Verzood 发表于 前天 14:45


Locales['en'] = {

    -- Notifications

    ['open_garage'] = {
      text = ' Open Garage',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['garage_info'] = {
      text = '<div>Name: ${name}</div><div>Price: ${price}€</div><div>Type: ${type}</div>',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['open_impound'] = {
      text = ' Access Impound',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['open_recover'] = {
      text = ' Access Vehicle Recover',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['store_vehicle'] = {
      text = ' Store Vehicle',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['purchase_company'] = {
      text = ' Purchase company',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['access_company'] = {
      text = ' Access company',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['request_sent'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'You have sent a request to sell the garage',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['max_owners_hit'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'This garage has too many owners',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_exists'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'A garage with this name already exists',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_created'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'You have created a garage',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_purchased'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'You have purchased the garage',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_already_owned'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = 'You already own this garage',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['inside_vehicle'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'You can\'t access the garage inside a vehicle',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_not_at_garage'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Vehicle is not stored at this garage",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_isnt_stored'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'The vehicle needs to be stored in order to be taken out',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_is_impounded'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'This vehicle is currently impounded',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_is_stolen'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'This vehicle is currently stolen',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_stored'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'The vehicle has been successfully stored',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_repaired'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'The vehicle has been successfully repaired',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_the_owner'] = {
      title = 'Garage',
      text = 'You are not the owner of this vehicle',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_locked'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = 'Vehicle has been locked',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = 'Vehicle has been unlocked',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_not_found'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Vehicle couldn't be found",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_impounded_police'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle Impounded',
      text = "The nearest vehicle has been impounded",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_spawn_full'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "There's no parking available",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_recovered'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Your vehicle has been recovered",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_impounded_player'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle Impounded',
      text = "Your vehicle has been impounded",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_retrieved'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Your vehicle has been stored",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_fail_retrieved'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Failed to retrieve this vehicle",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['no_vehicle_retrieved'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You have no vehicles to retrieve",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['no_keys'] = {
      title = 'Keys',
      text = "You have no keys to give",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['given_keys'] = {
      title = 'Keys',
      text = "You gave them the car key",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['received_keys'] = {
      title = 'Keys',
      text = "You have received a car key",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['deleted_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Admin",
      text = "Vehicle successfully deleted",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['given_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Admin",
      text = "You have given a vehicle successfully",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['player_not_found'] = {
      title = 'Admin',
      text = "Player couldn't be found",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['player_not_found_keys'] = {
      title = 'Keys',
      text = "Player couldn't be found",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['invalid_plate'] = {
      title = 'Admin',
      text = "The license plate should be 6 or 7 characters",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['not_enough_money'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You do not have enough money",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['dont_own_business'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You do not own this business",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['business_purchased'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You have purchased a business",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['insufficient_permissions'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You do not have permission to fire this player",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['player_fired'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You have fired a player",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['you_were_fired'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You have been fired",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['left_business'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You left the business",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['player_edited'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You have changed the player's grade",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['too_many_employees'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You have too many employees",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['too_many_garages'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You own the maximum amount of garages",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['withdrawn_money'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You withdrew money from your company",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['deposited_money'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "You deposited money into your company",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_enough_funds'] = {
      title = 'Business',
      text = "Your business doesn't have the required funds to withdraw",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_shared'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You shared a vehicle",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_shared'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You shared your garage",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_garage_shared'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You've already shared your garage with this person",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_shared_with'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Someone shared their garage with you",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_shared_with'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Someone shared a vehicle with you",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['player_not_online'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "Specified player is not online",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_share_cancelled'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You cancelled your garage share",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_share_cancelled'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You cancelled your vehicle share",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_transferred'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You have been transferred a vehicle",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_transferred_to_other'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You have transferred a vehicle",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_name_changed'] = {
      title = 'Vehicle',
      text = "You have changed the vehicle name",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicles_stored'] = {
      title = 'Admin',
      text = "All vehicles have been stored",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['full_favourite'] = {
      title = 'Favourite',
      text = "Your favourite list is full",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['ChatSuggestions'] = {
      giveVehiclesDescription = "Gives a vehicle to a player",
      giveVehiclesPlayerID = "Player ID/Society",
      giveVehiclesPlayerIDDesc = "Player/Society that'll receive vehicle",
      giveVehiclesVehicle = "Vehicle",
      giveVehiclesVehicleDesc= "Vehicle Spawn Code",
      giveVehiclesType = "Type",
      giveVehiclesTypeDesc= "Vehicle type (car/boat/air)",
      removeVehiclesDescription = "Removes a player\'s vehicle",
      removeVehiclesPlate ="Plate",
      removeVehiclesPlateDesc ="Vehicle\'s license plate",
      RemoveAllImpoundedVehiclesDescription = "Removes all vehicles from the impound",

      giveAdminKeysDescription = "Gives a vehicle keys to someone",
      giveAdminKeysID = "Player ID",
      giveAdminKeysIDDesc = "Player that receives the keys",
      giveAdminKeysPlate = "Plate",
      giveAdminKeysPlateDesc = "Plate of the vehicle",
    ['OkOkBanking'] = { -- OkOkBanking transaction reasons
      purchaseGarage = "Purchase Garage",
      soldGarage = "Sold Garage",
      purchaseCompany = "Purchase company"


ChatGPT 发表于 前天 14:46


Locales['zh'] = {

    -- 通知

    ['open_garage'] = {
      text = ' 打开车库',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['garage_info'] = {
      text = '名称: ${name} 价格: ${price}€ 类型: ${type}',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['open_impound'] = {
      text = ' 访问罚没',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['open_recover'] = {
      text = ' 访问车辆恢复',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['store_vehicle'] = {
      text = ' 存车',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['purchase_company'] = {
      text = ' 购买公司',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['access_company'] = {
      text = ' 访问公司',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'left'
    ['request_sent'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '您已经发送了出售车库的请求',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['max_owners_hit'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '这个车库的拥有者太多了',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_exists'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '这个名称的车库已存在',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_created'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '您创建了一个车库',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_purchased'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '您已经购买了这个车库',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_already_owned'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = '您已经拥有这个车库',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['inside_vehicle'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '您无法在车辆内访问车库',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_not_at_garage'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "车辆不在该车库",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_isnt_stored'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '车辆需要先存储才能取出',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_is_impounded'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '这辆车当前被罚没',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_is_stolen'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '这辆车当前是被盗的',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['vehicle_stored'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '车辆已成功存储',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_repaired'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '车辆已成功修理',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_the_owner'] = {
      title = '车库',
      text = '您不是这辆车的拥有者',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_locked'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = '车辆已被锁定',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = '车辆已解锁',
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_not_found'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "未找到车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_impounded_police'] = {
      title = '车辆罚没',
      text = "最近的车辆已被罚没",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_spawn_full'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "没有可用的停车位",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_recovered'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您的车辆已被恢复",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_impounded_player'] = {
      title = '车辆罚没',
      text = "您的车辆已被罚没",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_retrieved'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您的车辆已被存储",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_fail_retrieved'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "无法取回这辆车",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['no_vehicle_retrieved'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您没有车辆可以取回",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['no_keys'] = {
      title = '钥匙',
      text = "您没有钥匙可以给",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['given_keys'] = {
      title = '钥匙',
      text = "您给了他们汽车钥匙",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['received_keys'] = {
      title = '钥匙',
      text = "您收到了汽车钥匙",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['deleted_vehicle'] = {
      title = "管理员",
      text = "车辆已成功删除",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['given_vehicle'] = {
      title = "管理员",
      text = "您已成功给出一辆车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['player_not_found'] = {
      title = '管理员',
      text = "未找到玩家",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['player_not_found_keys'] = {
      title = '钥匙',
      text = "未找到玩家",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['invalid_plate'] = {
      title = '管理员',
      text = "车牌应为6或7个字符",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['not_enough_money'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您没有足够的钱",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['dont_own_business'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您不拥有这项业务",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['business_purchased'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您已经购买了一项业务",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['insufficient_permissions'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您没有权限解雇这个玩家",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['player_fired'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您解雇了一名玩家",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['you_were_fired'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您被解雇了",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['left_business'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您离开了这个业务",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'info'
    ['player_edited'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您已更改玩家的等级",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['too_many_employees'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您有太多员工",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['too_many_garages'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您拥有的车库数量已达上限",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['withdrawn_money'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您从公司中提取了钱",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['deposited_money'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您将钱存入了公司",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_enough_funds'] = {
      title = '业务',
      text = "您的业务没有足够的资金进行提取",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['vehicle_shared'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您分享了一辆车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['garage_shared'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您分享了您的车库",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['not_garage_shared'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您已经与这个人分享了您的车库",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_shared_with'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "有人与您分享了他们的车库",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_shared_with'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "有人与您分享了一辆车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['player_not_online'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "指定的玩家不在线",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['garage_share_cancelled'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您取消了车库共享",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_share_cancelled'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您取消了车辆共享",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_transferred'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您已被转让一辆车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_transferred_to_other'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您已转让一辆车辆",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicle_name_changed'] = {
      title = '车辆',
      text = "您已更改车辆名称",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['vehicles_stored'] = {
      title = '管理员',
      text = "所有车辆已被存储",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'success'
    ['full_favourite'] = {
      title = '收藏',
      text = "您的收藏列表已满",
      time = 5000,
      type = 'error'
    ['ChatSuggestions'] = {
      giveVehiclesDescription = "给某个玩家一辆车",
      giveVehiclesPlayerID = "玩家ID/机构",
      giveVehiclesPlayerIDDesc = "将接收车辆的玩家/机构",
      giveVehiclesVehicle = "车辆",
      giveVehiclesVehicleDesc= "车辆生成代码",
      giveVehiclesType = "类型",
      giveVehiclesTypeDesc= "车辆类型 (轿车/船/飞机)",
      removeVehiclesDescription = "移除玩家的车辆",
      removeVehiclesPlate = "车牌",
      removeVehiclesPlateDesc = "车辆的车牌",
      RemoveAllImpoundedVehiclesDescription = "移除所有罚没车辆",

      giveAdminKeysDescription = "将车辆钥匙给某人",
      giveAdminKeysID = "玩家ID",
      giveAdminKeysIDDesc = "接收钥匙的玩家",
      giveAdminKeysPlate = "车牌",
      giveAdminKeysPlateDesc = "车辆的车牌",
    ['OkOkBanking'] = { -- OkOkBanking 交易原因
      purchaseGarage = "购买车库",
      soldGarage = "出售车库",
      purchaseCompany = "购买公司"

这个翻译包括所有的通知文本,并且保留了原来的结构。根据具体的使用场景,这些内容可以直接放在 `Locales` 表中。
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