Config.Translate = {
["openshop"] = "Press [~g~E~w~] to open the ~g~ %s ~w~.",
["buyshop2"] = "Press [~g~E~w~] to buy this shop for ~g~%s$~w~.",
["openbossmenu"] = "Press [~g~E~w~] to show your shop settings",
["buyshoptarget"] = "Buy this shop : %s",
["openshoptarget"] = "Open this shop : %s",
["openbossmenutarget"] = "Open your shop",
["enoughmoney"] = "You dont have enough money!",
["alreadybought"] = "This shop already bought!",
["buyshop"] = "You bought this shop!",
["changedshopname"] = "You changed your shop's name",
["depositedmoney"] = "You deposited!",
["withdrawedmoney"] = "Withdrawed!",
["transferto"] = "You transferred your shop to %s",
["transferfrom"] = "You got it shop from %s",
["shopdonthaveenoughmoney"] = "You need to deposit!",
["itemaddedtoorder"] = "Item removed from shop",
["buyitem"] = "You bought %s for %s$!",
["outofstock"] = "Your item is out of stock : %s",
["savedcolorsettings"] = "Your settings have been saved!",
["sellshop2"] = "You have successfully sold your shop!",
["shopdonthaveenoughitem"] = "Enough Item",
['0item'] = "amount must be greater than 0 !!",
-- ui --
["background"] = "Background",
["headertext"] = "Header Text",
["pricetext"] = "Price Text",
["addtocard"] = "Add To Cart",
["food"] = "Food",
["drinks"] = "Drinks",
["alcohol"] = "Alcohol",
["cemicals"] = "Chemicals",
["tools"] = "Tools",
["activecategory"] = "Active Cat.",
["deactivecategory"] = "Inactive Cat.",
["general"] = "General Background",
["revertdefault"] = "Revert To Default",
["savecolors"] = "Save Color Themes",
["bank"] = "Bank",
["cash"] = "Cash",
["all"] = "All",
["delete"] = "Delete",
["clear"] = "Clear",
["buyall"] = "BUY ALL",
["settings"] = "Settings",
["change"] = "Change",
["colortheme"] = "Color Theme",
["shopinventory"] = "Shop Inventory",
["shophistory"] = "Shop History",
["orderitems"] = "Order Items",
["orderinventory"] = "Order Inventory",
["order"] = "Order",
["processing"] = "Processing",
["claim"] = "Claim",
["select"] = "Select",
["marketname"] = "Market Name",
["transfershop"] = "Transfer Shop",
["sellshop"] = "Sell Shop",
["totalcash"] = "Total Cash in Vault",
["depositmoney"] = "Deposit Money",
["withdrawmoney"] = "Withdraw Money",
["additem"] = "Add Item",
["amount"] = "Amount",
["sellprice"] = "Sell Price",
["categories"] = "Categories",
["approval"] = "Approval",
["send"] = "Send",
["price"] = "Price",
["date"] = "Date",
-- logs
["buyitemlog"] = "Player %s bought %s items. Cost = **%s**",
["sellshoplog"] = "Player %s sold his shop id = **%s**",
["transfershoplog"] = "Player %s transferred his shop to %s",
["buyshoplog"] = "Player %s bought shop. ID = **%s**"
Config.Translate = {
["openshop"] = "按下打开 ~g~ %s ~w~。",
["buyshop2"] = "按下以 ~g~%s$~w~ 购买此商店。",
["openbossmenu"] = "按下显示您的商店设置",
["buyshoptarget"] = "购买此商店 : %s",
["openshoptarget"] = "打开此商店 : %s",
["openbossmenutarget"] = "打开您的商店",
["enoughmoney"] = "您没有足够的金钱!",
["alreadybought"] = "此商店已经被购买!",
["buyshop"] = "您购买了此商店!",
["changedshopname"] = "您更改了商店的名称",
["depositedmoney"] = "您已经存入!",
["withdrawedmoney"] = "已提取!",
["transferto"] = "您将商店转让给 %s",
["transferfrom"] = "您从 %s 处获得了商店",
["shopdonthaveenoughmoney"] = "您需要存款!",
["itemaddedtoorder"] = "物品已从商店中移除",
["buyitem"] = "您以 %s$ 购买了 %s!",
["outofstock"] = "您的商品已售罄 : %s",
["savedcolorsettings"] = "您的设置已保存!",
["sellshop2"] = "您已成功出售您的商店!",
["shopdonthaveenoughitem"] = "物品数量足够",
['0item'] = "数量必须大于 0 !!",
-- ui --
["background"] = "背景",
["headertext"] = "标题文本",
["pricetext"] = "价格文本",
["addtocard"] = "添加到购物车",
["food"] = "食物",
["drinks"] = "饮料",
["alcohol"] = "酒精",
["cemicals"] = "化学品",
["tools"] = "工具",
["activecategory"] = "活跃类别",
["deactivecategory"] = "非活跃类别",
["general"] = "一般背景",
["revertdefault"] = "恢复默认",
["savecolors"] = "保存颜色主题",
["bank"] = "银行",
["cash"] = "现金",
["all"] = "所有",
["delete"] = "删除",
["clear"] = "清除",
["buyall"] = "购买所有",
["settings"] = "设置",
["change"] = "更改",
["colortheme"] = "颜色主题",
["shopinventory"] = "商店库存",
["shophistory"] = "商店历史",
["orderitems"] = "订购物品",
["orderinventory"] = "订购库存",
["order"] = "订单",
["processing"] = "处理",
["claim"] = "认领",
["select"] = "选择",
["marketname"] = "市场名称",
["transfershop"] = "转让商店",
["sellshop"] = "出售商店",
["totalcash"] = "保险库中的总现金",
["depositmoney"] = "存款",
["withdrawmoney"] = "取款",
["additem"] = "添加物品",
["amount"] = "数量",
["sellprice"] = "售价",
["categories"] = "类别",
["approval"] = "审批",
["send"] = "发送",
["price"] = "价格",
["date"] = "日期",
-- logs
["buyitemlog"] = "玩家 %s 购买了 %s 件物品。费用 = **%s**",
["sellshoplog"] = "玩家 %s 出售了他的商店 id = **%s**",
["transfershoplog"] = "玩家 %s 将他的商店转让给 %s",
["buyshoplog"] = "玩家 %s 购买了商店。ID = **%s**"