Verzood 发表于 前天 15:07


Config, Locales = {}, {}

Config.Debug = false

Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de / es

Config.EventPrefix = "okokGarage"

Config.ESXPrefix = "esx"

Config.onPlayerDeath = "onPlayerDeath"

Config.playerLoaded = "playerLoaded"

Config.getSharedObject = "getSharedObject"

Config.getDeathStatus = "esx_ambulancejob:getDeathStatus" -- Should be a callback that returns a variable that is true if dead, false if alive

Config.FuelResource = "nothing" -- "nothing" - no fuel resource, "native" - will use the FiveM natives, "okokGasStation", "legacyfuel", "ox_fuel"

Config.CameraEnabled = true -- Camera animation when taking out a vehicle

Config.ImageType = "default" -- "default" - each vehicle uses a unique image (e.g. Zentorno - zentorno.png), "type" - each vehicle type uses an image (e.g. Zentorno - car.png), "single" - all vehicles use the same image (e.g. Zentorno - vehicle.png)

Config.vImageCreator = false -- If true, it'll use vImageCreator

Config.GetVehicleAnywhere = true -- You can get your vehicle from all garages even if you didn't store it there

Config.GetVehicleModelName = true -- If true, it'll get the vehicle model name instead of the vehicle name

Config.CameraAnimationTime = 2 -- Camera animation time in seconds

Config.CameraLockTime = 200 -- Camera lock time

Config.CameraOffsetHeight = 10 -- The height of the vehicle camera after taking it out

Config.ShakeAmplitude = 0.0 -- Camera shake when viewing a vehicle (0.2 to be like in okokVehicleShop)

Config.InteractionKey = 38 -- Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:

Config.UseOkokVehicleKeys = true
Config.KeySystem = "okokVehicleKeys" -- if Config.UseOkokVehicleKeys = false, you can change this to another key system ( okokVehicleKeys, qs-vehiclekeys, wasabi-keys, qb-vehiclekeys, jaksam-keys, custom )
Config.LockVehicle = "U" -- This is used to allow custom keybinds that players can change in their settings
Config.LockVehicleCommand = "lockvehicle"
Config.LockVehicleDescription = "Used to lock/unlock vehicle"
Config.LockVehicleAudioVolume = 0.3 -- (0.0 - 1.0)
Config.VehicleRadius = 20.0 -- This is the radius used to check if the player is close enough to lock/unlock vehicle

Config.MarkerRadius = 25 -- The view distance for the markers

Config.SaveWithKey = true -- If true, players with the vehicle key can store the vehicle. The vehicle will then be stored in the owner's garage.

Config.GiveKeysCommand = "givekeys"
Config.GiveKeysRadius = 7.5

Config.UseOkokTextUI = true
Config.UseOkOkNotify = true
Config.UseOkOkRequests = true
Config.UseOkOkBanking = true -- For transactions logs

Config.HideMinimap = true

Config.ShowBlips = true

Config.SetIntoVehicle = true -- If true, it'll teleport the player into the vehicle

Config.ShowGaragesBlipCommand = "garageblips"
Config.ShowGaragesBlip = true

Config.StoreOwnedVehiclesOnly = true -- If true, players will only be able to store vehicles they own, if false, they will be able to store any vehicle

Config.StoreVehicleFade = true -- If true, the vehicle will fade out

Config.ShowVehicleImpoundedWhenExists = true -- If true, the vehicle will be available to take out of the impound even when he's spawned in the map

Config.VehicleImpoundedOnDV = true -- If true, the vehicle will be set as impounded when he gets deleted

Config.SetVehicleImpoundAfter = 300 -- How many seconds after taking out the vehicle does it take to set as impounded
Config.CheckInterval = 60 -- How often it'll check for non existing vehicles

Config.ChangeVehicleStateOnStart = true -- If true, vehicle will be set to stored or impounded (Config.SetVehiclesImpoundedOnStart)
Config.SetVehiclesImpoundedOnStart = true -- If true, outside vehicles will be set as impounded on start, if false, they'll be set as stored

Config.UseOkokVehicleSales = false -- If true, If a vehicle is in display he won't show in the impound
Config.okokVehicleSalesName = "okokVehicleSales" -- Name of the vehicle sales script

Config.KeyMetaData = { -- Items will be used instead of the "U" key to lock/unlock vehicles. (Only ox-inventory supported at the moment - if you use another inventory with metadata and would like support to it to be added, please let us know through the tickets)
    inventoryResourceName = "ox_inventory",
    keyItemName = "keys",
    oxInventory = false,
    quasarInventory = false,
    coreInventory = false,

Config.HousingSystems = {
    quasarHousing = false,
    esxProperty = false,

Config.ImpoundCommand = "impound"
Config.ImpoundJobs = {"police", "mechanics"} -- Jobs that can impound vehicles
Config.ImpoundDistance = 5.0 -- Max distance you can impound from
Config.ImpoundTimes = {"2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24"} -- Hours

Config.GlobalImpound = true -- If true, a vehicle can be taken from any impound
Config.PayToImpound = true -- Enable this if a player should be able to skip the impound time by paying.
Config.PayToImpoundFee = 300 -- This is per hour that the player gets their vehicle early
Config.RetrieveFeeEnabled = false -- If enabled, players will have to pay a one time fee when retrieving their vehicle after the timer has finished.
Config.RetrieveFee = 500 -- One time payment once vehicle is retrieved.

Config.AdminGroups = { -- Groups allowed to remove all the vehicles from the impound/give vehicle/remove vehicle/give key
Config.RemoveAllImpoundedVehiclesCommand = "removeallimpoundedvehicles"
Config.GiveVehicle = "givevehicle"
Config.RemoveVehicle = "removevehicle"
Config.GiveKeys = "adminkeys" -- Has to be different to Config.GiveKeysCommand
Config.AdminMenu = "gadmin"

Config.PlateLetters = 3 -- How many letters the plate has (Used when adding a vehicle)
Config.PlateUseSpace = true
Config.PlateNumbers = 3 -- How many numbers the plate has (Used when adding a vehicle)

Config.RandomPlateSociety = false -- If true, will generate a plate for vehicles in infinite garage

Config.CreateGarageCommand = "creategarage"

Config.SellGarageCommand = "sellgarage"
Config.SellGarageRadius = 3.0
Config.SellerComission = 5 -- In percent (%)
Config.RenewalPrice = 500
Config.RenewalIntervals = 7 -- In real life days

Config.MaxPrivateGaragesPerPlayer = 3

-- Used to show the vehicle properties in the view menu
Config.UseKMh = true
Config.MaxSpeedValue = 300
Config.MaxAcceleration = 0.6
Config.MaxBraking = 1.6
Config.MaxHandling = 10

Config.ViewCameraAngle = -60
Config.ViewCameraDistance = 5.5
Config.ViewCameraHeight = 2.0

Config.AllowRepair = true -- If a player can repair the vehicle when viewing the vehicle
Config.RepairPrice = 1000

Config.TakeOutAtView = true -- When taking the vehicle out via the view menu it'll spawn in the same location as the view vehicle

Config.LiveriesAndExtrasCommand = "liveries"
Config.AccessLiveriesExtrasJobs = { -- Add 'all' so everyone can access this menu

Config.MaxEmployees = 7
Config.JobRanks = { -- These are the ranks available on the vehicle shops, you can add or remove as many as you want but leave at least 1. Don't add owner as this is automatically added.
    ["Newbie"] = {id = 1, coOwner = false},         -- ID: 1
    ["Experienced"] = {id = 2, coOwner = false},    -- ID: 2
    ["Expert"] = {id = 3, coOwner = false},         -- ID: 3
    ["Sub-Owner"] = {id = 4, coOwner = true}      -- ID: 4

Config.PrivateGarages = {
    blip = { blipId = 524, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Private Garage For Sale" },
    ownedBlip = { blipId = 524, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Owned Private Garage"},
    ownedMarker = { id = 36, color = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 }, size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 }, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
    storeVehicleMarker = {id = 36, color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 1.25, y = 1.25, z = 1.25}, radius = 2.5, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 }, -- Marker informations for the sell vehicle marker
    radius = 1

Config.HireEmployeeRadius = 15.0

Config.SellBusinessReceivePercentage = 50 -- How much a player will receive for selling his business (in percentage, 50 = 50%)

Config.Companies = {
    ["Garage Shop"] = {
      coords = vec3(112.28, -630.06, 44.23),
      ownerCoords = vec3(112.28, -630.06, 44.23),
      radius = 1,
      price = 12000,
      ownerBlip = {blipId = 475, blipColor = 38, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Owner Panel"},
      unownedOwnerBlip = {blipId = 476, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Unowned Company"},
      ownerMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
      UnownedMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
    ["Garage Shop 2"]   = {
      coords = vector3(-949.5,-2946.55,13.95),
      ownerCoords = vector3(-949.5,-2946.55,13.95),
      radius = 1,
      price = 12000,
      ownerBlip = {blipId = 475, blipColor = 38, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Owner Panel"},
      unownedOwnerBlip = {blipId = 476, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Unowned Company"},
      ownerMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
      UnownedMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },


Config.SocietyVehiclesList = {
    ['police'] = { -- Society in lowercase
            vehicleModel = 'police',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 1,
            livery = 4,
            armor = 4,
            brakes = 2,
            engine = 3,
            suspension = 3,
            transmission = 2,
            turbo = true,
            type = "car"
            vehicleModel = 'Police2',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 1,
            livery = -1,
            armor = -1,
            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
            transmission = -1,
            turbo = false,
            type = "car"
            vehicleModel = 'riot',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 3,
            livery = -1,
            armor = -1,
            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
            transmission = -1,
            turbo = false,
            type = "car"
            vehicleModel = 'sheriff2',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 3,
            livery = -1,
            armor = -1,
            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
            transmission = -1,
            turbo = false,
            type = "car"
            vehicleModel = 'pbus',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 3,
            livery = -1,
            armor = -1,
            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
            transmission = -1,
            turbo = false,
            type = "car"

ChatGPT 发表于 前天 15:07

Config, Locales = {}, {}

-- 调试模式开关
Config.Debug = false

-- 选择语言
Config.Locale = 'zh' -- 可选值: en / pt / gr / fr / de / es / zh

-- 事件前缀
Config.EventPrefix = "okokGarage"

-- ESX 前缀
Config.ESXPrefix = "esx"

-- 玩家死亡事件
Config.onPlayerDeath = "onPlayerDeath"

-- 玩家加载事件
Config.playerLoaded = "playerLoaded"

-- 获取共享对象事件
Config.getSharedObject = "getSharedObject"

-- 获取死亡状态事件
Config.getDeathStatus = "esx_ambulancejob:getDeathStatus" -- 需要一个回调,返回变量 true 代表死亡,false 代表存活

-- 燃油资源配置
Config.FuelResource = "nothing" -- "nothing" - 没有燃油资源,"native" - 使用 FiveM 原生,"okokGasStation", "legacyfuel", "ox_fuel"

-- 启用车辆取出时的相机动画
Config.CameraEnabled = true

-- 车辆图片类型设置
Config.ImageType = "default" -- "default" - 每辆车使用独特的图片(例如:Zentorno - zentorno.png),"type" - 每种车辆类型使用一张图片(例如:Zentorno - car.png),"single" - 所有车辆使用相同图片(例如:Zentorno - vehicle.png)

-- 启用 vImageCreator
Config.vImageCreator = false

-- 任何车库都能取出车辆
Config.GetVehicleAnywhere = true

-- 获取车辆型号名称
Config.GetVehicleModelName = true

-- 相机动画时间(秒)
Config.CameraAnimationTime = 2

-- 相机锁定时间
Config.CameraLockTime = 200

-- 车辆相机高度偏移
Config.CameraOffsetHeight = 10

-- 查看车辆时的摇晃幅度
Config.ShakeAmplitude = 0.0

-- 互动键配置
Config.InteractionKey = 38 -- 开启互动的键位,键位ID参考:

-- 启用 okokVehicleKeys
Config.UseOkokVehicleKeys = true
Config.KeySystem = "okokVehicleKeys" -- 如果 Config.UseOkokVehicleKeys = false,可以更改为其他钥匙系统
Config.LockVehicle = "U" -- 用于允许玩家自定义键位
Config.LockVehicleCommand = "lockvehicle"
Config.LockVehicleDescription = "用于锁定/解锁车辆"
Config.LockVehicleAudioVolume = 0.3 -- (0.0 - 1.0)
Config.VehicleRadius = 20.0 -- 检查玩家是否足够靠近以锁定/解锁车辆的半径

-- 标记半径
Config.MarkerRadius = 25

-- 使用钥匙保存车辆
Config.SaveWithKey = true -- 如果为 true,拥有车辆钥匙的玩家可以存储车辆,车辆将存储在车主的车库里。

-- 给钥匙的命令
Config.GiveKeysCommand = "givekeys"
Config.GiveKeysRadius = 7.5

-- 启用 UI 和通知
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true
Config.UseOkOkNotify = true
Config.UseOkOkRequests = true
Config.UseOkOkBanking = true -- 用于交易日志

-- 隐藏小地图
Config.HideMinimap = true

-- 显示标记
Config.ShowBlips = true

-- 传送玩家进入车辆
Config.SetIntoVehicle = true

-- 显示车库标记的命令
Config.ShowGaragesBlipCommand = "garageblips"
Config.ShowGaragesBlip = true

-- 只存储拥有的车辆
Config.StoreOwnedVehiclesOnly = true -- 如果为 true,玩家只能存储自己拥有的车辆

-- 车辆渐隐存储
Config.StoreVehicleFade = true -- 如果为 true,车辆将淡出

-- 显示被扣留的车辆
Config.ShowVehicleImpoundedWhenExists = true -- 如果为 true,车辆即使在地图上也可以从扣押处取出

-- 被删除时设置为被扣留
Config.VehicleImpoundedOnDV = true -- 如果为 true,当车辆被删除时,将其设置为被扣留

-- 取出车辆后设置为扣留的时间
Config.SetVehicleImpoundAfter = 300 -- 取出车辆后过多少秒设置为扣留
Config.CheckInterval = 60 -- 多长时间检查一次不存在的车辆

-- 启动时改变车辆状态
Config.ChangeVehicleStateOnStart = true -- 如果为 true,车辆将在启动时设置为存储或扣留(Config.SetVehiclesImpoundedOnStart)
Config.SetVehiclesImpoundedOnStart = true -- 如果为 true,外部车辆将在启动时设置为扣留,如果为 false,则设置为存储

-- 启用车辆销售
Config.UseOkokVehicleSales = false -- 如果为 true,展示中的车辆不会显示在扣押中
Config.okokVehicleSalesName = "okokVehicleSales" -- 车辆销售脚本的名称

-- 键值元数据配置
Config.KeyMetaData = { -- 用于锁定/解锁车辆的物品,而不是 "U" 键(目前仅支持 ox-inventory - 如果使用其他带元数据的库存并希望添加支持,请通过票证告知我们)
    inventoryResourceName = "ox_inventory",
    keyItemName = "keys",
    oxInventory = false,
    quasarInventory = false,
    coreInventory = false,

-- 住房系统配置
Config.HousingSystems = {
    quasarHousing = false,
    esxProperty = false,

-- 扣押命令
Config.ImpoundCommand = "impound"
Config.ImpoundJobs = {"police", "mechanics"} -- 可以扣押车辆的工作
Config.ImpoundDistance = 5.0 -- 你可以从多远的位置进行扣押
Config.ImpoundTimes = {"2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24"} -- 小时

-- 全球扣押
Config.GlobalImpound = true -- 如果为 true,可以从任何扣押处获取车辆
Config.PayToImpound = true -- 如果启用,玩家可以通过支付跳过扣押时间。
Config.PayToImpoundFee = 300 -- 这笔费用是玩家提前获得车辆的每小时费用
Config.RetrieveFeeEnabled = false -- 如果启用,玩家在计时器结束后取回车辆时需要支付一次费用。
Config.RetrieveFee = 500 -- 一次性费用,一旦车辆被取回。

-- 管理员组设置
Config.AdminGroups = { -- 允许从扣押中移除所有车辆/给车辆/移除车辆/给钥匙的组
Config.RemoveAllImpoundedVehiclesCommand = "removeallimpoundedvehicles"
Config.GiveVehicle = "givevehicle"
Config.RemoveVehicle = "removevehicle"
Config.GiveKeys = "adminkeys" -- 必须与 Config.GiveKeysCommand 不同
Config.AdminMenu = "gadmin"

-- 车牌配置
Config.PlateLetters = 3 -- 车牌上的字母数量(用于添加车辆时)
Config.PlateUseSpace = true
Config.PlateNumbers = 3 -- 车牌上的数字数量(用于添加车辆时)

-- 随机生成车牌配置
Config.RandomPlateSociety = false -- 如果为 true,将为无限车库中的车辆生成车牌

-- 创建车库命令
Config.CreateGarageCommand = "creategarage"

-- 销售车库命令
Config.SellGarageCommand = "sellgarage"
Config.SellGarageRadius = 3.0
Config.SellerComission = 5 -- 百分比 (%)
Config.RenewalPrice = 500
Config.RenewalIntervals = 7 -- 现实生活中的天数

-- 每个玩家最多私有车库数量
Config.MaxPrivateGaragesPerPlayer = 3

-- 用于在查看菜单中显示车辆属性
Config.UseKMh = true
Config.MaxSpeedValue = 300
Config.MaxAcceleration = 0.6
Config.MaxBraking = 1.6
Config.MaxHandling = 10

Config.ViewCameraAngle = -60
Config.ViewCameraDistance = 5.5
Config.ViewCameraHeight = 2.0

-- 允许修理设置
Config.AllowRepair = true -- 玩家在查看车辆时是否可以修理车辆
Config.RepairPrice = 1000

-- 从查看菜单取出车辆
Config.TakeOutAtView = true -- 当通过查看菜单取出车辆时,将在与查看车辆相同的位置生成。

-- liveries 和 extras 命令
Config.LiveriesAndExtrasCommand = "liveries"
Config.AccessLiveriesExtrasJobs = { -- 添加 'all' 以便所有人都可以访问此菜单

-- 公司设置
Config.MaxEmployees = 7
Config.JobRanks = { -- 车辆商店可用的职位,你可以添加或删除任意数量,但至少保留一个。不要添加 owner,因为这个职位会自动添加。
    ["Newbie"] = {id = 1, coOwner = false},         -- ID: 1
    ["Experienced"] = {id = 2, coOwner = false},    -- ID: 2
    ["Expert"] = {id = 3, coOwner = false},         -- ID: 3
    ["Sub-Owner"] = {id = 4, coOwner = true}      -- ID: 4

-- 私有车库配置
Config.PrivateGarages = {
    blip = { blipId = 524, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "待售私有车库" },
    ownedBlip = { blipId = 524, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "已拥有的私有车库"},
    ownedMarker = { id = 36, color = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 }, size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7 }, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
    storeVehicleMarker = {id = 36, color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 1.25, y = 1.25, z = 1.25}, radius = 2.5, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 }, -- 销售车辆标记信息
    radius = 1

Config.HireEmployeeRadius = 15.0

-- 销售业务时获得的百分比
Config.SellBusinessReceivePercentage = 50 -- 玩家在出售业务时将获得的百分比(50 = 50%)

Config.Companies = {
    ["车库商店"] = {
      coords = vec3(112.28, -630.06, 44.23),
      ownerCoords = vec3(112.28, -630.06, 44.23),
      radius = 1,
      price = 12000,
      ownerBlip = {blipId = 475, blipColor = 38, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "车主面板"},
      unownedOwnerBlip = {blipId = 476, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "无人拥有的公司"},
      ownerMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },
      UnownedMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0 },

Config.SocietyVehiclesList = {
    ['police'] = { -- 社会的小写
            vehicleModel = 'police',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 1,
            livery = 4,
            armor = 4,
            brakes = 2,
            engine = 3,
            suspension = 3,
            transmission = 2,
            turbo = true,
            type = "car"
            vehicleModel = 'Police2',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 1,
            livery = -1,
            armor = -1,
            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
            transmission = -1,
            turbo = false,
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            vehicleModel = 'riot',
            plate = 'POLICE',
            minimumGrade = 3,
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            brakes = -1,
            engine = -1,
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            plate = 'POLICE',
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            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
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            plate = 'POLICE',
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            armor = -1,
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            engine = -1,
            suspension = -1,
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            type = "car"

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