['10.8'] = 'Awaiting assignment',
['10.10'] = 'Performing 10.10, Good service!',
['Cod 7'] = 'Making a technical stop',
['254-V'] = 'Initiating 254-V at %s [ %s ] in %s',
['487-V'] = 'Visual on last 487-V, %s [$s]',
['Cod 2'] = 'Starting regular patrol',
['10.22'] = 'Heading to the police station',
['6-Adam'] = 'Responding as 6-Adam',
['10.98'] = '10.98 to the last incident, proceeding with 10.95 for Code 2',
['Veh 488'] = 'Vehicle involved in 488 from %s: %s [%s]',
['Veh 487'] = 'Vehicle involved in 487 from %s: %s [%s]',
['Veh Alt'] = 'Vehicle involved in an altercation %s [%s] in %s',
['10.6'] = 'Performing a traffic stop on %s [%s] in %s',
['10-20ME'] = 'Reaches for the radio and presses the location button',
['QRRME'] = 'Reaches for the radio and presses the panic button',
['Agentatrisk'] = 'Agent in danger',
['domyfinguer'] = 'After a few seconds, the result would come out: %s',
['VehicleinofME'] = 'Opens the vehicle door, puts the person in the vehicle, fastens their seatbelt, and closes the door',
['VehicleofinME'] = 'Opens the vehicle door, takes the person out, removes their seatbelt, and closes the door',
-- NOTIFY --
['noSeat'] = 'No available seats',
-- Police Equipment
['PoliceEquipment'] = 'Police Equipment',
['Equipment'] = 'Equipment',
['EquipmentDesc'] = 'Access Police Equipment',
['LeaveEquipment'] = 'Leave Equipment',
['LeaveEquipmentDesc'] = 'Leave your police equipment here',
['PoliceInventory'] = 'Police Inventory',
['PoliceInventoryDesc'] = 'To leave food, water, etc',
['EvidenceProof'] = 'Evidence / Proof',
['EvidenceProofDesc'] = 'Access evidence / proof',
-- Holster
['DoHide'] = "do would look like he's hiding something under his clothes",
['DoShow'] = "do would look like he's making a gesture showing his weapons",
['SomethingWrong'] = "There seems to have been a mistake",
['HipHolster'] = "You've changed the position of the gun to hip.",
['BackHolster'] = 'You have changed the position of the pistol to the back',
['LegHolster'] = 'You have moved the pistol position to the leg',
['UpperHolster'] = 'You have moved the pistol position to the chest',
['UnderPantsHolster'] = 'You have changed the position of the pistol to the pants',
['LongHolsterBack'] = 'You have changed the position of the long guns to the back',
['LongHolsterFront'] = 'You have switched the position of the long guns to the front.',
["NoPersonNear"] = "There isn't anyone near",
["VehicleRob"] = "Vehicle Rob",
["VehicleRobDesc"] = "A vehicle has been robed",
["Call911"] = "Call from 911",
["ForensicTitle"] = "Forensic Analysis Report",
["ForensicDesc"] = "Through this present report, the Scientific Department of the San Andreas Police shows the complete analysis of the attached evidence, the approximate time of the fact or in case of not knowing the time of collecting the evidence and/or analysis of this.",
["EvidenceOf"] = "Evidence of",
["ApproximateTime"] = "Approximate time",
["MinutesAnd"] = "minutes and",
["SecondAprox"] = "Seconds approx",
["Shot"] = "Shot",
["Calibre"] = "Calibre",
["Identifier"] = "Identifier",
["Model"] = "Model",
["Amount"] = "Amount",
["January"] = "January",
["February"] = "February",
["March"] = "March",
["April"] = "April",
["May"] = "May",
["June"] = "June",
["July"] = "July",
["August"] = "August",
["September"] = "September",
["October"] = "October",
["November"] = "November",
["December"] = "December",
["Shoot"] = "Shoot",
["BloodRemains"] = "Blood remains",
["BulletImpact"] = "Bullet impact",
["VehicleBody"] = "Vehicle body remains",
["Fingerprint"] = "Fingerprint",
["Weapon"] = "Weapon",
["Drug"] = "Drug",
["Fingerprints"] = "Fingerprints",
["Of"] = "of",
["Speeding"] = "Speeding",
["PlateCod9"] = "Plate in Code-9",
["215"] = "Cod 215 - Shoot",
['10.8'] = '等待分配',
['10.10'] = '执行10.10,服务良好!',
['Cod 7'] = '进行技术停靠',
['254-V'] = '在%s发起254-V,地点为%s',
['487-V'] = '最后一次487-V的视觉确认,%s',
['Cod 2'] = '开始常规巡逻',
['10.22'] = '前往警察局',
['6-Adam'] = '作为6-Adam响应',
['10.98'] = '10.98前往最后事件,进行10.95以应对代码2',
['Veh 488'] = '涉及488的车辆来自%s:%s',
['Veh 487'] = '涉及487的车辆来自%s:%s',
['Veh Alt'] = '涉及冲突的车辆%s在%s',
['10.6'] = '在%s进行交通拦截,地点为%s',
['10-20ME'] = '伸手去拿无线电并按下位置按钮',
['QRRME'] = '伸手去拿无线电并按下紧急按钮',
['Agentatrisk'] = '特工处于危险中',
['domyfinguer'] = '几秒钟后,结果将出来:%s',
['VehicleinofME'] = '打开车辆门,将人员放入车辆,系好安全带,然后关上门',
['VehicleofinME'] = '打开车辆门,将人员带出,解开安全带,然后关上门',
-- NOTIFY --
['noSeat'] = '没有可用座位',
-- 警用设备
['PoliceEquipment'] = '警用设备',
['Equipment'] = '设备',
['EquipmentDesc'] = '访问警用设备',
['LeaveEquipment'] = '留下设备',
['LeaveEquipmentDesc'] = '在这里留下你的警用设备',
['PoliceInventory'] = '警用库存',
['PoliceInventoryDesc'] = '留下食物、水等',
['EvidenceProof'] = '证据/证明',
['EvidenceProofDesc'] = '访问证据/证明',
-- 持枪方式
['DoHide'] = "看起来像是他在衣服下藏着什么",
['DoShow'] = "看起来像是在做出展示武器的手势",
['SomethingWrong'] = "似乎发生了错误",
['HipHolster'] = "你已将手枪位置更改为臀部。",
['BackHolster'] = '你已将手枪位置更改为背部',
['LegHolster'] = '你已将手枪位置更改为腿部',
['UpperHolster'] = '你已将手枪位置更改为胸部',
['UnderPantsHolster'] = '你已将手枪位置更改为裤子',
['LongHolsterBack'] = '你已将长枪位置更改为背部',
['LongHolsterFront'] = '你已将长枪位置更改为前面。',
["NoPersonNear"] = "附近没有人",
["VehicleRob"] = "车辆抢劫",
["VehicleRobDesc"] = "一辆车辆被抢劫",
["Call911"] = "来自911的电话",
["ForensicTitle"] = "法医分析报告",
["ForensicDesc"] = "通过本报告,圣安地列斯警察科学部门展示附加证据的完整分析,事件的大致时间,或在不知道证据收集和/或分析时间的情况下。",
["EvidenceOf"] = "证据来自",
["ApproximateTime"] = "大致时间",
["MinutesAnd"] = "分钟和",
["SecondAprox"] = "大约秒",
["Shot"] = "射击",
["Calibre"] = "口径",
["Identifier"] = "标识符",
["Model"] = "模型",
["Amount"] = "数量",
["January"] = "一月",
["February"] = "二月",
["March"] = "三月",
["April"] = "四月",
["May"] = "五月",
["June"] = "六月",
["July"] = "七月",
["August"] = "八月",
["September"] = "九月",
["October"] = "十月",
["November"] = "十一月",
["December"] = "十二月",
["Shoot"] = "射击",