Loc["en"] = {
error = {
["cancel"] = "Cancelled",
["no_one"] = "No one near by to charge",
["not_onduty"] = "Not Clocked in!",
["no_job"] = "You don't have the required job",
["no_ticket"] = "You don't have any tickets to trade",
["bank_low"] = "Bank Balance too low",
["no_cash"] = "Not enough cash",
["saving_low"] = "Savings Balance too low",
["soc_low"] = "Society balance too low",
["nomoney_bank"] = "Not enough money in your bank",
["error_start"] = "Error: Account '",
["error_end"] = "' not found",
["not_enough"] = "You don't have enough cash to give",
["zero"] = "You can't give $0",
["charge_zero"] = "You can't charge $0",
["no_ticket_to"] = "No tickets to trade",
["customer_nocash"] = "Customer doesn't have enough cash to pay",
["you_nocash"] = "You don't have enough cash to pay",
["decline_pay"] = " declined the $",
["declined_payment"] = "You declined the payment",
success = {
["draw"] = "Withdrew $",
["from_bank"] = " from the bank",
["deposited"] = "Deposited $",
["into_bank"] = " into the Bank",
["draw_save"] = " Withdrawn from savings into bank account",
["depos_save"] = " Deposited from bank account into savings",
["fromthe"] = " from the ",
["into"] = " into the ",
["account"] = " account",
["sent"] = "Sent $",
["recieved"] = "Recieved $",
["to"] = " to ",
["from"] = " from ",
["you_gave"] = "You gave ",
["you_got"] = "You got $",
["invoice_start"] = " Paid their $",
["invoice_end"] = " invoice",
["rec_rec"] = "Receipt received",
["commission"] = " in Commission",
["trade_ticket_start"] = "Tickets traded: ",
["trade_ticket_end"] = " Total: $",
["inv_succ"] = "Invoice Successfully Sent",
["inv_recieved"] = "New Invoice Received",
["declined"] = "You declined the payment",
["accepted_pay"] = " accepted the $",
["payment"] = " payment",
["charged"] = " was charged for $",
["you_charged"] = "You were charged for $",
["charge_end"] = " charge",
blip = {
["blip_atm"] = "ATM",
["blip_bank"] = "Bank",
command = {
["pay_user"] = "Pay a user nearby",
["cash_reg"] = "Use mobile cash register",
["charge"] = "Charge another person",
target = {
["atm"] = "Use ATM",
["bank"] = "Use Bank",
["transfer"] = "Transfer Money",
["saving"] = "Access Savings",
["soc_saving"] = "Access Society Account",
["soc_trans"] = "Society Money Transfer",
["gang_acct"] = "Gang Society Account",
["gang_trans"] = "Gang Money Transfer",
["charge"] = "Charge Customer",
["cashin_boss"] = "Cash in Job Receipts",
["cashin_gang"] = "Cash in Gang Receipts",
menu = {
["close"] = "Close",
["withdraw"] = "Withdrawl",
["deposit"] = "Deposit",
["transfer"] = "Transfer",
["transfer_money"] = "Transfer Money",
["header_atm"] = " Loc["zh"] = {
error = {
["cancel"] = "已取消",
["no_one"] = "附近没有人可以充值",
["not_onduty"] = "未值班!",
["no_job"] = "你没有所需的工作",
["no_ticket"] = "你没有任何可交易的票",
["bank_low"] = "银行余额过低",
["no_cash"] = "现金不足",
["saving_low"] = "储蓄余额过低",
["soc_low"] = "公会余额过低",
["nomoney_bank"] = "银行里的钱不足",
["error_start"] = "错误:账户 '",
["error_end"] = "' 未找到",
["not_enough"] = "你没有足够的现金可以给",
["zero"] = "你不能给 $0",
["charge_zero"] = "你不能收费 $0",
["no_ticket_to"] = "没有可交易的票",
["customer_nocash"] = "客户没有足够的现金支付",
["you_nocash"] = "你没有足够的现金支付",
["decline_pay"] = "拒绝了 $",
["declined_payment"] = "你拒绝了支付",
success = {
["draw"] = "取出了 $",
["from_bank"] = " 从银行",
["deposited"] = "存入 $",
["into_bank"] = " 到银行",
["draw_save"] = " 从储蓄中取出到银行账户",
["depos_save"] = " 从银行账户存入储蓄",
["fromthe"] = " 从 ",
["into"] = " 到 ",
["account"] = " 账户",
["sent"] = "发送了 $",
["recieved"] = "收到了 $",
["to"] = " 到 ",
["from"] = " 从 ",
["you_gave"] = "你给了 ",
["you_got"] = "你得到了 $",
["invoice_start"] = " 支付了他们的 $",
["invoice_end"] = " 发票",
["rec_rec"] = "收据已收到",
["commission"] = " 的佣金",
["trade_ticket_start"] = "已交易票据: ",
["trade_ticket_end"] = " 总计: $",
["inv_succ"] = "发票成功发送",
["inv_recieved"] = "收到新发票",
["declined"] = "你拒绝了支付",
["accepted_pay"] = " 接受了 $",
["payment"] = " 支付",
["charged"] = " 被收取了 $",
["you_charged"] = "你被收取了 $",
["charge_end"] = " 收费",
blip = {
["blip_atm"] = "ATM",
["blip_bank"] = "银行",
command = {
["pay_user"] = "支付附近的用户",
["cash_reg"] = "使用移动现金注册机",
["charge"] = "向其他人收费",
target = {
["atm"] = "使用ATM",
["bank"] = "使用银行",
["transfer"] = "转账",
["saving"] = "访问储蓄",
["soc_saving"] = "访问公会账户",
["soc_trans"] = "公会资金转账",
["gang_acct"] = "帮派公会账户",
["gang_trans"] = "帮派资金转账",
["charge"] = "向客户收费",
["cashin_boss"] = "兑现工作收据",
["cashin_gang"] = "兑现帮派收据",
menu = {
["close"] = "关闭",
["withdraw"] = "取款",
["deposit"] = "存款",
["transfer"] = "转账",
["transfer_money"] = "转账",
["header_atm"] = "ATM操作",