Toyota 发表于 2024-8-26 19:26:05


-- All whitelisted vehicles for gang garage
-- To whitelist a vehicle, write its model name, followed by its price
Config.GarageVehicles = {
    -- In case you have addon vehicles which display as NULL in the garage menu put them in format shown below
    -- [`bugattiv`] = { label = 'Bugatti Veyron', price = 0 },

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-26 19:28:16

-- 所有帮派车库的白名单车辆
-- 要将车辆列入白名单,请写下其模型名称,后面跟上价格
Config.GarageVehicles = {
    -- 如果您有在车库菜单中显示为 NULL 的附加车辆,请按照下面的格式放置它们
    --= { label = '布加迪威龙', price = 0 },
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