TranslationsEN = {accept = "Accept",
access_for = "access for",
access_list = "Access List",
access_race = "Race access by citizenId. Separate by commas",
access_updated = "Access updated",
active = "Active",
add_checkpoint = "Add Checkpoint",
all = 'All Classes',
already_in_race = "You are already in a race.",
already_making_race = "You are already making a race.",
any = "Any Type",
are_you_sure_you_want_to_clear = 'Clear this tracks leaderboard permanently?',
are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_track = 'Delete this track permanently?',
auth = "Auth",
auth_no = "No auth",
available = "Available",
available_races = "Available Races",
available_races_txt = "See all the currently available races right now.",
bad_input = "'Input is invalid",
base_wps = "Use basic waypoints",
basic_wps_off = "Your Racing GPS will not show basic waypoints",
basic_wps_on = "Your Racing GPS will show basic waypoints",
best = "best",
best_lap = "Best Lap",
buy_in = "Buy in",
can_be_reverted = "Can be reverted",
can_not_afford = "You can't afford ",
cant_be_reverted = "Can't be reverted",
cant_decode = "Not possible to decode input",
checkpoint_2nd = "2nd",
checkpoint_3rd = "3rd",
checkpoint_left = "Left Checkpoint",
checkpoint_next = "Next",
checkpoint_right = "Right Checkpoint",
checkpoints = "Checkpoints",
choose_a_class = "Choose a Class",
choose_a_track = "Choose a Track",
circuit_only = "Circuit only",
citizen_id = "Citizen Id",
class = "Class",
class_car = " class car", -- note the spaces on this,
clear_lead = "Clear Leaderboard",
clear_lead_for = "Clear Leaderboard for",
clear_leaderboard = "Clear Leaderboard",
close = "Close",
close_editor = "Close editor",
closest_checkpoint = "Closest Checkpoint",
confirm = "Confirm",
copy_checkpoints = "Copy Checkpoints",
corrupt_data = "Checkpoint data is corrupt",
could_not_find_person = "Could not find the person",
create_crew = "Create a new crew",
create_racer = "Create Racer",
create_racing_fob_command = 'createracingfob',
create_racing_fob_description = 'Create a Racing GPS (Admin)',
create_track = "Create Track",
create_user = "Create a user",
create_with_editor = "Create With Race Editor",
create_with_share = "Create With track Share",
creator = "Creator",
crew = "Crew",
crew_invite_accepted = "A racer has accepted to join your crew",
crew_invite_rejected = "A racer has denied to join your crew",
crew_rankings = "Crew rankings",
crew_stats = "Crew Stats",
curation = "Curation Settings",
currency = "Participation currency",
current = "Current",
current_race = "Current Race",
current_race_txt = "Options for your currently entered race.",
currently_in = "You're currently in a ", -- note the spaces on this
delete_checkpoint = "Delete Checkpoint",
delete_track = "Delete track",
delete_user = "Delete User",
deny = "Deny",
description = 'Description',
description_hint = 'A short description of the track',
disband_crew = "Disband current crew",
disband_crew_first = "Disband your current crew first",
disbanded_crew = "Your racing crew has been disbanded",
display_tracks = "Displaying track on your map for 20 seconds",
distance_check = "Distance check for positions",
distance_info = "Having this on might have an impact on your performance if there are many racers in a race",
distance_off = "Position checks won't use distance",
distance_on = "Position checks will use distance",
draw_text_wps_off = "Your Racing GPS will not show pillar waypoints",
draw_text_wps_on = "Your Racing GPS will show pillar waypoints",
edit_access = "Edit access",
edit_checkpoint_header = "Edit checkpoint",
edit_settings = "Edit Settings",
edit_track = "Edit track",
editing_access_for = "Editing access for",
editing_access_info = "*Racer Names, separated by commas",
editor_canceled = "You canceled the editor.",
editor_confirm = "Press again to confirm.",
eliminated = "You were eliminated",
elimination = "Elimination",
error_lacking_user = "You are lacking a racing app user",
error_lacking_user_desc = "You need to have a user selected to access this. If you have one you can select it in settings",
error_no_user = "No User selected",
error_no_user_desc = "Select a user in the settings page",
error_removed = "Your current user has been permanently removed",
error_removed_desc = "Sucks to suck I guess",
error_revoked = "Your current user has had it's access revoked",
error_revoked_desc = "It has not been removed, yet",
esc = "Press ESC to close",
expires = "Expires",
extra_payout = "Extra Payout",
finish = "Finish",
finished = "Finished",
first_person = "First Person",
founder = "Founder",
founder_can_not_leave = "The Founder can not leave the crew",
get_in_vehicle = "Get in a vehicle to start!",
get_ready = "Get Ready!",
ghosting = "Ghosting",
ghostingTime = "Time (in seconds) until Ghosting turns off",
go = "GO!",
go_back = "Go Back",
gps_straight_off = "Your Racing GPS will follow roads",
gps_straight_on = "Your Racing GPS will go straight between checkpoints",
handle_curation_for = "Handle curation for",
has_been_removed = " has been removed",
hosted_by = "Hosted by",
hosting = "Hosting",
id_not_found = "Citizen by that ID was not found.",
ignore_roads = "GPS ignores roads",
incorrect_class = "Your vehicle class is incorrect for this race",
invalid_fob_type = "Invalid GPS type.",
invite = "Invite",
invite_closest = "Invite closest person",
invite_from_crew = "Invite from crew",
invites = "Invites",
is_first_user = "You're the first user in the database. Your account will be created as a GOD account",
join_race = "Join Race",
kicked_cheese = "You got kicked out of the race for attempting to cheat",
kicked_idling = "You got kicked out of the race for idling",
kicked_line = "You got disqualified for trying to start pass the line",
lap = "LAP",
laps = "Laps",
leaderboard_has_been_cleared = "leaderboard has been cleared",
leave = "Leave",
leave_current_crew = "Leave current crew",
leave_race = "Leave Race",
length = "Length",
manage = "Manage",
max_checkpoints = "Too many checkpoints might cause issues. Max suggested limit is ",
max_class = "Max class",
max_tire_distance = "The max distance allowed is ",
max_tracks = "You already have the max amount of tracks: ",
max_uniques = "Max unique names per person:",
min_tire_distance = "The min distance allowed is ",
modify_checkpoint = "Modify Checkpoint Menu",
my_crew = "My crew",
my_racers = "My Racers",
my_tracks = "My tracks",
name_is_used = "Name is used: ",
name_taken = "Name is taken",
name_too_long = 'The name is too long.',
name_too_short = 'The name is too short.',
name_track = "Name your track",
name_track_question = "What do you want your track to be named?",
need_a_name = "The track need to have a name",
new_host = 'You are the new organizer',
new_pb = "You got a new personal best!",
new_rank = "New rank:",
next_lap = "Next Lap",
no = "No",
no_available_tracks = "There are no available tracks at the moment to use.",
no_checkpoints_to_delete = "You have not placed any checkpoints to delete.",
no_checkpoints_to_edit = "No checkpoints to edit",
no_class_limit = "No class limit",
no_data = "No data yet",
no_invites = "No invites pending",
no_members_in_crew = "No members in this crew yet",
no_name_track = "This track need to have a name",
no_pending_races = "There are no pending races at the moment.",
no_permission = "You do not have permission to do that.",
no_races = "No race active",
no_races_exist = "No times have been set on this track",
no_results = "No Results to browse yet",
no_tracks_exist = "No Tracks Available",
not_auth = "Not Authorized",
not_close_enough_to_join = "Not close enough to join. A waypoint was set to the start.",
not_done_yet = "No racers have passed the finish line yet",
not_enough_checkpoints = "You need a minimum number of checkpoints to save",
not_enough_money = "Not enough money to join",
not_in_a_vehicle = "You are not the driver of a vehicle",
not_in_crew = "You are not in a crew",
not_in_race = "You are not in a race.",
number_laps = "Number of Laps",
off = "Off",
on = "On",
open_track_editor_for = "Open track editor for",
open_tuning_overlay = "Toggle Tuning Overlay",
participation_amount = "Participation Amount",
participation_info = "This amount will be handed out to all racers who participate",
participation_trophy = "You got $",
participation_trophy_crypto = "You got ",
pending_crew_invite = "You have a pending invite for the racing crew",
person_no_exist = "This person does not exist",
pick_track = "Pick a track",
pillar_columns = "Show floating pillar Waypoints",
pos = "POS",
pot = "Pot",
prox_error = "No one close enough",
race_already_started = "The race has already started!",
race_best_lap = "You got a best lap of ",
race_created = "The race was created!",
race_doesnt_exist = "This race does not exist :(",
race_finished = "You finished the race in ",
race_go = "GO!",
race_info = "%s lap(s) | %sm | %s racer(s)",
race_joined = "You joined the race.",
race_last_person = "You were the last person in that race so it was canceled.",
race_name_exists = "There is already a race with that name.",
race_no_exist = "Race doesn't exist anymore",
race_record = "You now hold the record in %s with a time of: %s!",
race_records = "Race Records",
race_records_txt = "See all records for races.",
race_results = "Recent Races",
race_results_txt = "See results from previous races",
race_saved = "The race was saved",
race_someone_joined = "Someone has joined the race.",
race_someone_left = "Someone has left the race.",
race_timed_out = "The race timed out and was canceled.",
race_type = "Race type",
race_will_start = "The race will start in 10 seconds.",
racer_already_in_crew = "This racer is already in the crew",
racer_finished_place = "finished in place: ",
racer_id = "Paypal/TempId (leave empty for self)",
racer_name = "Racer Name",
racer_rankings = "Racer rankings",
racer_records = "Racer Records",
racer_s = "Racer(s)",
racers = "Racers",
races = "Races",
racing = "Racing",
racing_setup = "Racing - Setup",
rank = "Rank",
rank_change = "Rank Change",
rank_update = "Your ranking has been updated with",
ranked = "Ranked",
ready_to_race = "Ready to Race, ",
refresh = "Refresh",
remove_crypto = "Exchanged ",
removed_user = "Your selected racing user been deleted",
results = "Results",
return_to_start = "Return to the start or you will be kicked from the race: ",
reversed = "Reversed",
revoke = "Revoke",
revoked_access = "Your current racing user has had it's access changed",
save_track = "Save Track",
search_dot = "Search...",
select_race = "Select Race",
select_track = "Select Track",
select_track_to_view = "Select a track to view results",
selected_track = "Selected Track",
set_curated = "Curate",
set_uncurated = "Un-Curate",
settings = "Settings",
setup = "Setup",
setup_race = "Setup Race",
shared_with = "Shared with",
show_gps = "Show GPS Route",
show_track = "Show Track",
showing_all = "Showing all tracks",
showing_curated = "Showing curated tracks",
slow_down = "You can't go that fast!",
sprint = "Sprint",
sprint_only = "Sprint only",
start_race = "Start Race",
starting_line = "Start Line",
starts = "Starts",
time = "Time",
time_added = "Your time has been added to the leaderboard",
tire_distance = "Tire distance",
to_many_names = "This person has enough unique Racer Names already...",
toggled_gps_route_off = "You have toggled GPS Route OFF",
toggled_gps_route_on = "You have toggled GPS Route ON",
total = "total",
track = "track",
track_id = "Track ID",
track_name = "Track Name",
track_records = 'Track Records',
tracks = "Tracks",
type = "Type",
unclaimed = "Unclaimed Record!",
unknown = "Unknown",
unowned_dongle = "It doesn't seem to respond do you.",
useGhosting = "Use Ghosting?",
user = "User",
user_list_updated = "Racing user list updated",
user_no = "No user",
vehicle = "Vehicle",
winner = "Winner",
wins = "Wins",
you_have_to_place_a_new_checkpoint_down_first = "You have to place down a new checkpoint first",
TranslationsCN = {
accept = "接受",
access_for = "访问权限",
access_list = "访问列表",
access_race = "按公民ID访问比赛。用逗号分隔",
access_updated = "权限已更新",
active = "活跃",
add_checkpoint = "添加检查点",
all = '所有类别',
already_in_race = "您已在比赛中。",
already_making_race = "您已在创建比赛。",
any = "任何类型",
are_you_sure_you_want_to_clear = '是否确定永久清除此赛道的排行榜?',
are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_track = '是否确认永久删除此赛道?',
auth = "授权",
auth_no = "没有授权",
available = "可用",
available_races = "可用比赛",
available_races_txt = "查看当前所有可用的比赛。",
bad_input = "'输入无效",
base_wps = "使用基本路标",
basic_wps_off = "您的赛车GPS将不显示基本路标",
basic_wps_on = "您的赛车GPS将显示基本路标",
best = "最佳",
best_lap = "最佳圈速",
buy_in = "买入",
can_be_reverted = "可以撤销",
can_not_afford = "您无法负担 ",
cant_be_reverted = "无法撤销",
cant_decode = "无法解码输入",
checkpoint_2nd = "第二",
checkpoint_3rd = "第三",
checkpoint_left = "左侧检查点",
checkpoint_next = "下一个",
checkpoint_right = "右侧检查点",
checkpoints = "检查点",
choose_a_class = "选择一个类别",
choose_a_track = "选择一个赛道",
circuit_only = "仅限赛道",
citizen_id = "公民ID",
class = "类别",
class_car = " 类别车辆", -- 注意空格
clear_lead = "清空排行榜",
clear_lead_for = "清空排行榜为",
clear_leaderboard = "清空排行榜",
close = "关闭",
close_editor = "关闭编辑器",
closest_checkpoint = "最近的检查点",
confirm = "确认",
copy_checkpoints = "复制检查点",
corrupt_data = "检查点数据损坏",
could_not_find_person = "未能找到此人",
create_crew = "创建新车队",
create_racer = "创建赛车手",
create_racing_fob_command = 'createracingfob',
create_racing_fob_description = '创建赛车GPS (管理员)',
create_track = "创建赛道",
create_user = "创建用户",
create_with_editor = "使用赛道编辑器创建",
create_with_share = "使用赛道分享创建",
creator = "创建者",
crew = "车队",
crew_invite_accepted = "一名赛车手接受了加入您的车队",
crew_invite_rejected = "一名赛车手拒绝了加入您的车队",
crew_rankings = "车队排名",
crew_stats = "车队统计",
curation = "策展设置",
currency = "参与货币",
current = "当前",
current_race = "当前比赛",
current_race_txt = "您当前参与比赛的选项。",
currently_in = "您当前在一个 ", -- 注意空格
delete_checkpoint = "删除检查点",
delete_track = "删除赛道",
delete_user = "删除用户",
deny = "拒绝",
description = '描述',
description_hint = '对赛道的简短描述',
disband_crew = "解散当前车队",
disband_crew_first = "请先解散您当前的车队",
disbanded_crew = "您的赛车队已被解散",
display_tracks = "将在您的地图上显示赛道20秒",
distance_check = "位置的距离检查",
distance_info = "开启此功能可能会影响性能,尤其是在有许多赛车手的比赛中",
distance_off = "位置检查将不使用距离",
distance_on = "位置检查将使用距离",
draw_text_wps_off = "您的赛车GPS将不显示柱状路标",
draw_text_wps_on = "您的赛车GPS将显示柱状路标",
edit_access = "编辑权限",
edit_checkpoint_header = "编辑检查点",
edit_settings = "编辑设置",
edit_track = "编辑赛道",
editing_access_for = "正在编辑访问权限",
editing_access_info = "*赛车手名称,用逗号分隔",
editor_canceled = "您取消了编辑器。",
editor_confirm = "再次按下确认。",
eliminated = "您已被淘汰",
elimination = "淘汰赛",
error_lacking_user = "您缺少赛车应用用户",
error_lacking_user_desc = "您需要选择一个用户才能访问此功能。如果您已有用户,可在设置中选择",
error_no_user = "未选择用户",
error_no_user_desc = "在设置页面选择一个用户",
error_removed = "您的当前用户已被永久删除",
error_removed_desc = "我想这有点糟糕",
error_revoked = "您的当前用户的访问权限已被撤销",
error_revoked_desc = "尚未被删除",
esc = "按ESC以关闭",
expires = "过期",
extra_payout = "额外奖金",
finish = "结束",
finished = "完成",
first_person = "第一人称",
founder = "创始人",
founder_can_not_leave = "创始人无法离开车队",
get_in_vehicle = "上车开始比赛!",
get_ready = "准备好!",
ghosting = "隐身",
ghostingTime = "隐身关闭前的时间(秒)",
go = "出发!",
go_back = "返回",
gps_straight_off = "您的赛车GPS将遵循道路",
gps_straight_on = "您的赛车GPS将直线走过检查点",
handle_curation_for = "处理策展",
has_been_removed = " 已被移除",
hosted_by = "主办方",
hosting = "主办",
id_not_found = "未找到该公民ID。",
ignore_roads = "GPS忽略道路",
incorrect_class = "您的车辆类别与此比赛不符",
invalid_fob_type = "无效的GPS类型。",
invite = "邀请",
invite_closest = "邀请最近的人",
invite_from_crew = "来自车队的邀请",
invites = "邀请",
is_first_user = "您是数据库中的第一个用户。您的帐户将创建为GOD帐户",
join_race = "加入比赛",
kicked_cheese = "您因试图作弊而被踢出比赛",
kicked_idling = "您因闲置状态被踢出比赛",
kicked_line = "您因尝试在起跑线前起步而被取消资格",
lap = "圈",
laps = "圈数",
leaderboard_has_been_cleared = "排行榜已清空",
leave = "离开",
leave_current_crew = "离开当前车队",
leave_race = "离开比赛",
length = "长度",
manage = "管理",
max_checkpoints = "检查点过多可能会导致问题。建议最大限制为 ",
max_class = "最大类别",
max_tire_distance = "允许的最大距离为 ",
max_tracks = "您已经达到了最大赛道数量: ",
max_uniques = "每人最大唯一名称:",
min_tire_distance = "允许的最小距离为 ",
modify_checkpoint = "修改检查点菜单",
my_crew = "我的车队",
my_racers = "我的赛车手",
my_tracks = "我的赛道",
name_is_used = "名称已被使用: ",
name_taken = "名称已被占用",
name_too_long = '名称太长。',
name_too_short = '名称太短。',
name_track = "为您的赛道命名",
name_track_question = "您希望您的赛道叫什么名字?",
need_a_name = "赛道需要有个名称",
new_host = '您是新的组织者',
new_pb = "您获得了新的个人最好成绩!",
new_rank = "新排名:",
next_lap = "下一圈",
no = "否",
no_available_tracks = "目前没有可用的赛道。",
no_checkpoints_to_delete = "您尚未放置任何检查点以删除。",
no_checkpoints_to_edit = "没有检查点可供编辑",
no_class_limit = "没有类别限制",
no_data = "尚无数据",
no_invites = "没有待处理的邀请",
no_members_in_crew = "此车队尚无成员",
no_name_track = "此赛道需要有个名称",
no_pending_races = "目前没有待处理的比赛。",
no_permission = "您没有权限这样做。",
no_races = "没有活跃的比赛",
no_races_exist = "此赛道尚未设置时间",
no_results = "尚无可浏览的结果",
no_tracks_exist = "没有可用的赛道",
not_auth = "未授权",
not_close_enough_to_join = "距离不够近,无法加入。已设置一个路标到起点。",
not_done_yet = "尚未有赛车手通过终点线",
not_enough_checkpoints = "您需要至少放置一定数量的检查点才能保存",
not_enough_money = "没有足够的钱加入",
not_in_a_vehicle = "您并不是车辆的驾驶员",
not_in_crew = "您不在车队中",
not_in_race = "您不在比赛中。",
number_laps = "圈数",
off = "关闭",
on = "开启",
open_track_editor_for = "打开赛道编辑器",
open_tuning_overlay = "切换调校覆盖",
participation_amount = "参与金额",
participation_info = "此金额将分发给所有参与的赛车手",
participation_trophy = "您获得了 $",
participation_trophy_crypto = "您获得了 ",
pending_crew_invite = "您有一个待处理的赛车车队邀请",
person_no_exist = "此人不存在",
pick_track = "选择一条赛道",
pillar_columns = "显示浮动柱状路标",
pos = "位置",
pot = "奖池",
prox_error = "没有人足够近",
race_already_started = "比赛已经开始!",
race_best_lap = "您的最佳圈速为 ",
race_created = "比赛已创建!",
race_doesnt_exist = "该比赛不存在 :(",
race_finished = "您在比赛中完成了 ",
race_go = "出发!",
race_info = "%s 圈 | %sm | %s 赛车手",
race_joined = "您已加入比赛。",
race_last_person = "您是最后一位参赛者,因此比赛被取消。",
race_name_exists = "已经存在同名比赛。",
race_no_exist = "比赛已不存在",
race_record = "您现在在 %s 的记录保持者,时间为: %s!",
race_records = "比赛记录",
race_records_txt = "查看所有比赛记录。",
race_results = "最近的比赛",
race_results_txt = "查看之前比赛的结果",
race_saved = "比赛已保存",
race_someone_joined = "有人已加入比赛。",
race_someone_left = "有人已离开比赛。",
race_timed_out = "比赛超时并被取消。",
race_type = "比赛类型",
race_will_start = "比赛将在10秒后开始。",
racer_already_in_crew = "此赛车手已在车队中",
racer_finished_place = "完成位置: ",
racer_id = "Paypal/临时ID(留空以选择自己)",
racer_name = "赛车手名称",
racer_rankings = "赛车手排名",
racer_records = "赛车手记录",
racer_s = "赛车手",
racers = "赛车手",
races = "比赛",
racing = "赛车",
racing_setup = "赛车 - 设置",
rank = "排名",
rank_change = "排名变化",
rank_update = "您的排名已更新为",
ranked = "已排名",
ready_to_race = "准备好比赛, ",
refresh = "刷新",
remove_crypto = "已兑换 ",
removed_user = "您选择的赛车用户已被删除",
results = "结果",
return_to_start = "返回起点,否则您将被踢出比赛: ",
reversed = "反向",
revoke = "撤销",
revoked_access = "您当前的赛车用户的访问权限已更改",
save_track = "保存赛道",
search_dot = "搜索...",
select_race = "选择比赛",
select_track = "选择赛道",
select_track_to_view = "选择一条赛道以查看结果",
selected_track = "已选择赛道",
set_curated = "策展",
set_uncurated = "不策展",
settings = "设置",
setup = "设置",
setup_race = "设置比赛",
shared_with = "与分享",
show_gps = "显示GPS路线",
show_track = "显示赛道",
showing_all = "显示所有赛道",
showing_curated = "显示策展赛道",
slow_down = "您无法那么快!",
sprint = "短跑",
sprint_only = "仅短跑",
start_race = "开始比赛",
starting_line = "起跑线",
starts = "开始",
time = "时间",
time_added = "您的时间已添加到排行榜",
tire_distance = "轮胎距离",
to_many_names = "此人已有足够的唯一赛车名称...",
toggled_gps_route_off = "您已关闭GPS路线",
toggled_gps_route_on = "您已开启GPS路线",
total = "总计",
track = "赛道",
track_id = "赛道ID",
track_name = "赛道名称",
track_records = '赛道记录',
tracks = "赛道",
type = "类型",
unclaimed = "未认领的记录!",
unknown = "未知",
unowned_dongle = "似乎没有响应您。",
useGhosting = "使用隐身?",
user = "用户",
user_list_updated = "赛车用户列表已更新",
user_no = "没有用户",
vehicle = "车辆",
winner = "赢家",
wins = "胜利",
you_have_to_place_a_new_checkpoint_down_first = "您必须先放置一个新的检查点",