['itemlocationset'] = "Item location set.",
['itemadjust'] = "item adjustments deleted",
['modelnotfound'] = "Item model not loaded.",
['addnewitem'] = "Add New Item",
['itemcode'] = "Item Code",
['itemlabel'] = "Item Label",
['propcode'] = "Prop Code",
['itemimages'] = "Item Images Name",
['cat'] = "Category",
['cancel'] = "Cancel",
['yes'] = "Yes",
['areusuredelete'] = "are you sure you want to delete the settings?",
['youlock'] = "if you lock it, all players will have to use the setting you set.",
['youunlock'] = "are you sure you want to turn on the settings of the property? ",
['createnewcat'] = "Create New Category",
['add'] = "Add",
['catname'] = "Category name..",
['changecategory'] = "Change Category",
['change'] = "Change",
['exitfrom'] = "exit from",
['mountmenu'] = "mount menu",
['searchanyitem'] = "Search any item",
['notfoundcategory'] = "No created category found",
['editblocked'] = "Edit blocked",
['byadmin'] = "by Admin",
['editmount'] = "Edit Mount Placement",
['sharemount'] = "Share mount code",
['deleteplacement'] = "Delete Placement",
['lockeditfor'] = "Lock Edit For Players",
['unlockededitfor'] = "Unlock Edit For Players",
['mountedit'] = "mount edit",
['entercode'] = "Enter Mount Code (optional)",
['restore'] = "Restore",
['savemount'] = "Save Mount",
['notset'] = "You have not set the location of this item before. Set it and try again.",
['codeempty'] = "The code cannot be empty.",
['itembefore'] = "You haven't adjusted this item before.",
['codecopied'] = "Mount code copied to clipboard",
['cantitem'] = "You can't adjust this item.",
['empty'] = "cannot be empty",
['space'] = "cannot contain spaces",
['selectcat'] = "Please select a category",
['itemlabelspace'] = "Item label cannot be empty",
['catcannot'] = "Category name cannot be empty",
['createcatfirst'] = "Please create a category first",
['containspace'] = "Category name cannot contain spaces",
['rotateaxis'] = "Rotate Axis",
['up'] = "up",
['down'] = "down",
['left'] = 'left',
['right'] = "right",
['in'] = "in",
['out'] = "out",
['rotate'] = "Rotate",
['flip'] = "Flip",
['camup'] = "cam up",
['camdown'] = "cam down",
['camright'] = "cam right",
['camleft'] = "cam left",
['zoomin'] = "Zoom in",
['zoomout'] = "Zoom out",
['all'] = "All",
['mountcodeerror'] = "This code not matches this item.",
['notdeletecat'] = "You cannot delete this category",
['itemsincat'] = "There are items in this category. First you need to delete them",
['changeitemsettings'] = "Change Item Settings",
['save'] = "Save",
['deleteitem'] = "are you sure delete this item?",
['deletecategory'] = "Are you sure delete this category?",
['mount'] = "MOUNT",
['menu'] = "MENU",
['admin'] = "ADMIN",
['removeitem'] = "Remove Item",
['deletecat'] = "Delete Category",
['editpro'] = "Edit Properties",
['edit'] = "EDIT",
['set'] = "SET"
['itemlocationset'] = "物品位置已设置。",
['itemadjust'] = "物品调整已删除。",
['modelnotfound'] = "物品模型未加载。",
['addnewitem'] = "添加新物品",
['itemcode'] = "物品代码",
['itemlabel'] = "物品标签",
['propcode'] = "道具代码",
['itemimages'] = "物品图片名称",
['cat'] = "类别",
['cancel'] = "取消",
['yes'] = "是",
['areusuredelete'] = "您确定要删除这些设置吗?",
['youlock'] = "如果您锁定它,所有玩家将必须使用您设置的设置。",
['youunlock'] = "您确定要开启该属性的设置吗?",
['createnewcat'] = "创建新类别",
['add'] = "添加",
['catname'] = "类别名称..",
['changecategory'] = "更改类别",
['change'] = "更改",
['exitfrom'] = "退出",
['mountmenu'] = "安装菜单",
['searchanyitem'] = "搜索任何物品",
['notfoundcategory'] = "未找到创建的类别",
['editblocked'] = "编辑被阻止",
['byadmin'] = "由管理员",
['editmount'] = "编辑安装位置",
['sharemount'] = "共享安装代码",
['deleteplacement'] = "删除放置位置",
['lockeditfor'] = "锁定编辑给玩家",
['unlockededitfor'] = "解锁编辑给玩家",
['mountedit'] = "安装编辑",
['entercode'] = "输入安装代码(可选)",
['restore'] = "恢复",
['savemount'] = "保存安装",
['notset'] = "您尚未设置此物品的位置。请设置后再试。",
['codeempty'] = "代码不能为空。",
['itembefore'] = "您之前没有调整过此物品。",
['codecopied'] = "安装代码已复制到剪贴板",
['cantitem'] = "您无法调整此物品。",
['empty'] = "不能为空",
['space'] = "不能为空格",
['selectcat'] = "请选中一个类别",
['itemlabelspace'] = "物品标签不能为空",
['catcannot'] = "类别名称不能为空",
['createcatfirst'] = "请先创建一个类别",
['containspace'] = "类别名称不能包含空格",
['rotateaxis'] = "旋转轴",
['up'] = "上",
['down'] = "下",
['left'] = "左",
['right'] = "右",
['in'] = "内",
['out'] = "外",
['rotate'] = "旋转",
['flip'] = "翻转",
['camup'] = "相机向上",
['camdown'] = "相机向下",
['camright'] = "相机向右",
['camleft'] = "相机向左",
['zoomin'] = "放大",
['zoomout'] = "缩小",
['all'] = "所有",
['mountcodeerror'] = "此代码与此物品不匹配。",
['notdeletecat'] = "您无法删除此类别",
['itemsincat'] = "此类别中有物品。您需要先删除它们。",
['changeitemsettings'] = "更改物品设置",
['save'] = "保存",
['deleteitem'] = "您确定要删除此物品吗?",
['deletecategory'] = "您确定要删除此类别吗?",
['mount'] = "安装",
['menu'] = "菜单",
['admin'] = "管理员",
['removeitem'] = "移除物品",
['deletecat'] = "删除类别",
['editpro'] = "编辑属性",
['edit'] = "编辑",
['set'] = "设置"