DO NOT SPAM!", 8000, "error"},
[17] = {"POLICE JOB", "You aren't near to a Camera Object!", 5000, "error"},
[18] = {"POLICE JOB", "Hack FAILED!", 5000, "error"},
[19] = {"POLICE JOB", "Hack SUCCESS! The camera has been deactivated.", 5000, "success"},
[20] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have successfully repaired the Camera!", 6000, "success"},
[21] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have successfully submitted!", 6000, "success"},
[22] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have successfully created a fine!", 6000, "success"},
[23] = {"POLICE JOB", "There are no players near you!", 6000, "error"},
[24] = {"POLICE JOB", "Jail time is over!", 6000, "success"},
[25] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have successfully escaped!", 6000, "success"},
[26] = {"POLICE JOB", "You can't escape!", 6000, "error"},
[27] = {"POLICE JOB", "Citizen Call <br>Street: ", 6000, "info"},
[28] = {"POLICE JOB", "No one nearby to drag!", 6000, "error"},
[29] = {"POLICE JOB", "Someone is in the Vehicle!", 6000, "error"},
[30] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have to put a Wheel Clamp to the Wheel first.", 6000, "error"},
[31] = {"POLICE JOB", "You paid a police fine:", 5000, "info"},
[32] = {"POLICE JOB", "The player isn't available!", 5000, "info"},
[33] = {"POLICE JOB", "The player have to put up their hands!", 5000, "error"},
[34] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have to wait to send again.", 5000, "error"},
[35] = {"POLICE JOB", "You have to duty in!", 5000, "error"},
Progressbar = {
DutyOFF = 'Duty OFF...',
DutyON = 'Duty ON...',
Working = 'Working...',
WheelClampPlacing = 'Placing Wheel Clamp...',
Impound = 'Impound...'
Webhooks = {
Use = true, -- Use webhooks? true / false
Locale = {
['ItemBought'] = 'Item Bought',
['CitizenCallOpen'] = 'Citizen Call - Open',
['CitizenCallClose'] = 'Citizen Call - Close',
['CitizenCallDelete'] = 'Citizen Call - Delete',
['FineCreated'] = 'Fine Created',
['Jail'] = 'Jail',
['Unjail'] = 'Unjail',
['PlayerName'] = 'Player Name',
['Identifier'] = 'Identifier',
['Items'] = 'Items',
['Text'] = 'Text',
['Callid'] = 'Call ID',
['Coords'] = 'Coords',
['Assistant'] = 'Assistant',
['CloseReason'] = 'Close Reason',
['Receiver'] = 'Receiver',
['Amount'] = 'Amount',
['Job'] = 'Job',
['Reason'] = 'Reason',
['Time'] = 'Time ⏲️'
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that - https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html
Colors = {
['FineCreated'] = 3145631,
['CitizenCallOpen'] = 3145631,
['CitizenCallClose'] = 3145631,
['ItemBought'] = 3145631,
['Jail'] = 3145631,
['Unjail'] = 3145631,
-----------------------| UNIFORMS |------------------------
CitizenWear = {label = "Citizen Wear"},
Uniforms = {
label = 'Police Dress', -- Uniform Label
jobs = {
-- Job = job name, grades = grades
{job = 'police', grades = {0,1,2,3}},
-- More jobs
male = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 58, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 55, texture = 0},
['arms'] = {item = 41, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 25, texture = 0},
['shoes'] = {item = 25, texture = 0},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = 2, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}
female = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 35, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 48, texture = 0},
['arms'] = {item = 44, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 34, texture = 0},
['shoes'] = {item = 27, texture = 0},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = 2, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}
label = 'Visibility Vest',
jobs = {
{job = 'police', grades = {0,1,2,3,4}},
male = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 59, texture = 1},
female = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 36, texture = 1},
label = 'Boss Dress',
jobs = {
{job = 'police', grades = {4}},
male = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 58, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 55, texture = 0},
['arms'] = {item = 41, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 25, texture = 0},
['shoes'] = {item = 25, texture = 0},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = 2, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 8, texture = 3},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}
female = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 35, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 48, texture = 0},
['arms'] = {item = 44, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 34, texture = 0},
['shoes'] = {item = 27, texture = 0},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = 2, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 7, texture = 3},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}
PrisonUniform = {
male = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 146, texture = 0},
['arms'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 3, texture = 7},
['shoes'] = {item = 12, texture = 12},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}
female = {
['t-shirt'] = {item = 3, texture = 0},
['torso2'] = {item = 38, texture = 3},
['arms'] = {item = 2, texture = 0},
['pants'] = {item = 3, texture = 15},
['shoes'] = {item = 66, texture = 5},
['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['ear'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
['mask'] = {item = 0, texture = 0}