李胜 发表于 2024-8-30 10:42:43


"BlockedUsers": {
      "Title": "Blocked Users",
      "UnBlock": "Unblock",
      "NoBlocked": "No Blocked Users",
      "UnBlockDescp": "Are you sure you want to unblock this user?"
      "AppleServices": {
      "Title": "STPhone ID",
      "Subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
      "Devices": "Devices"
      "Subscriptions": {
      "Title": "Subscriptions",
      "AppleSubscription": "STPhone Subscription",
      "AppleSubscriptionDescp": "STPhone Premium provides access and privileges to many STPhone services, including STPhone Arcade, Custom Personalizations, and Extra STCloud storage. One-Time Fee."
    "AppStore": {
      "Title": "App Store",
      "Today": "Today",
      "Games": "Games",
      "Apps": "Apps",
      "Arcade": "Arcade",
      "Search": "Search",
      "ErrorOcps": "An error occurred.",
      "PageNames": {
      "MainPage": "Today",
      "GamesPage": "Games",
      "AppsPage": "Apps",
      "ArcadePage": "Arcade",
      "SearchPage": "Search"
      "Popular": "Popular",
      "Remove": "Remove",
      "Update": "Update",
      "Get": "Download",
      "GetPricedApp": "Buy",
      "UpdateAvailable": "Update Available",
      "UpdateAvailableDescp": "Update your phone to download the app.",
      "UpdateAvailableDescpDownload": "Update your phone to download the app.",
      "UpdateAvailableDescpDownload2": "Update your phone to download the app.",
      "NotAvaibleFDownload": "Not Available for this country.",
      "Preview": "Preview",
      "Info": "Info",
      "AppName": "App Name",
      "SizeInfo": "Size",
      "Catagory": "Catagory",
      "Compatibility": "Compatibility",
      "CompatibilityYes": "Compatible with this phone.",
      "CompatibilityNo": "stOS or greather required.",
      "AgeLimit": "Age",
      "Copyright": "Copyright",
      "NoAvaible": "No apps available.",
      "AppStatics": {
      "Ratings": "RATINGS",
      "Age": "AGE",
      "YearsOld": "YEARS OLD",
      "Chart": "CHART",
      "Size": "SIZE"
    "Wallet": {
      "Title": "Wallet",
      "ViewCardPage": {
      "Title": "Card Details",
      "Previus": "Return",
      "DeleteCard": "Delete Card",
      "Balance": "Balance",
      "SendOrRequest": "Send & Request",
      "LastTransactions": "Last Transactions"
      "CreateCardPage": {
      "Title": "Create Card",
      "Previus": "Return",
      "Confrim": "Confrim",
      "CardType": "Card Type",
      "CurrencyType": "Currency Type"
      "CardName": "Card Name",
      "Error": "Error!",
      "ErrorDescp": "Something went wrong.",
      "ISHAmountError": "You Have Exceeded the Maximum Transfer Limit.",
      "EmptyCardNameErr": "You must enter a card name.",
      "MinCardNameErr": "Card name must be at least 3 characters long.",
      "MaxCardNameErr": "Card name must be at most 20 characters long.",
      "Success": "Success!",
      "CardCreated": "Your card has been created successfully.",
      "CardDeleted": "Your card has been deleted successfully.",
      "AreSure": "Are You Sure?",
      "AreSureDescp": "It will be deleted along with the balance on the card!!!",
      "Yes": "Yes",
      "No": "No",
      "CardIdCopy": "Card ID Copied!",
      "CardIdCopyDesc": "ISH number has been copied to clipboard.",
      "EmptyTransactions": "No transactions found.",
      "CodeRedeemed": "Code Redeemed!",
      "Transfared": "Transfared!",
      "CannotCopy": "Cannot Copy",
      "CannotCopyDesc": "You cannot copy this card's ISH number.",
      "SendOrRequestPage": {
      "Title": "Send & Request",
      "SelectFromContacts": "Select from Contacts",
      "TransferMyCards": "Transfer My Cards",
      "TransferISH": "Transfer ISH",
      "AddBalanceCode": "Add Balance Code",
      "RedeemCode": "Redeem Code",
      "Code": "Code",
      "Amount": "Amount",
      "SendMoney": "Send Money"
      "ErrorLimit": "Error!",
      "MaxCardLimit": "Maximum Card Creation Limit Exceeded."
    "PayInterface": {
      "PayNow": "Pay Now",
      "Return": "Return",
      "NeedToPay": "Need to Pay",
      "WaitToPay": "Waiting for FaceID...",
      "Success": "Success!",
      "NoBalance": "You don't have enough balance."
    "Gallery": {
      "Title": "Gallery",
      "CatagoryTitles": {
      "Library": "Library",
      "For You": "For You",
      "Albums": "Albums",
      "Search": "Search"
      "Photo": "Photo",
      "Video": "Video",
      "MyAlbums": "My Albums",
      "NotAbleAtThisMoment": "Not able to at this moment.",
      "Edit": "Edit",
      "Details": "Details",
      "ShareActions": "Share",
      "FavoriteActions": "Favorite",
      "InfoActions": "Info",
      "DeleteActions": "Delete",
      "LocationError": "Location Error",
      "LocationErrorDescp": "Cannot get location information.",
      "LocationSet": "Location Set",
      "LocationSetDescp": "Location information has been set.",
      "Copied": "Copied!",
      "CopiedDescp": "URL has been copied to clipboard.",
      "FavoritesAlbum": "Favorites",
      "VideosAlbum": "Videos",
      "Last Photos": "Last Photos",
      "Return": "Return",
      "CopyUrl": "Copy URL",
      "SetAsBackground": "Set as Background",
      "Info": {
      "Name": "Name",
      "Type": "Type",
      "Duration": "Duration",
      "Date": "Date",
      "Time": "Time",
      "Size": "Size",
      "Location": "Location"
      "AreUSure": "Are You Sure?",
      "AreUSureDescp": "You won't be able to revert this!",
      "Delete": "Delete",
      "Deleted": "Deleted!",
      "DeletedDescp": "Your file has been deleted.",
      "ChangeAlbumName": "Change Album Name",
      "DeleteAlbum": "Delete Album",
      "PhotoActions": "Photo Actions",
      "AddAlbumeorNew": "Add to Album or Create New",
      "SelectAlbume": "Select Album",
      "SelectAlbumeDescp": "Which album would you like to add the photo to or what will be the name of the new album?",
      "SelectAlbumePlaceHolder": "Ex. My Photos",
      "ExternalImageTitle": "Add External Image",
      "ExternalImageDescp": "Enter the image URL and add it to your Library.",
      "ExternalImageInputPlaceHolder": "Image URL",
      "Added": "Added!",
      "Error": "Error!",
      "Success": "Success!",
      "DontEmpty": "You can't leave it blank.",
      "AddedInfo": "Photo has been added to the album.",
      "NewAlbumCreatedInfo": "New album has been created. Photo has been added to the album.",
      "CantChangeThisAlbume": "You can't change this album.",
      "NewAlbumeName": "New Album Name",
      "NewAlbumeDescp": "Enter a new name for the album.",
      "CantDeleteThisAlbume": "You can't delete this album.",
      "DeleteAlbumeInfo": "Deleting the album deletes the photos in it.",
      "ShareSuccess": "Image & Video Shared.",
      "ShareError": "An error occurred while sharing.",
      "NotValidUrl": "The URL you entered is invalid!",
      "NotValidImage": "The URL you entered is not a valid image. (The URL must end with jpeg, jpg, png, webp.)"
    "Camera": {
      "QRCodeFoundTitle": "QR Code Found!",
      "QRCodeFoundDescp": "URL has been copied to clipboard.",
      "QRCodeNotFoundTitle": "QR Code Not Found!",
      "QRCodeNotFoundDescp": "Please Scan a Valid QR Code."
    "Phone": {
      "LoadingData": "Loading Data",
      "Contacts": "Contacts",
      "MyCard": "My Card",
      "UserCard": "User Card",
      "NoContactF": "No Contact Found.",
      "Recent": "Recent",
      "Keypad": "Keypad",
      "Cancel": "Cancel",
      "Back": "Back",
      "Done": "Done",
      "NContact": "New Contact",
      "AddPhoto": "Add Photo",
      "FirstN": "First Name",
      "LastN": "Last Name",
      "NickN": "Nickname",
      "Phone": "Phone",
      "EContact": "Edit Contact",
      "EditPhoto": "Edit Photo",
      "Edit": "Edit",
      "Message": "message",
      "Mobile": "mobile",
      "Video": "video",
      "Mail": "mail",
      "Notes": "Notes",
      "SendMsg": "Send Message",
      "DeleteContact": "Delete Contact",
      "BlockContact": "Block Contact",
      "BlockedUser": "The user is blocked.",
      "ShaareContact": "Share Contact",
      "SelectPhoto": "Select Photo",
      "AirDrop": "AirDrop",
      "Nearby": "Nearby",
      "LoadNearby": "Loading Nearby",
      "NoNearby": "No Nearby Devices Found.",
      "ContactAdded": "Contact Added!",
      "ContactAddedDesc": "New contact has been added to your contacts.",
      "ContactAddedDescF": "Contact has been Not Added!",
      "Error": "Error!",
      "NoNumber": "You must enter a phone number."
    "AppleService": {
      "Submit": "Support Ticket",
      "Return": "Return",
      "Titles": {
      "Info": "Info",
      "Warning": "Warning",
      "Errors": "Errors",
      "Patch": "Patch Notes",
      "Update": "Update Notes"
      "SendFeedback": "Send Feedback",
      "SendFeedbackDescp": "Remember, the data sent in order to provide quality service is defined as personalized. In case of misuse of the service, you may be subject to a system ban.",
      "TextAreaPlacheHolder": "Ex. The Wallet app does not work after turning the phone off and on.",
      "Send": "Send",
      "ErrorTitle": "Error!",
      "ErrorDescp": "Please enter at least 10 characters.",
      "BannedDescp": "You have been banned from the system. Please contact the administrator.",
      "FeedbackSendTitle": "Success!",
      "FeedbackSendDescp": "Your message has been sent."
    "Message": {
      "LocationText": "Location",
      "Title": "Messages",
      "NewMsg": "New Message",
      "Cancel": "Cancel",
      "To": "To:",
      "TextMsg": "New Message..",
      "Photos": "Photos",
      "Location": "Location",
      "Emoji": "Emoji",
      "Money": "Money",
      "More": "More",
      "Typing": "Typing...",
      "Inform": "Info",
      "DeleteChat": "Deleted Chat",
      "UnnamedGroup": "Unnamed Group",
      "STMMSGContent": "< Photo Content >",
      "STMMSGLOC": "< Location Content >",
      "LocationSet": "Location Set.",
      "LocationNotSet": "Location Not Set. ERROR!",
      "Leave": "&0& left the group.",
      "LeaveNotice": "Some people left the group chat...",
      "ChangeGroupName": "&0& changed group name to &1&.",
      "ChangeGroupNameNotice": "Group Name Changed.",
      "DeletedMessage": "This message has been deleted.",
      "DeleteMessageInfo": "Click on the messages to be deleted.",
      "VoiceMessageTimeError": "Voice messages cannot be longer than 1 minute.",
      "SendMoneyLimit": "You can send a maximum of $10,000 at a time.",
      "SendAmount": "Amount",
      "SendBtn": "Send Money",
      "Voice Message": "Voice Message",
      "SendLiveLocation": "Live Location",
      "LocationLivePlaceHolder": "Location valid until.",
      "UntilShowMsg": "Duration of Show.",
      "UntilShowDescp": "How Much Should It Be Visible? \n*In Min.",
      "UntilShowPlaceholder": "Minute ex. \n'5'",
      "Error": "Error!",
      "NotEmpty": "Cannot be left blank.",
      "MustBeNumber": "Value Must Be a Valid Number!",
      "Send": "Send",
      "LocationLiveTime": "&0& : &1& Then it's over.",
      "LocationLiveEnded": "Time Expired.",
      "Camera": "Camera",
      "Notify": {
      "GroupMessageJoin": "You have been added to the group!",
      "GroupMessageJoinDescp": "You have been added to the group.",
      "NewMessage": "New Message Arrived.",
      "NewMessageDescp": "There is a New Message from Your Contact.",
      "NewMessageGroup": "There is a new message from the group."
      "Gif": "Gif",
      "SearchGif": "Gif Search.."
    "CallScreen": {
      "NoNumber": "No Number",
      "VideoCall": "Video Call",
      "Reminder": "Remind Me",
      "Message": "Message",
      "Decline": "Decline",
      "Accept": "Accept",
      "Calling": "Calling...",
      "muted": "Muted",
      "mute": "Mute",
      "keyboard": "Keyboard",
      "audio": "Audio",
      "addcall": "Add Call",
      "FaceTime": "FaceTime",
      "contacts": "Contacts",
      "FaceTimevideo": "FaceTime Video"
    "Twitter": {
      "Following": "Following",
      "Follower": "Follower",
      "PremiumPlaceHolder": "Kiwitter Premium",
      "Trends": "Trends",
      "ProfilSettings": "Profil Settings",
      "SupportMailPlaceHolder": "Support: stphone.com",
      "SettingsAndSupport": "Settings & Support",
      "SubscriptionTypes": {
      "Blue": "Blue",
      "Business": "Business"
      "ApproveTooltip": {
      "Approved": "Approved",
      "Organization": "Organization"
      "PremiumPage": {
      "Title": "Kiwitter Premium",
      "Descp": "Take yourself one step ahead with Verified and Organization accounts. Apply for an Kiwitter Subscription to benefit from many features.",
      "Column1": "Custom Subscription Badge in Profile",
      "Column2": "Shorter post sharing waiting time.",
      "Column3": "More profile customization and detail editing.",
      "Column4": "More prominence of posts.",
      "Column5": "Increased security.",
      "Column6": "Faster support.",
      "Quota": "The application fee for Subscription Kiwitter will not be refunded if the application is rejected. By submitting an application you are deemed to have accepted this.",
      "ApplyNow": "Apply Now",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfo": "Kiwitter Subscription Application",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfoDetail": "To apply for Subscription Kiwitter, you will be asked for the following information.",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfoDetail2": "Fill out the form below to apply for Kiwitter Subscription. Your application will be reviewed as soon as possible.",
      "NameAndSurname": "Name & Surname",
      "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number",
      "MailAddress": "Mail Address",
      "SubscriptionType": "Subscription Type (Blue, Business)",
      "BusinessName": "Business Name (for Business Accounts)",
      "ContinueSubscription": "Continue",
      "PayNowInfo": "Due to be paid",
      "CurrencyPrint": "$",
      "ContinueToPay": "Continue to Pay"
      "Success": "Success!",
      "Error": "Error!",
      "Info": "Info",
      "SuccessfullyExit": "You have successfully logged out.",
      "LoginCredentialsError": "There was an error with User Information.",
      "CannotAccessProfile": "You are not authorized to access this profile.",
      "CannotGetProfile": "Failed to retrieve user information.",
      "CannotFindProfile": "No such user was found!",
      "AlreadyHaveSubscription": "You already have a subscription.",
      "YouHaveWaitBefore": "You have to wait to send a post.",
      "SubscriptionFields": {
      "NotEmptyName": "The First and Last Name field cannot be left blank.",
      "NotEmptyPhoneNumber": "The Phone Number field cannot be left blank.",
      "NotEmptyMailAddress": "The Mail Address field cannot be left blank.",
      "NotValidMailAddress": "Mail Address not valid.",
      "NotEmptySubscriptionDetail": "The Subscription Justification field cannot be left blank.",
      "SubscriptionSuccess": "Payment completed successfully.",
      "SubscriptionSuccessComplete": "Subscription successfully completed.",
      "SubscriptionSuccessError": "Failed to apply for a subscription."
      "PostSuccessfulyAdded": "Sharing was successful.",
      "PostNotAddedDueError": "Failed to share.",
      "NotFoundThePost": "Share not found.",
      "InvalidImageUrl": "Invalid image or video link.",
      "AddPostPage": {
      "Cancel": "Cancel",
      "Send": "Send",
      "Delete": "Delete",
      "PhotoORVideo": "Photo or Video",
      "AddThePost": "Add Post",
      "InputPlaceHolder": "What's happening?"

admin 发表于 2024-8-30 11:15:31


admin 发表于 2024-8-30 11:32:27

"BlockedUsers": {
    "Title": "被阻止的用户",
    "UnBlock": "解除阻止",
    "NoBlocked": "没有被阻止的用户",
    "UnBlockDescp": "您确定要解除对此用户的阻止吗?"
"AppleServices": {
    "Title": "STPhone ID",
    "Subscriptions": "订阅",
    "Devices": "设备"
"Subscriptions": {
    "Title": "订阅",
    "AppleSubscription": "STPhone 订阅",
    "AppleSubscriptionDescp": "STPhone Premium 提供对许多 STPhone 服务的访问和特权,包括 STPhone 游戏厅、自定义个性化和额外的 STCloud 存储。一次性费用。"
"AppStore": {
    "Title": "应用商店",
    "Today": "今天",
    "Games": "游戏",
    "Apps": "应用",
    "Arcade": "游戏厅",
    "Search": "搜索",
    "ErrorOcps": "发生错误。",
    "PageNames": {
      "MainPage": "今天",
      "GamesPage": "游戏",
      "AppsPage": "应用",
      "ArcadePage": "游戏厅",
      "SearchPage": "搜索"
    "Popular": "热门",
    "Remove": "删除",
    "Update": "更新",
    "Get": "下载",
    "GetPricedApp": "购买",
    "UpdateAvailable": "更新可用",
    "UpdateAvailableDescp": "请更新您的手机以下载该应用。",
    "UpdateAvailableDescpDownload": "请更新您的手机以下载该应用。",
    "UpdateAvailableDescpDownload2": "请更新您的手机以下载该应用。",
    "NotAvaibleFDownload": "该国家/地区不可用。",
    "Preview": "预览",
    "Info": "信息",
    "AppName": "应用名称",
    "SizeInfo": "大小",
    "Catagory": "分类",
    "Compatibility": "兼容性",
    "CompatibilityYes": "与该手机兼容。",
    "CompatibilityNo": "需要 stOS 或更高版本。",
    "AgeLimit": "年龄",
    "Copyright": "版权",
    "NoAvaible": "没有可用应用。",
    "AppStatics": {
      "Ratings": "评级",
      "Age": "年龄",
      "YearsOld": "岁",
      "Chart": "图表",
      "Size": "大小"
"Wallet": {
    "Title": "钱包",
    "ViewCardPage": {
      "Title": "卡片详情",
      "Previus": "返回",
      "DeleteCard": "删除卡片",
      "Balance": "余额",
      "SendOrRequest": "发送 & 请求",
      "LastTransactions": "最近交易"
    "CreateCardPage": {
      "Title": "创建卡片",
      "Previus": "返回",
      "Confrim": "确认",
      "CardType": "卡片类型",
      "CurrencyType": "货币类型"
    "CardName": "卡片名称",
    "Error": "错误!",
    "ErrorDescp": "出现了问题。",
    "ISHAmountError": "您已超过最大转账限额。",
    "EmptyCardNameErr": "必须输入卡片名称。",
    "MinCardNameErr": "卡片名称必须至少 3 个字符。",
    "MaxCardNameErr": "卡片名称不得超过 20 个字符。",
    "Success": "成功!",
    "CardCreated": "您的卡片已成功创建。",
    "CardDeleted": "您的卡片已成功删除。",
    "AreSure": "您确定吗?",
    "AreSureDescp": "这将与卡片上的余额一起删除!!!",
    "Yes": "是",
    "No": "否",
    "CardIdCopy": "卡 ID 已复制!",
    "CardIdCopyDesc": "ISH 编号已复制到剪贴板。",
    "EmptyTransactions": "未找到交易。",
    "CodeRedeemed": "代码已兑换!",
    "Transfared": "已转账!",
    "CannotCopy": "无法复制",
    "CannotCopyDesc": "您无法复制此卡的 ISH 编号。",
    "SendOrRequestPage": {
      "Title": "发送 & 请求",
      "SelectFromContacts": "从联系人中选择",
      "TransferMyCards": "转账我的卡片",
      "TransferISH": "转账 ISH",
      "AddBalanceCode": "添加余额代码",
      "RedeemCode": "兑换代码",
      "Code": "代码",
      "Amount": "金额",
      "SendMoney": "发送钱"
    "ErrorLimit": "错误!",
    "MaxCardLimit": "超出了最大卡片创建限制。"
"PayInterface": {
    "PayNow": "立即支付",
    "Return": "返回",
    "NeedToPay": "需要付款",
    "WaitToPay": "等待面部识别...",
    "Success": "成功!",
    "NoBalance": "您的余额不足。"
"Gallery": {
    "Title": "图库",
    "CatagoryTitles": {
      "Library": "库",
      "For You": "为您",
      "Albums": "相册",
      "Search": "搜索"
    "Photo": "照片",
    "Video": "视频",
    "MyAlbums": "我的相册",
    "NotAbleAtThisMoment": "此时无法使用。",
    "Edit": "编辑",
    "Details": "详情",
    "ShareActions": "分享",
    "FavoriteActions": "收藏",
    "InfoActions": "信息",
    "DeleteActions": "删除",
    "LocationError": "位置错误",
    "LocationErrorDescp": "无法获取位置信息。",
    "LocationSet": "位置设置",
    "LocationSetDescp": "位置信息已设置。",
    "Copied": "已复制!",
    "CopiedDescp": "URL 已复制到剪贴板。",
    "FavoritesAlbum": "最爱",
    "VideosAlbum": "视频",
    "Last Photos": "最近照片",
    "Return": "返回",
    "CopyUrl": "复制 URL",
    "SetAsBackground": "设为背景",
    "Info": {
      "Name": "名称",
      "Type": "类型",
      "Duration": "时长",
      "Date": "日期",
      "Time": "时间",
      "Size": "大小",
      "Location": "位置"
    "AreUSure": "您确定吗?",
    "AreUSureDescp": "您将无法恢复!",
    "Delete": "删除",
    "Deleted": "已删除!",
    "DeletedDescp": "您的文件已被删除。",
    "ChangeAlbumName": "更改相册名称",
    "DeleteAlbum": "删除相册",
    "PhotoActions": "照片操作",
    "AddAlbumeorNew": "添加到相册或创建新相册",
    "SelectAlbume": "选择相册",
    "SelectAlbumeDescp": "您想将照片添加到哪个相册,或新相册的名称是什么?",
    "SelectAlbumePlaceHolder": "例如:我的照片",
    "ExternalImageTitle": "添加外部图片",
    "ExternalImageDescp": "输入图片 URL 并将其添加到您的库。",
    "ExternalImageInputPlaceHolder": "图片 URL",
    "Added": "已添加!",
    "Error": "错误!",
    "Success": "成功!",
    "DontEmpty": "您不能留空。",
    "AddedInfo": "照片已添加到相册。",
    "NewAlbumCreatedInfo": "新相册已创建。照片已添加到相册。",
    "CantChangeThisAlbume": "您不能更改此相册。",
    "NewAlbumeName": "新相册名称",
    "NewAlbumeDescp": "输入相册的新名称。",
    "CantDeleteThisAlbume": "您不能删除此相册。",
    "DeleteAlbumeInfo": "删除相册将删除其中的照片。",
    "ShareSuccess": "图片和视频已分享。",
    "ShareError": "分享时发生错误。",
    "NotValidUrl": "您输入的 URL 无效!",
    "NotValidImage": "您输入的 URL 不是有效的图片。 (URL 必须以 jpeg、jpg、png、webp 结尾。)"
"Camera": {
    "QRCodeFoundTitle": "找到 QR 码!",
    "QRCodeFoundDescp": "URL 已复制到剪贴板。",
    "QRCodeNotFoundTitle": "未找到 QR 码!",
    "QRCodeNotFoundDescp": "请扫描有效的 QR 码。"
"Phone": {
    "LoadingData": "加载数据",
    "Contacts": "联系人",
    "MyCard": "我的卡片",
    "UserCard": "用户卡片",
    "NoContactF": "未找到联系人。",
    "Recent": "最近",
    "Keypad": "拨号盘",
    "Cancel": "取消",
    "Back": "返回",
    "Done": "完成",
    "NContact": "新联系人",
    "AddPhoto": "添加照片",
    "FirstN": "名字",
    "LastN": "姓",
    "NickN": "昵称",
    "Phone": "电话",
    "EContact": "编辑联系人",
    "EditPhoto": "编辑照片",
    "Edit": "编辑",
    "Message": "信息",
    "Mobile": "手机",
    "Video": "视频",
    "Mail": "邮件",
    "Notes": "备注",
    "SendMsg": "发送信息",
    "DeleteContact": "删除联系人",
    "BlockContact": "阻止联系人",
    "BlockedUser": "该用户已被阻止。",
    "ShaareContact": "分享联系人",
    "SelectPhoto": "选择照片",
    "AirDrop": "AirDrop",
    "Nearby": "附近",
    "LoadNearby": "加载附近",
    "NoNearby": "未找到附近设备。",
    "ContactAdded": "联系人已添加!",
    "ContactAddedDesc": "新联系人已添加到您的联系人中。",
    "ContactAddedDescF": "联系人未添加!",
    "Error": "错误!",
    "NoNumber": "您必须输入电话号码。"
"AppleService": {
    "Submit": "支持请求",
    "Return": "返回",
    "Titles": {
      "Info": "信息",
      "Warning": "警告",
      "Errors": "错误",
      "Patch": "补丁说明",
      "Update": "更新说明"
    "SendFeedback": "发送反馈",
    "SendFeedbackDescp": "请记住,为了提供优质服务所发送的数据被定义为个性化的。如有滥用服务,您可能会受到系统禁止。",
    "TextAreaPlacheHolder": "例如:钱包应用在手机开关机后无法工作。",
    "Send": "发送",
    "ErrorTitle": "错误!",
    "ErrorDescp": "请至少输入 10 个字符。",
    "BannedDescp": "您已被系统禁止。请联系管理员。",
    "FeedbackSendTitle": "成功!",
    "FeedbackSendDescp": "您的信息已发送。"
"Message": {
    "LocationText": "位置",
    "Title": "消息",
    "NewMsg": "新消息",
    "Cancel": "取消",
    "To": "收件人:",
    "TextMsg": "新消息..",
    "Photos": "照片",
    "Location": "位置",
    "Emoji": "表情符号",
    "Money": "钱",
    "More": "更多",
    "Typing": "正在输入...",
    "Inform": "信息",
    "DeleteChat": "已删除聊天",
    "UnnamedGroup": "未命名的群组",
    "STMMSGContent": "< 图片内容 >",
    "STMMSGLOC": "< 地点内容 >",
    "LocationSet": "位置设置。",
    "LocationNotSet": "位置未设置。错误!",
    "Leave": "&0& 已离开该群组。",
    "LeaveNotice": "一些人已离开群聊...",
    "ChangeGroupName": "&0& 已将群组名称更改为 &1&。",
    "ChangeGroupNameNotice": "群组名称已更改。",
    "DeletedMessage": "此信息已被删除。",
    "DeleteMessageInfo": "点击要删除的信息。",
    "VoiceMessageTimeError": "语音消息不能超过 1 分钟。",
    "SendMoneyLimit": "您一次最多可以发送 10,000 美元。",
    "SendAmount": "金额",
    "SendBtn": "发送钱",
    "Voice Message": "语音消息",
    "SendLiveLocation": "实时位置",
    "LocationLivePlaceHolder": "位置有效期。",
    "UntilShowMsg": "显示时间。",
    "UntilShowDescp": "应该 visible 多长时间? \n*以分钟为单位。",
    "UntilShowPlaceholder": "分钟,例如:\n'5'",
    "Error": "错误!",
    "NotEmpty": "不能留空。",
    "MustBeNumber": "值必须是有效数字!",
    "Send": "发送",
    "LocationLiveTime": "&0& : &1& 然后就结束。",
    "LocationLiveEnded": "时间到。",
    "Camera": "相机",
    "Notify": {
      "GroupMessageJoin": "您已被添加到群组!",
      "GroupMessageJoinDescp": "您已被添加到群组。",
      "NewMessage": "新消息到达。",
      "NewMessageDescp": "您的联系人有新消息。",
      "NewMessageGroup": "群组有新消息。"
    "Gif": "Gif",
    "SearchGif": "Gif 搜索.."
"CallScreen": {
    "NoNumber": "没有号码",
    "VideoCall": "视频通话",
    "Reminder": "提醒我",
    "Message": "信息",
    "Decline": "拒绝",
    "Accept": "接受",
    "Calling": "拨号中...",
    "muted": "已静音",
    "mute": "静音",
    "keyboard": "键盘",
    "audio": "音频",
    "addcall": "添加通话",
    "FaceTime": "FaceTime",
    "contacts": "联系人",
    "FaceTimevideo": "FaceTime 视频"
"Twitter": {
    "Following": "正在关注",
    "Follower": "粉丝",
    "PremiumPlaceHolder": "Kiwitter Premium",
    "Trends": "趋势",
    "ProfilSettings": "个人资料设置",
    "SupportMailPlaceHolder": "支持:stphone.com",
    "SettingsAndSupport": "设置 & 支持",
    "SubscriptionTypes": {
      "Blue": "蓝色",
      "Business": "商业"
    "ApproveTooltip": {
      "Approved": "已批准",
      "Organization": "组织"
    "PremiumPage": {
      "Title": "Kiwitter Premium",
      "Descp": "通过获得验证和组织账户,让自己更进一步。申请 Kiwitter 订阅以享受更多功能。",
      "Column1": "个人资料中的自定义订阅徽章",
      "Column2": "更短的帖子分享等待时间。",
      "Column3": "更多个人资料自定义和详细编辑。",
      "Column4": "帖子更显眼。",
      "Column5": "增强的安全性。",
      "Column6": "更快的支持。",
      "Quota": "如果申请被拒,Kiwitter 订阅的申请费用将不予退还。提交申请即视为您已经接受此条款。",
      "ApplyNow": "立即申请",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfo": "Kiwitter 订阅申请",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfoDetail": "申请 Kiwitter 订阅时,您将被要求提供以下信息。",
      "SubscriptionApplyInfoDetail2": "填写以下表格申请 Kiwitter 订阅。您的申请将尽快被审核。",
      "NameAndSurname": "姓名",
      "PhoneNumber": "电话号码",
      "MailAddress": "邮件地址",
      "SubscriptionType": "订阅类型(蓝色、商业)",
      "BusinessName": "商业名称(针对商业账户)",
      "ContinueSubscription": "继续",
      "PayNowInfo": "到期支付",
      "CurrencyPrint": "$",
      "ContinueToPay": "继续支付"
    "Success": "成功!",
    "Error": "错误!",
    "Info": "信息",
    "SuccessfullyExit": "您已成功退出。",
    "LoginCredentialsError": "用户信息出现错误。",
    "CannotAccessProfile": "您没有权限访问此个人资料。",
    "CannotGetProfile": "获取用户信息失败。",
    "CannotFindProfile": "未找到该用户!",
    "AlreadyHaveSubscription": "您已经有一个订阅。",
    "YouHaveWaitBefore": "您必须等待才能发送帖子。",
    "SubscriptionFields": {
      "NotEmptyName": "姓名和姓氏字段不能为空。",
      "NotEmptyPhoneNumber": "电话号码字段不能为空。",
      "NotEmptyMailAddress": "邮件地址字段不能为空。",
      "NotValidMailAddress": "邮件地址无效。",
      "NotEmptySubscriptionDetail": "订阅理由字段不能为空。",
      "SubscriptionSuccess": "支付成功完成。",
      "SubscriptionSuccessComplete": "订阅成功完成。",
      "SubscriptionSuccessError": "申请订阅失败。"
    "PostSuccessfulyAdded": "分享成功。",
    "PostNotAddedDueError": "分享失败。",
    "NotFoundThePost": "未找到分享。",
    "InvalidImageUrl": "无效的图片或视频链接。",
    "AddPostPage": {
      "Cancel": "取消",
      "Send": "发送",
      "Delete": "删除",
      "PhotoORVideo": "照片或视频",
      "AddThePost": "添加帖子",
      "InputPlaceHolder": "发生了什么?"

页: [1]
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