welcome = "Welcome To Tailorshop",
video = "VIDEO",
produce = "Produce the best clothing material for Los Santos!",
start_business = "Start the business, earn more day by day, get experienced, start automate the factory, be the most valuable Tailor in Los Santos!",
tutorial = "Tutorial",
finish_job = "Finish Job",
start = "Lets Start",
put_worker = "Put worker to machine",
enhance_machine = "Enhance Machine",
upgrade_machine = "Upgrade Machine To Lv.{0}",
upgrade = "Upgrade",
full_level = "Full Level",
sewing_machine = "Sewing Machine",
no_active_worker = "No active worker",
level = "Level",
machine = "Machine",
select_product = "Select the product you want to produce!",
clothes = "Clothes",
level_required = "Lv.{0} required",
materials = "Materials",
produce_time = "{0} sec producing time per one",
start_sewing = "Start Sewing",
take_item = "Take Item",
amount = "Amount",
tailor_storage = "Tailorshop Storage",
my_inventory = "My Inventory",
open_menu = "Open Menu",
press_to_open_menu = "PRESS E TO OPEN MENU",
overview = "Overview",
orders = "Orders",
workers = "Workers",
storage = "Storage",
material_shop = "Material Shop",
leaderboard = "Leaderboard",
business = "Business",
business_information = "Business Information",
vault_amount = "Total Vault Amount",
deposit = "Deposit",
withdraw_money = "Withdraw",
business_log = "Business Log",
search_log = "Search any log...",
change_business_name = "Change Business Name",
no_logo = "No logo for this business",
by_link = "by Link",
insert_image = "Insert Image Link...",
recommended_size = "Recommended size is 570x360 and the recommended file type is PNG. If you don’t use transpa rent image it may seems a bit off. ",
save = "Save",
leaderboard = "Leaderboard",
leaderboard_level = "You are #{0}",
search_any_player = "Search any player...",
materials = "Materials",
upgrade_items = "Upgrade Items",
search_material = "Search any material",
my_cart = "My Cart",
you_have = "You have ${0}",
total = "Total",
pay_all = "Pay All",
tailor_job = "Tailorjob",
welcome_to = "Welcome to the Tailor Job",
type_name = "Type name in here...",
tailorshop_name = "Tailorshop Name",
continue = "Continue",
give_name = "Give your tailorshop a name",
order = "Order",
offer = "Offer",
take_order = "Take Order",
my_orders = "My Orders",
awaiting = "awaiting",
ship_order = "Ship Order",
active_orders = "Active Orders",
current_work_status = "Current Work Status",
salary = "Salary",
on_work = "On Work",
producing = "Producing “ <span>{0}</span> “ on sewing machine.",
search_clothes = "Search any clothes...",
items = "Items",
avaliable_workers = "Avaliable Workers",
my_workers = "My Workers",
total_worker = "Total Worker",
hire_worker = "Hire Worker",
fire_worker = "Fire Worker",
go_to_laptop = "Go to the laptop inside to start working",
package = "Package the box in the next room",
press_e_package = "PRESS E TO PACKAGE BOX",
carry_box = "Carry the box vehicle outside",
load_goods = "PRESS E TO LOAD GOODS",
go_to_delivery = "Good now go to delivery point",
press_take_goods = "PRESS E TO TAKE GOODS",
deliver_goods = "You can now deliver goods",
press_deliver = "PRESS E TO DELIVER",
deliver_vehicle = "Deliver back the vehicle to get payment",
finish_job = "PRESS E TO FINISH JOB",
deposited = "You deposited $%s",
deposit_log = "Deposit Money",
deposited_log = "Deposited $%s",
not_enough_money = "You don't have enough money",
not_enough_items = "You don't have enough items",
withdraw = "You withdraw $%s",
withdraw_log = "Withdraw Money",
withdrawn = "Withdrawn $%s",
machine_upgraded = "Machine upgraded to level %s",
machine_upgrade = "Machine Upgrade",
not_enough_money_or_items = "You don't have enough items or money",
amount_is_invalid = "Amount is invalid",
pay = "You need to pay worker salary to start work her",
not_enough_level = "Not enough level",
has_active_job = "You already have active job",
process_started = "Process is started",
job_completed = "Job is completed",
worker_completed = "Worker completed the job",
worker = "Worker",
you_received = "You received $%s",
deliver = "Deliver",
delivered = "Package is delivered you earn %s",
name_is_changed = "Name is changed to %s",
name_change = "Name Change",
logo_change = "Logo Change",
logo_saved = "Logo is saved",
name_saved = "Name is saved",
paid_worker_salary = "Paid Worker Salary",
paid_amount = "Paid %s",
worker_hired = "Worker is hired",
hired = "%s is hired",
cancel_order = "Cancel Order",
order_is_cancelled = "Order is cancelled",
close = "To close the menu cancel or finish the job.",
cant_open = "You can't open workers modal while on job",
upgrade_machine_to_open = "Upgrade machine level to select this category",
press_to_cancel="PRESS ESC TO CANCEL",
purchased_item = "Purchased item",
purchased_item_log = "Purchased %sx %s",
items_moved = "Items moved to storage",
cant_fire = "You cant fire while she is working"