-----------------For support, scripts, and more----------------
--------------- https://discord.gg/wasabiscripts-------------
Config = {}
-- Text UI's, notifications, frameworks, and other integrations can be made --
-- via dependency "wasabi_bridge" in the "customize" directory! --
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- Recommended
Config.UIColor = '#1e8544' -- Color for UI elements
Config.toggleLockKey =
'U' -- Which key to register as toggle of vehicle locks?
Config.toggleSound = { audioName = 'BUTTON', audioRef = 'MP_PROPERTIES_ELEVATOR_DOORS' } -- Sound to play when locking/unlocking vehicle. Leave empty for no sound. Ref:gtaforums.com/topic/795622-audio-for-mods
Config.lockDistance = 10.0 -- Distance in which one can unlock their closest car?
Config.progressBar = false -- If true will use progress bar rather than progress circle.
Config.lockNPCVehicles = false -- Lock all NPC cars?
Config.robPedKeys = { -- Ability to rob peds at gun point for their keys
enabled = true, -- Enable robbing peds for their car keys?
timeToRob = 4, -- Duration(In seconds) to rob ped when approaching at gunpoint
label = 'Stealing Keys. . .'
Config.notifyPolice = {
enabled = true, -- Chance of notifying police when lockpicking, hotwiring, and/or robbing peds
hotwire = 50, -- Chance % of notifying police when hotwiring (50 = 50% chance)
lockpick = 30, -- Chance % of notifying police when lockpicking (30 = 30% chance)
robPed = 70, -- Chance % of notifying police when robbing ped (70 = 70% chance)
blip = {
enabled = true,-- Enable blip on map for police when notified?
sprite = 161, -- Blip sprite
color = 1, -- Blip color
scale = 0.7, -- Blip scale
short = false, -- Short blip
flashing = true, -- Blip flashing
duration = 20 -- Duration of blip on map (In seconds)
policeJobs = { -- Jobs that are considered police to notify
-- 'highway'
Config.metadataKeys = { -- Metadata keys options (Requires inventory integrated into wasabi_bridge)
enabled = false, -- Enable metadata keys feature?
keyItem = 'carkeys', -- Item to use as car key
Config.givingKeys = { -- Giving keys options (only with metadata keys disabled)
enabled = true, -- Enable giving keys feature?
command = 'givekey', -- Desired command to give key
removeKey = true, -- Remove the key to vehicle from person giving key
menuPosition =
'bottom-right' -- Choose where player selection menu is positioned. Options : 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'
Config.manageKeys = { -- Manage keys in hand via menu (only with metadata keys disabled)
enabled = true, -- Enable this feature
command = 'managekeys',-- Command to open menu for opening key management menu (Set to false if not desired)
allowRemove = true, -- Allow removal of keys that were given
menuPosition =
'bottom-right' -- Choose where key selection menu is positioned. Options : 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'
Config.noKeysNeeded = { -- Vehicle models that don't require keys
-- Add more here if desired
Config.WhitelistedPlates = { -- Vehicle plates that don't require keys
-- Add more plates as desired
--------------- https://discord.gg/wasabiscripts-------------
Config = {}
-- 文本用户界面、通知、框架和其他集成可以通过 "customize" 目录中的依赖项 "wasabi_bridge" 来实现! --
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- 推荐开启
Config.UIColor = '#1e8544' -- 用户界面元素的颜色
Config.toggleLockKey =
'U' -- 注册哪个键作为车辆锁的切换键?
Config.toggleSound = { audioName = 'BUTTON', audioRef = 'MP_PROPERTIES_ELEVATOR_DOORS' } -- 锁定/解锁车辆时播放的声音。留空则无声音。参考:gtaforums.com/topic/795622-audio-for-mods
Config.lockDistance = 10.0 -- 可以解锁最近车辆的距离?
Config.progressBar = false -- 如果为真,将使用进度条而不是进度圆圈。
Config.lockNPCVehicles = false -- 锁定所有NPC车辆?
Config.robPedKeys = { -- 在枪口威胁下抢劫行人的钥匙的能力
enabled = true, -- 启用抢劫行人以获取车辆钥匙?
timeToRob = 4, -- 在枪口威胁下抢劫行人的持续时间(秒)
label = '正在偷钥匙. . .'
Config.notifyPolice = {
enabled = true, -- 锁定、热接线和/或抢劫行人时通知警察的机会
hotwire = 50, -- 热接线时通知警察的机会百分比(50 = 50%机会)
lockpick = 30, -- 锁定时通知警察的机会百分比(30 = 30%机会)
robPed = 70, -- 抢劫行人时通知警察的机会百分比(70 = 70%机会)
blip = {
enabled = true,-- 通知时在地图上启用警察标记?
sprite = 161, -- 标记图标
color = 1, -- 标记颜色
scale = 0.7, -- 标记缩放
short = false, -- 短标记
flashing = true, -- 标记闪烁
duration = 20 -- 地图上标记的持续时间(秒)
policeJobs = { -- 被视为警察的工作以进行通知
-- 'highway'
Config.metadataKeys = { -- 元数据钥匙选项(需要将库存集成到wasabi_bridge中)
enabled = false, -- 启用元数据钥匙功能?
keyItem = 'carkeys', -- 用作汽车钥匙的物品
Config.givingKeys = { -- 给予钥匙选项(仅在元数据钥匙禁用时)
enabled = true, -- 启用给予钥匙功能?
command = 'givekey', -- 给予钥匙的命令
removeKey = true, -- 从给予钥匙的人那里移除车辆钥匙
menuPosition =
'bottom-right' -- 选择玩家选择菜单的位置。选项:'top-left' 或 'top-right' 或 'bottom-left' 或 'bottom-right'
Config.manageKeys = { -- 通过菜单管理手中的钥匙(仅在元数据钥匙禁用时)
enabled = true, -- 启用此功能
command = 'managekeys',-- 打开钥匙管理菜单的命令(如果不需要则设置为false)
allowRemove = true, -- 允许移除已给予的钥匙
menuPosition =
'bottom-right' -- 选择钥匙选择菜单的位置。选项:'top-left' 或 'top-right' 或 'bottom-left' 或 'bottom-right'
Config.noKeysNeeded = { -- 不需要钥匙的车辆模型
-- 如果需要可以在此添加更多
Config.WhitelistedPlates = { -- 不需要钥匙的车辆牌照
-- 如果需要可以添加更多牌照