翻译 保留原代码
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)
Config.Debug = false -- true = Debug mode to check for aditional prints
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = Use okokTextUI / false = Use QBCore Draw Text
Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = Use okokNotify / false = Use QBCore Notify
Config.UseOkokGarage = true -- true = Use okokGarage / false = Use config settings
Config.UseOkokBilling = true -- true = Use okokBilling / false = Implement your own billing system
Config.UseOkokGasStation = true -- true = Use okokGasStation / false = Implement your own gas station system
Config.UseTarget = true -- true = Use target system / false = Use TextUI
Config.UseInteractSound = false -- true = Use interact sound / false = Don't use interact sound ( https://github.com/qbcore-framework/interact-sound )
Config.BillPlateOwner = false -- true = Bill the owner of the vehicle / false = Bill the player who is driving the vehicle
Config.ShowRadarsOnMap = true -- true = Show radars on map / false = Don't show radars on map
Config.UseKMH = true -- true = Use KMH / false = Use MPH
Config.OpenPoliceMenuComand = 'policemenu' -- Command to open the police menu
Config.OpenPoliceMenuKey = 'F6' -- Key to open the police menu
Config.CuffPlayerCommand = 'cuff' -- Command to cuff a player
Config.CuffPlayerKey = 'Z' -- Key to cuff a player
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokPoliceJob' -- Event prefix
Config.ContextMenuSystem = 'okok-menu' -- Context menu system ( 'okok-menu' / 'qb-menu' / 'ox-menu' )
Config.TargetSystem = 'qb-target' -- Target system ( 'qb-target' / 'ox-target' )
Config.TargetDistance = 4.5 -- The distance to use the target system
Config.StoreVehicleDistance = 15.0 -- The distance to store a vehicle
Config.InventorySystem = 'qb-inventory' -- Inventory system ( 'qb-inventory' / 'qb-inventory-new' / 'ox-inventory' / 'qs-inventory' )
Config.ClothingSystem = 'qb-clothing' -- Clothing system ( 'qb-clothing' / 'illenium-appearance' )
Config.HandcuffItem = 'handcuffs' -- Handcuff item name
Config.PhoneNumberFormat = 'xxx xxx xxx' -- Phone number format
Config.KeySystem = 'qb-vehiclekeys' -- Key system ( 'qb-vehiclekeys' / 'wasabi-keys' / 'qs-vehiclekeys' / 'jaksam-keys' )
Config.TrashName = 'policetrash' -- Trash name
Config.StashName = 'policestash' -- Stash name
Config.EvidencesName = 'policeevidences' -- Evidences name
Config.EscortOnlyIfHandcuffed = false -- true = Only escort if handcuffed / false = Escort without handcuffed
Config.WarpPedIntoVehicle = false -- true = Warp ped into vehicle / false = The vehicle will be spawned near the ped
Config.SetVehicleDoorsLockedOnSpawn = false -- true = Set vehicle doors locked on spawn / false = Set vehicle doors unlocked on spawn
Config.RandomSocietyPlate = false -- true = Random society plate / false = Use the plate defined in the config
Config.UsePlayerGPSBlips = false -- true = Use player GPS blips / false = Don't use player GPS blips
Config.PlacePropKey = 38 -- Key to place a prop (E)
Config.RemovePropKey = 177 -- Key to remove a prop (BACKSPACE)
Config.TackleKeys = { 21, 38 } -- Keys to tackle a player (SHIFT + E)
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' }
Config.MarkerID = 21 -- The marker ID for the job locations
Config.VehicleMarker = 36 -- The marker ID for the vehicle locations
Config.HelicopterMarker = 34 -- The marker ID for the helicopter locations
Config.BoatMarker = 35 -- The marker ID for the boat locations
Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the job locations
Config.StoreMarkerColors = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the vehicle locations
Config.RemoveOwnOfficerBlip = true -- true = Remove own officer blip / false = Keep own officer blip
Config.UpdateJobBlipsInterval = 1 -- The interval to update the officer blips in seconds, lower values can cause performance issues
Config.RemoveItemsOnJail = true -- true = Remove items on jail / false = Keep items on jail
Config.CommunityServiceMaxDistance = 100 -- if the player is more than 100 meters away from the community service location, the player will be teleported to the location
Config.CommunityServiceAddedMonths = 5 -- the months added to the player's sentence if he tries to escape from the community service location
Config.HandsUpAnimation = { dict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', anim = 'handsup_base' } -- The hands up animation
Config.UseBuiltInCommunityService = true -- true = Use built-in community service
Config.UseBuiltInPrison = true -- true = Use built-in prison
Config.PrisonSystem = 'rcore-prison' -- The prison system if you set Config.UseBuiltInPrison to false ( 'rcore-prison' only for now )
Config.UseBlips = true -- true = Use blips / false = Don't use blips
Config.AllowCuffToEveryone = false -- true = Allow cuff to everyone / false = Allow cuff only to police jobs
Config.MinigameToHandcuff = false -- true = Use minigame to handcuff / false = Use normal handcuff
Config.RemovePrisonCommand = 'removeprison' -- Command to remove a player from prison
Config.RemoveCommunityServiceCommand = 'removecommunity' -- Command to remove a player from community service
Config.MinimumGradeForCCTVAndRadars = 1 -- The minimum grade to use the CCTV and Radars
Config.MinimumGradeToClearProps = 4 -- The minimum grade to clear the props
Config.UsePlayerCapsule = true -- true = Use player capsule to have more realistic collisions
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Locale = 'zh' -- en / pt (尚未) / es (尚未) / fr (尚未) / de (尚未)
Config.Debug = false -- true = 调试模式以检查额外的打印信息
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = 使用 okokTextUI / false = 使用 QBCore 绘制文本
Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = 使用 okokNotify / false = 使用 QBCore 通知
Config.UseOkokGarage = true -- true = 使用 okokGarage / false = 使用配置设置
Config.UseOkokBilling = true -- true = 使用 okokBilling / false = 实现你自己的账单系统
Config.UseOkokGasStation = true -- true = 使用 okokGasStation / false = 实现你自己的加油站系统
Config.UseTarget = true -- true = 使用目标系统 / false = 使用文本UI
Config.UseInteractSound = false -- true = 使用互动声音 / false = 不使用互动声音 ( https://github.com/qbcore-framework/interact-sound )
Config.BillPlateOwner = false -- true = 向车辆所有者收费 / false = 向驾驶车辆的玩家收费
Config.ShowRadarsOnMap = true -- true = 在地图上显示雷达 / false = 不在地图上显示雷达
Config.UseKMH = true -- true = 使用公里每小时 / false = 使用英里每小时
Config.OpenPoliceMenuComand = 'policemenu' -- 打开警察菜单的命令
Config.OpenPoliceMenuKey = 'F6' -- 打开警察菜单的按键
Config.CuffPlayerCommand = 'cuff' -- 拘捕玩家的命令
Config.CuffPlayerKey = 'Z' -- 拘捕玩家的按键
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokPoliceJob' -- 事件前缀
Config.ContextMenuSystem = 'okok-menu' -- 上下文菜单系统 ( 'okok-menu' / 'qb-menu' / 'ox-menu' )
Config.TargetSystem = 'qb-target' -- 目标系统 ( 'qb-target' / 'ox-target' )
Config.TargetDistance = 4.5 -- 使用目标系统的距离
Config.StoreVehicleDistance = 15.0 -- 存储车辆的距离
Config.InventorySystem = 'qb-inventory' -- 库存系统 ( 'qb-inventory' / 'qb-inventory-new' / 'ox-inventory' / 'qs-inventory' )
Config.ClothingSystem = 'qb-clothing' -- 服装系统 ( 'qb-clothing' / 'illenium-appearance' )
Config.HandcuffItem = 'handcuffs' -- 手铐物品名称
Config.PhoneNumberFormat = 'xxx xxx xxx' -- 电话号码格式
Config.KeySystem = 'qb-vehiclekeys' -- 钥匙系统 ( 'qb-vehiclekeys' / 'wasabi-keys' / 'qs-vehiclekeys' / 'jaksam-keys' )
Config.TrashName = 'policetrash' -- 垃圾名称
Config.StashName = 'policestash' -- 储藏名称
Config.EvidencesName = 'policeevidences' -- 证据名称
Config.EscortOnlyIfHandcuffed = false -- true = 仅在被手铐时护送 / false = 无需手铐也可护送
Config.WarpPedIntoVehicle = false -- true = 将角色传送到车辆中 / false = 车辆将在角色附近生成
Config.SetVehicleDoorsLockedOnSpawn = false -- true = 生成时将车辆门锁定 / false = 生成时将车辆门解锁
Config.RandomSocietyPlate = false -- true = 随机社会牌照 / false = 使用配置中定义的牌照
Config.UsePlayerGPSBlips = false -- true = 使用玩家GPS标记 / false = 不使用玩家GPS标记
Config.PlacePropKey = 38 -- 放置道具的按键 (E)
Config.RemovePropKey = 177 -- 移除道具的按键 (BACKSPACE)
Config.TackleKeys = { 21, 38 } -- 拦截玩家的按键 (SHIFT + E)
Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' }
Config.MarkerID = 21 -- 工作地点的标记ID
Config.VehicleMarker = 36 -- 车辆地点的标记ID
Config.HelicopterMarker = 34 -- 直升机地点的标记ID
Config.BoatMarker = 35 -- 船只地点的标记ID
Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- 工作地点的标记颜色
Config.StoreMarkerColors = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90 } -- 车辆地点的标记颜色
Config.RemoveOwnOfficerBlip = true -- true = 移除自己的警员标记 / false = 保留自己的警员标记
Config.UpdateJobBlipsInterval = 1 -- 更新警员标记的间隔(秒),较低的值可能会导致性能问题
Config.RemoveItemsOnJail = true -- true = 在监狱中移除物品 / false = 在监狱中保留物品
Config.CommunityServiceMaxDistance = 100 -- 如果玩家距离社区服务地点超过100米,玩家将被传送到该地点
Config.CommunityServiceAddedMonths = 5 -- 如果玩家试图逃离社区服务地点,将在其刑期上增加的月份
Config.HandsUpAnimation = { dict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', anim = 'handsup_base' } -- 举手动画
Config.UseBuiltInCommunityService = true -- true = 使用内置社区服务
Config.UseBuiltInPrison = true -- true = 使用内置监狱
Config.PrisonSystem = 'rcore-prison' -- 如果将 Config.UseBuiltInPrison 设置为 false,则使用的监狱系统 ( 目前仅支持 'rcore-prison' )
Config.UseBlips = true -- true = 使用标记 / false = 不使用标记
Config.AllowCuffToEveryone = false -- true = 允许对所有人进行拘捕 / false = 仅允许对警察工作进行拘捕
Config.MinigameToHandcuff = false -- true = 使用迷你游戏进行拘捕 / false = 使用普通手铐
Config.RemovePrisonCommand = 'removeprison' -- 移除玩家出狱的命令
Config.RemoveCommunityServiceCommand = 'removecommunity' -- 移除玩家社区服务的命令
Config.MinimumGradeForCCTVAndRadars = 1 -- 使用CCTV和雷达的最低等级
Config.MinimumGradeToClearProps = 4 -- 清除道具的最低等级
Config.UsePlayerCapsule = true -- true = 使用玩家胶囊以实现更真实的碰撞