Config = {}Config.Locale = GetConvar("esx:locale", "en")
Config.OxInventory = GetResourceState("ox_inventory") ~= 'missing'
Config.Accounts = {
bank = {
label = TranslateCap("account_bank"),
round = true,
black_money = {
label = TranslateCap("account_black_money"),
round = true,
money = {
label = TranslateCap("account_money"),
round = true,
Config.StartingAccountMoney = { bank = 50000 }
Config.StartingInventoryItems = false -- table/false
Config.DefaultSpawns = { -- If you want to have more spawn positions and select them randomly uncomment commented code or add more locations
{ x = 222.2027, y = -864.0162, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0 },
--{x = 224.9865, y = -865.0871, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 227.8436, y = -866.0400, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 230.6051, y = -867.1450, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 233.5459, y = -868.2626, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0}
Config.AdminGroups = {
["owner"] = true,
["admin"] = true,
Config.EnablePaycheck = true -- enable paycheck
Config.LogPaycheck = false -- Logs paychecks to a nominated Discord channel via webhook (default is false)
Config.EnableSocietyPayouts = false -- pay from the society account that the player is employed at? Requirement: esx_society
Config.MaxWeight = 24 -- the max inventory weight without a backpack
Config.PaycheckInterval = 7 * 60000 -- how often to receive paychecks in milliseconds
Config.EnableDebug = false -- Use Debug options?
Config.EnableDefaultInventory = true -- Display the default Inventory ( F2 )
Config.EnableWantedLevel = false -- Use Normal GTA wanted Level?
Config.EnablePVP = true -- Allow Player to player combat
Config.Multichar = GetResourceState("esx_multicharacter") ~= "missing"
Config.Identity = true -- Select a character identity data before they have loaded in (this happens by default with multichar)
Config.DistanceGive = 4.0 -- Max distance when giving items, weapons etc.
Config.AdminLogging = false -- Logs the usage of certain commands by those with group.admin ace permissions (default is false)
Config.DisableHealthRegeneration = false -- Player will no longer regenerate health
Config.DisableVehicleRewards = false -- Disables Player Receiving weapons from vehicles
Config.DisableNPCDrops = false -- stops NPCs from dropping weapons on death
Config.DisableDispatchServices = false -- Disable Dispatch services
Config.DisableScenarios = false -- Disable Scenarios
Config.DisableWeaponWheel = false -- Disables default weapon wheel
Config.DisableAimAssist = false -- disables AIM assist (mainly on controllers)
Config.DisableVehicleSeatShuff = false -- Disables vehicle seat shuff
Config.DisableDisplayAmmo = false -- Disable ammunition display
Config.RemoveHudComponents = {
= false, --WANTED_STARS,
= false, --WEAPON_ICON
= false, --CASH
= false, --MP_CASH
= false, --MP_MESSAGE
= false, --VEHICLE_NAME
= false, -- AREA_NAME
= false, -- VEHICLE_CLASS
= false, --STREET_NAME
= false, --HELP_TEXT
= false, --CASH_CHANGE
= false, --RETICLE
= false, --SUBTITLE_TEXT
= false, --SAVING_GAME,
= false, --GAME_STREAM
= false, --WEAPON_WHEEL
= false, --HUD_WEAPONS
Config.SpawnVehMaxUpgrades = true -- admin vehicles spawn with max vehicle settings
Config.CustomAIPlates = "........" -- Custom plates for AI vehicles
-- Pattern string format
--1 will lead to a random number from 0-9.
--A will lead to a random letter from A-Z.
-- . will lead to a random letter or number, with a 50% probability of being either.
--^1 will lead to a literal 1 being emitted.
--^A will lead to a literal A being emitted.
--Any other character will lead to said character being emitted.
-- A string shorter than 8 characters will be padded on the right.
Config = {}
Config.Locale = GetConvar("esx:locale", "en")
Config.OxInventory = GetResourceState("ox_inventory") ~= 'missing'
Config.Accounts = {
bank = {
label = TranslateCap("account_bank"),
round = true,
black_money = {
label = TranslateCap("account_black_money"),
round = true,
money = {
label = TranslateCap("account_money"),
round = true,
Config.StartingAccountMoney = { bank = 50000 }
Config.StartingInventoryItems = false -- table/false
Config.DefaultSpawns = { -- 如果你想要更多的出生位置并随机选择它们,请取消注释已注释的代码或添加更多位置
{ x = 222.2027, y = -864.0162, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0 },
--{x = 224.9865, y = -865.0871, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 227.8436, y = -866.0400, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 230.6051, y = -867.1450, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0},
--{x = 233.5459, y = -868.2626, z = 30.2922, heading = 1.0}
Config.AdminGroups = {
-- 这里可以添加管理员组
Config.EnablePaycheck = true -- 启用工资
Config.LogPaycheck = false -- 通过Webhook将工资记录到指定的Discord频道(默认是false)
Config.EnableSocietyPayouts = false -- 从玩家所在的公司账户支付?要求:esx_society
Config.MaxWeight = 24 -- 没有背包时的最大库存重量
Config.PaycheckInterval = 7 * 60000 -- 收到工资的频率(以毫秒为单位)
Config.EnableDebug = false -- 使用调试选项?
Config.EnableDefaultInventory = true -- 显示默认库存(F2)
Config.EnableWantedLevel = false -- 使用正常的GTA通缉等级?
Config.EnablePVP = true -- 允许玩家之间的战斗
Config.Multichar = GetResourceState("esx_multicharacter") ~= "missing"
Config.Identity = true -- 在角色加载之前选择角色身份数据(这在多角色情况下默认发生)
Config.DistanceGive = 4.0 -- 给物品、武器等时的最大距离
Config.AdminLogging = false -- 记录具有group.admin ace权限的用户使用某些命令的情况(默认是false)
Config.DisableHealthRegeneration = false -- 玩家将不再恢复健康
Config.DisableVehicleRewards = false -- 禁用玩家从车辆中获得武器
Config.DisableNPCDrops = false -- 停止NPC在死亡时掉落武器
Config.DisableDispatchServices = false -- 禁用调度服务
Config.DisableScenarios = false -- 禁用场景
Config.DisableWeaponWheel = false -- 禁用默认武器轮
Config.DisableAimAssist = false -- 禁用瞄准辅助(主要在控制器上)
Config.DisableVehicleSeatShuff = false -- 禁用车辆座位切换
Config.DisableDisplayAmmo = false -- 禁用弹药显示
Config.RemoveHudComponents = {
-- 这里可以添加要移除的HUD组件
Config.SpawnVehMaxUpgrades = true -- 管理员车辆生成时具有最大车辆设置
Config.CustomAIPlates = "........" -- AI车辆的自定义车牌
-- 模式字符串格式
-- 1将导致生成0-9之间的随机数。
-- A将导致生成A-Z之间的随机字母。
-- .将导致生成字母或数字,50%的概率为任意一个。
-- ^1将导致生成字面量1。
-- ^A将导致生成字面量A。
-- 任何其他字符将导致生成该字符。
-- 短于8个字符的字符串将填充到右侧。