qazw01 发表于 2024-9-7 15:35:13


Locale.en = {
        AlreadyWearing = "You are already wearing that.",
        Bag = "Bag",
        Bag2 = "Opens or closes your bag.",
        Bracelet = "Bracelet",
        Ear = "Ear",
        Ear2 = "ear accessory",
        Glasses = "Glasses",
        Gloves = "Gloves",
        Hair = "Hair",
        Hair2 = "Put your hair up/down/in a bun/ponytail.",
        Hat = "Hat",
        Info = "Info",
        Information = "If the button is blue, you have a saved item.",
        Mask = "Mask",
        Neck = "Neck",
        Neck2 = "neck accessory",
        NotAllowedPed = "This ped model does not allow for this option.",
        NothingToRemove = "You dont appear to have anything to remove.",
        NoVariants = "There dont seem to be any variants for this.",
        Pants = "Pants",
        PleaseWait = "Please wait...",
        Shirt = "Shirt",
        Shoes = "Shoes",
        TakeOffOn = "Take your %s off/on.",
        Top = "Top",
        Top2 = "Toggle shirt variation.",
        Vest = "Vest",
        Visor = "Visor",
        Visor2 = "Toggle hat variation.",
        Watch = "Watch",
        NoShirtOn = "You cannot do this without your shirt on.",
        Reset = "Revert",
        Reset2 = "Revert everything back to normal.",
        Exit = "Close",
        -- Commands
        BAG = "bag",
        BRACELET = "bracelet",
        EAR = "ear",
        GLASSES = "glasses",
        GLOVES = "gloves",
        HAIR = "hair",
        HAT = "hat",
        MASK = "mask",
        NECK = "neck",
        SHOES = "shoes",
        TOP = "top",
        VEST = "vest",
        VISOR = "visor",
        WATCH = "watch",
        PANTS = "pants",
        SHIRT = "shirt",
        RESET = "revertclothing",
        BAGOFF = "bagoff",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-7 15:35:24

Locale.zh = {
        AlreadyWearing = "你已经在穿那个了。",
        Bag = "包",
        Bag2 = "打开或关闭你的包。",
        Bracelet = "手链",
        Ear = "耳",
        Ear2 = "耳饰",
        Glasses = "眼镜",
        Gloves = "手套",
        Hair = "头发",
        Hair2 = "把头发扎起来/放下/盘起来/马尾。",
        Hat = "帽子",
        Info = "信息",
        Information = "如果按钮是蓝色的,你有一个保存的物品。",
        Mask = "面具",
        Neck = "脖子",
        Neck2 = "脖饰",
        NotAllowedPed = "这个角色模型不允许这个选项。",
        NothingToRemove = "你似乎没有任何可以移除的东西。",
        NoVariants = "似乎没有这个的变体。",
        Pants = "裤子",
        PleaseWait = "请稍等...",
        Shirt = "衬衫",
        Shoes = "鞋子",
        TakeOffOn = "把你的%s脱掉/穿上。",
        Top = "上衣",
        Top2 = "切换衬衫变体。",
        Vest = "背心",
        Visor = "遮阳帽",
        Visor2 = "切换帽子变体。",
        Watch = "手表",
        NoShirtOn = "你不能在没有穿衬衫的情况下这样做。",
        Reset = "恢复",
        Reset2 = "将所有内容恢复到正常状态。",
        Exit = "关闭",
        -- 命令
        BAG = "包",
        BRACELET = "手链",
        EAR = "耳",
        GLASSES = "眼镜",
        GLOVES = "手套",
        HAIR = "头发",
        HAT = "帽子",
        MASK = "面具",
        NECK = "脖子",
        SHOES = "鞋子",
        TOP = "上衣",
        VEST = "背心",
        VISOR = "遮阳帽",
        WATCH = "手表",
        PANTS = "裤子",
        SHIRT = "衬衫",
        RESET = "恢复服装",
        BAGOFF = "收起包",
页: [1]
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