downtown_cab = 'Downtown Cab Co.',
transportation_bill = 'Transportation Bill',
person = 'Person',
taximeter_amount = 'Taximeter Amount',
downtown_cab_fee= 'Downtown Cab Fee',
tax= 'Tax',
total= 'Total',
pay= 'Pay',
billing_system_desc= 'This billing system operated by LS Goverment Finance Office',
dcc_main = 'DCC MAIN',
dcc_vip = 'DCC VIP',
leaderboard = 'LEADERBOARD',
profile = 'PROFILE',
not_enough_level = 'Not Enough Level!',
completed_jobs = 'Completed Jobs',
total_jobs_completed = 'Total jobs completed as Taxi Driver.',
total_earnings = 'Total Earnings',
total_money_earned = 'Total money earned on Downtown Cab. Co.',
latest_works = 'Latest Works',
xp_earned = 'XP Earned',
earned = 'Earned',
carrying_npc = 'Carrying NPC',
taximeter_on = 'Taximeter Is On',
active_for_work = 'Active For Work',
vehicle_health = 'Vehicle<br> Health',
careful = 'Careful',
fast = 'Fast',
nearby_players = 'Nearby Players',
activate_npc_cabbing = 'Activate NPC Cabbing',
disable_npc_cabbing = 'Disable NPC Cabbing',
turn_off_taximeter = 'Turn Off Taximeter',
open_taximeter = 'Open Taximeter',
bill_player = 'Bill Player',
change_area = 'Change Area',
select_vehicle = 'You need to select a vehicle first!',
mission_cooldown = '1 day mission cooldown',
mission_on_cooldown = 'Mission On Cooldown',
start_mission = 'Start Mission',
mission_locked = 'Mission Locked',
earnings = 'Earnings',
hr_cooldown = 'hr on cooldown',
required = 'Required',
open_menu = 'Open Menu',
e_open_menu = 'PRESS E TO OPEN MENU',
searching_customer = 'Searching for customer...',
customer_found = 'Customer found go to location marked on your map...',
taxi_customer = 'Taxi Customer',
call_customer = 'E - CALL CUSTOMER',
take_customer = 'Take the customer to location marked on your map...',
stop_vehicle = 'Stop the vehicle.',
mission_active = 'Mission is already active',
you_have_cd = 'You have cooldown in this mission!',
cant_change_mode = "You can't change the mode while customer in the vehicle...",
cant_change_location = "You can't change the location while customer in the vehicle...",
customer_dont_have_money = "Customer doesn't have enough money!",
you_dont_have_money = "You don't have enough money!",
downtown_area = 'Downtown Area Player Cab',
player = 'PLAYER',
npc = 'NPC',
paid_bill = '%s paid $%s amount of bill',
you_paid_bill = 'You paid $%s amount of bill',
not_taxi = "You don't have the taxi job",
downtown_cab_area = "Downtown Cab Area",
sandy_cab_area = "Sandy Shores Cab Area",
paleto_cab_area = "Paleto Bay Cab Area",
civilian_or_player = "Civillian or Player",
per_customer = "Per 1 Customer",
per_xp = "XP Per 1 Job",
selected_area = "SELECTED AREA",
select_area = "SELECT AREA",
daily_missions = "Daily Missions",
completed = "Completed",
not_completed = "Not Completed",
select_vehicle_2 = "Select A Vehicle",
selected_vehicle = "Selected Vehicle",
select_vehicle_3 = "Select Vehicle",
get_ready = "Get Ready For Cabbing !",
select_a_area = "Select an area!",
select_your_veh = "Select your vehicle!",
start_cabbing = "Start cabbing!",
start_cabbin = "START CABBIN’",
stop_cabbin = "STOP CABBIN’",
downtown_cab = '市中心出租车公司(Downtown Cab Co.)',
transportation_bill = '交通账单',
person = '乘客',
taximeter_amount = '计价器金额',
downtown_cab_fee= '市中心出租车费用',
tax= '税务',
total= '总计',
pay= '付款',
billing_system_desc= '该账单系统由洛圣都政府财务办公室运营',
dcc_main = 'DCC 主菜单',
dcc_vip = 'DCC VIP',
leaderboard = '排行榜',
profile = '个人资料',
not_enough_level = '等级不足!',
completed_jobs = '完成的工作',
total_jobs_completed = '作为出租车司机完成的总工作数。',
total_earnings = '总收入',
total_money_earned = '在市中心出租车公司赚取的总金额。',
latest_works = '最新工作',
xp_earned = '获得的经验值',
earned = '赚取',
carrying_npc = '载着NPC',
taximeter_on = '计价器开启',
active_for_work = '可工作状态',
vehicle_health = '车辆健康',
careful = '小心',
fast = '快速',
nearby_players = '附近玩家',
activate_npc_cabbing = '开启NPC出租车服务',
disable_npc_cabbing = '关闭NPC出租车服务',
turn_off_taximeter = '关闭计价器',
open_taximeter = '开启计价器',
bill_player = '给玩家收费',
change_area = '更改区域',
select_vehicle = '您需要先选择一辆车辆!',
mission_cooldown = '任务冷却时间为1天',
mission_on_cooldown = '任务在冷却中',
start_mission = '开始任务',
mission_locked = '任务已锁定',
earnings = '收入',
hr_cooldown = '小时冷却',
required = '必需',
open_menu = '打开菜单',
e_open_menu = '按E打开菜单',
searching_customer = '正在寻找乘客...',
customer_found = '找到乘客,请前往地图上标记的位置...',
taxi_customer = '出租车客户',
call_customer = '按E呼叫乘客',
take_customer = '将乘客送到地图上标记的位置...',
stop_vehicle = '停车。',
mission_active = '任务已在进行中',
you_have_cd = '您在此任务中有冷却时间!',
cant_change_mode = "在乘客在车内时,您无法改变模式...",
cant_change_location = "在乘客在车内时,您无法改变位置...",
customer_dont_have_money = "乘客没有足够的钱!",
you_dont_have_money = "您没有足够的钱!",
downtown_area = '市中心区域玩家出租车',
player = '玩家',
npc = 'NPC',
paid_bill = '%s支付了$%s的账单',
you_paid_bill = '您支付了$%s的账单',
not_taxi = "您没有出租车工作",
downtown_cab_area = "市中心出租车区域",
sandy_cab_area = "桑迪海岸出租车区域",
paleto_cab_area = "帕雷托湾出租车区域",
civilian_or_player = "平民或玩家",
per_customer = "每位乘客",
per_xp = "每个工作获得的经验",
selected_area = "已选择区域",
select_area = "选择区域",
daily_missions = "每日任务",
completed = "已完成",
not_completed = "未完成",
select_vehicle_2 = "选择一辆车辆",
selected_vehicle = "选择的车辆",
select_vehicle_3 = "选择车辆",
get_ready = "准备开始出租车服务!",
select_a_area = "选择一个区域!",
select_your_veh = "选择您的车辆!",
start_cabbing = "开始出租车服务!",
start_cabbin = "开始出租车服务",
stop_cabbin = "停止出租车服务",