已跑路 发表于 5 小时前


Config.ShowID = true -- Determines displaying id in chat when someone write something
Config.EnableAdminTag = true -- if is true and player is admin adds "admin" tag before name
Config.EnableAdminChat = true -- if is true enables chat tab between admins

Config.EnableJobTags = true -- if is true and job_name written in Config.Tags adds job_label tag before player name
Config.EnableJobChats = true -- if is true enables chat tab between players that has the same job written in Config.Tags

Config.EnableOOCCommand = true -- if set to false players can write messages without /ooc command
Config.EnableOOCTag = true -- if set to true adds "ooc" tag when player send a message in "all" or "ooc" channels

Config.EnableOOCProximity = true -- (require onesync) if set to true only players near to message sender can see the message
Config.OOCProximityDist = 30.0

Config.EnableMECommand = true
Config.EnableMEProximity = true -- (require onesync) if set to true only players near to message sender can see the message
Config.MEProximityDist = 30.0

Config.EnableDOCommand = true
Config.EnableDOProximity = true -- (require onesync) if set to true only players near to message sender can see the message
Config.DOProximityDist = 30.0

Config.FloatMessage = 30.0 -- This Change distance for ME/DO Floating Messages

Config.EnableAnonymousCommand = true

Config.EnableRPNames = false -- if set to true displays rp names

    if Config.Framework is set to standalone you can add tags and people here with this example
    Config.Tags = {
      ["ballas"] = {
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',            
            label = 'BLS',   
            members = {

    if Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here job name and tag labels also you can leave members empty
    (if tag key is not a job you still need to fill members table)

    Config.Tags = {
      ["ballas"] = {            
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',            
            label = 'BLS',   
            members = {},

ChatGPT 发表于 5 小时前

Config.ShowID = true -- 确定在聊天中显示ID,当有人发言时
Config.EnableAdminTag = true -- 如果为真,且玩家是管理员,则在名字前添加“admin”标签
Config.EnableAdminChat = true -- 如果为真,启用管理员之间的聊天标签

Config.EnableJobTags = true -- 如果为真,且在Config.Tags中写入job_name,则在玩家名字前添加job_label标签
Config.EnableJobChats = true -- 如果为真,启用拥有相同工作(在Config.Tags中写入)的玩家之间的聊天标签

Config.EnableOOCCommand = true -- 如果设置为假,玩家可以在没有/ooc命令的情况下发送消息
Config.EnableOOCTag = true -- 如果设置为真,当玩家在“all”或“ooc”频道发送消息时,添加“ooc”标签

Config.EnableOOCProximity = true -- (需要onesync)如果设置为真,只有靠近消息发送者的玩家可以看到消息
Config.OOCProximityDist = 30.0

Config.EnableMECommand = true
Config.EnableMEProximity = true -- (需要onesync)如果设置为真,只有靠近消息发送者的玩家可以看到消息
Config.MEProximityDist = 30.0

Config.EnableDOCommand = true
Config.EnableDOProximity = true -- (需要onesync)如果设置为真,只有靠近消息发送者的玩家可以看到消息
Config.DOProximityDist = 30.0

Config.FloatMessage = 30.0 -- 此项更改ME/DO浮动消息的距离

Config.EnableAnonymousCommand = true

Config.EnableRPNames = false -- 如果设置为真,显示RP名字

    Config.Tags = {
         = {
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',            
            label = 'BLS',   
            members = {


    Config.Tags = {
         = {            
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',            
            label = 'BLS',   
            members = {},

已跑路 发表于 5 小时前

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-20 14:01

Config.Tags = {
    -- These tags automaticly handled by the script
    ["vip"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFA800',
      label = 'VIP',
      members = {
            -- "1068681439446564964", Discord role id
            -- "license:299055de10756b9de64a546e74309416fc77059f"

    ["police"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'PD',
      members = {},
    ["admin"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.33',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF5A5A',
      label = 'ADMIN',
      members = {},

    ["mechanic"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#AA43FF',
      label = 'LSC',      
      members = {},
    ["taxi"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFB443',
      label = 'TAXI',      
      members = {},
    ["ooc"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'OOC',      
    ["anonymous"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFFFFF',
      label = 'ANON',      
    -- To make it work these tags you need to make some edits check documentation for more detailed information
    ["twitter"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'TWT',      
    ["yellowpages"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFF500',
      label = 'YPAGES',      
    ["do"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF7A00',
      label = 'DO',   
    ["me"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF00F5',
      label = 'ME',      
    ["server"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00FFA3',
      label = 'SERVER',      
    ["pm"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#8F00FF',
      label = 'PM',      

Config.EnableTypingIndicator = true -- if true enable "..." over player head when typing to chat
Config.DotText = 'dot' -- dot or any text you want
Config.DotScale = 0.5
Config.DotOffset = {x = 0.33, y = 0.0, z = 0.0} -- Useful if you want to move text overhead somewhere else
Config.Dot1Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- dot color when there is just one "." displaying
Config.Dot2Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- dot color when there are two ".." displaying
Config.Dot3Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- dot color when there are three "..." displaying
Config.CustomDotTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- Dot color if Config.DotText is set to other than 'dot'

ChatGPT 发表于 5 小时前

已跑路 发表于 2024-09-20 14:02
Config.Tags = {
    -- These tags automaticly hand ...

Config.Tags = {
    -- 这些标签由脚本自动处理
    ["vip"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 168, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFA800',
      label = 'VIP',
      members = {
            -- "1068681439446564964", Discord角色ID
            -- "license:299055de10756b9de64a546e74309416fc77059f"

    ["police"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'PD',
      members = {},
    ["admin"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 90, 90, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF5A5A',
      label = 'ADMIN',
      members = {},

    ["mechanic"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(170, 67, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#AA43FF',
      label = 'LSC',      
      members = {},
    ["taxi"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 180, 67, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFB443',
      label = 'TAXI',      
      members = {},
    ["ooc"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'OOC',      
    ["anonymous"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFFFFF',
      label = 'ANON',      
    -- 要使这些标签生效,您需要进行一些编辑,请查看文档以获取更详细的信息
    ["twitter"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00D1FF',
      label = 'TWT',      
    ["yellowpages"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 245, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FFF500',
      label = 'YPAGES',      
    ["do"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 122, 0, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF7A00',
      label = 'DO',   
    ["me"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(255, 0, 245, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#FF00F5',
      label = 'ME',      
    ["server"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 255, 163, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#00FFA3',
      label = 'SERVER',      
    ["pm"] = {
      shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.25)',
      bg = 'rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.33)',
      borderColor = '2px solid rgba(143, 0, 255, 0.37)',
      textColor = '#8F00FF',
      label = 'PM',      

Config.EnableTypingIndicator = true -- 如果为真,则在玩家头上启用“...”指示器
Config.DotText = 'dot' -- 点或您想要的任何文本
Config.DotScale = 0.5
Config.DotOffset = {x = 0.33, y = 0.0, z = 0.0} -- 如果您想将文本移动到其他地方,这很有用
Config.Dot1Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- 当只显示一个“.”时的点颜色
Config.Dot2Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- 当显示两个“..”时的点颜色
Config.Dot3Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- 当显示三个“...”时的点颜色
Config.CustomDotTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- 如果Config.DotText设置为其他文本,则为点的颜色

已跑路 发表于 5 小时前

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-20 14:02

    if Config.Framework is set to standalone you need to fill here with admins' Rockstar License IDs
    Config.Admins = {

    if Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here permissions
    Config.Admins = {

ChatGPT 发表于 5 小时前

已跑路 发表于 2024-09-20 14:05
    if Config.Framework is set to standalone...

    Config.Admins = {

    Config.Admins = {

已跑路 发表于 5 小时前

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-20 14:05

function GetCore()
    local object = nil
    local Framework = Config.Framework

    if Config.Framework == "oldesx" then
      local counter = 0
      while not objectdo
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            counter = counter + 1
            if counter == 3 then
      if not object then
            print("mChat::Framework is not selected in the config correctly if you're sure it's correct please check your events to get framework object")
    if Config.Framework == "newesx" then
      local counter = 0
      local status = pcall(function ()
      if status then      
            while not object do
                object = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
      if not object then
            print("mChat::Framework is not selected in the config correctly if you're sure it's correct please check your events to get framework object")

    if Config.Framework == "newqb" then
      local counter = 0
      local status = pcall(function ()
      if status then
            while not objectdo
                object = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
      if not object then
            print("mChat::Framework is not selected in the config correctly if you're sure it's correct please check your events to get framework object")

    if Config.Framework == "oldqb" then
      local counter = 0

      whilenot object do
            counter = counter + 1
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if counter == 3 then
      if not object then
            print("mChat::Framework is not selected in the config correctly if you're sure it's correct please check your events to get framework object")

    if Config.Framework == 'autodetect' then
      local counter = 0
      local breakLoop = false
            while not object do
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
                  breakLoop = true
                  counter = 0

      while not object do
            local status = pcall(function ()
                object = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'newesx'

      while not object do
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if breakLoop then

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'oldesx'

      while not object do
            local status = pcall(function ()
                object = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'newqb'

      while not object do
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if breakLoop then

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'oldqb'

      if not object then
            print("mChat::Framework object couldn't find. Setting chat to standalone")
            Framework = 'standalone'
            print("mChat::Framework object found : ", Framework)
    if object == nil then
      return {}, Framework
      return object, Framework

ChatGPT 发表于 5 小时前

已跑路 发表于 2024-09-20 14:07
function GetCore()
    local object = nil
    loca ...

function GetCore()
    local object = nil
    local Framework = Config.Framework

    if Config.Framework == "oldesx" then
      local counter = 0
      while not object do
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            counter = counter + 1
            if counter == 3 then
      if not object then
    if Config.Framework == "newesx" then
      local counter = 0
      local status = pcall(function ()
      if status then      
            while not object do
                object = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
      if not object then

    if Config.Framework == "newqb" then
      local counter = 0
      local status = pcall(function ()
      if status then
            while not object do
                object = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
      if not object then

    if Config.Framework == "oldqb" then
      local counter = 0

      while not object do
            counter = counter + 1
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if counter == 3 then
      if not object then

    if Config.Framework == 'autodetect' then
      local counter = 0
      local breakLoop = false
            while not object do
                counter = counter + 1
                if counter == 3 then
                  breakLoop = true
                  counter = 0

      while not object do
            local status = pcall(function ()
                object = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'newesx'

      while not object do
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if breakLoop then

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'oldesx'

      while not object do
            local status = pcall(function ()
                object = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'newqb'

      while not object do
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
            if breakLoop then

      if object and Framework == 'autodetect' then
            Framework = 'oldqb'

      if not object then
            Framework = 'standalone'
            print("mChat::找到框架对象 : ", Framework)
    if object == nil then
      return {}, Framework
      return object, Framework


已跑路 发表于 5 小时前

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-20 14:07
这段代码的功能是获取游戏框架的对象,支持多种框架(如ESX和QB),并在未能获取对象时提供相应的错误 ...

Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'NEWESX' -- newesx, oldesx, newqb, oldqb, standalone, autodetect
Config.ChatOpenKey = 245 --https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Config.ShowJoins = true -- If set to false chat will not display who is joined the server.
Config.ShowQuits = true -- If set to false chat will not display who is quited from the server.
Config.BlacklistedWords = {

ChatGPT 发表于 5 小时前

已跑路 发表于 2024-09-20 14:09
Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'NEWESX' -- newesx, ...

Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'NEWESX' -- newesx, oldesx, newqb, oldqb, standalone, autodetect
Config.ChatOpenKey = 245 -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Config.ShowJoins = true -- 如果设置为假,聊天将不显示谁加入了服务器。
Config.ShowQuits = true -- 如果设置为假,聊天将不显示谁退出了服务器。
Config.BlacklistedWords = {

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